To celebrate the launch of Destiny 2 on the Epic Games Store, anyone that adds Destiny 2 to their library during launch week will automatically be granted the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack. If it is already in your library, it is because you have added Destiny 2 to your library.
Celebrate Bungie's 30th Anniversary with a new dungeon, the Gjallarhorn Exotic Rocket Launcher, Thorn armor set, and an arsenal of weapons, gear, and cosmetics inspired by Bungie’s past.
[PC, Epic] Free - Destiny 2: Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack (Was $36.95) @ Epic Games

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Worked first go
Same here
Bought no problem here.
bought ?
Working now
Anyone know how existing D2 players can link this to their steam account?
Won't be able to. Two driffent platforms. Epic and steam is a bit like psn and xbox game store
But we can assume cross platform play right?
Yeah that's possible. There are sometimes some issues setting that up on pc with some games.
You can link your epic account to your bungie account via cross save - so if you already have characters on steam, you can then play them on epic to get the 30th anniversary items like Gjallarhorn. You can then use those items back on steam.
is that a feature for this game? because I've never seen it with other games
Yeah, just a feature of the cross save for this game
Thanks. Was hoping that was the case.
Any Marathon characters?
There is a Marathon cosmetic armour set for each class which are: Marathon Hunter (Titan), Security Agent (Hunter), and S'pht (Warlock). These can be applied to any legendary armour in the game and can be used infinitely, just might take a bit of time to get each piece (not rng, just a grind).
Nice deal, been a minute since I played D2 but the free gjalarhorn is pretty cool
You gotta do a dungeon to unlock it (not a strike). Technically soloable but only if your a boss.
Hmm ok, guess it's time to join the guild again…
A great anniversary gift would be to give me back the planets, missions and expansions i paid for, but was then locked out of because I didn't have the cash to continue playing the new expansions.
Destiny in a nutshell: play it until you hate the developer
I played Destiny 1 and didnt want to buy the taken king
I played Destiny 2 and didn't want to buy The Witch Queen
Maybe in Destiny 3 they wont name an expansion after royalty and I'll actually buy itDestiny 1: we "Ta-King" your money
Destiny 2: "Which Questions" will we ignore to get more money
Destiny 3: Straight up: (profanity) you, pay us
Is this a campaign? Need Destiny 1 to play first?
No DLC for destiny 2 which is free.
I think I got the base game too, which includes the campaign?
No. There is no base game campaign anymore. They deleted it.
Destiny's story continues from D1, but you won't be too lost haha
The base campaign for destiny 2 and it's first expansion is no longer playable in-game. Instead they added some small story missions to catch you up to the current story. There's also a few strikes (like wow dungeons) and pvp which is free.
The current expansion is the witch queen which isn't free.
The 30th anniversary pack which is free on epic includes a mission for gjalarhorn. A dungeon (not a strike, it's like a mini 3 person raid) which you need to do for that gjallahorn. It's quite fun though. And these "trial" type 6 player strike things for xur.
sounds complicated lol just wanted a SP campaign game
Basically you play the single player campaign until you hit the soft limit power level. You can keep playing the campaign missions after that but the loot will only rarely be an upgrade.
@Intoxicoligist: I tried playing the campaign with mates. It's very hard to figure out what you can play and what is locked behind a paywall. Often you can do the first mission of a campaign and then you are told to buy the expansion to play more
@Moventura: Oh 1000%, its not the kind of thing you can jump in and play easily with friends. Once you hit the soft lightlevel cap and it pushes you towards expansion content it does get easier to do as a team.
The whole thing is a mess. Which is a same because there’s a very fun game hidden in there.
The campaigns are all paywalled. The thing you get for free isn't very long but it's a good way to test the game.
They're working on something that directs you more in where to go.
They said they won't sunset any more expac content so you can start with shadow keep without worry.
Free version missions, shadow keep, beyond light then witchqueen is the current campaign order.
Bungie can go suck it. Shitty company
then don't redeem the deal if you find them to be shitty
can anyone think of any downsides if you simply want to link your steam account to your Epic account to playthrough the dungeon etc to obtain the new items, then de-link your account afterwards?
That's not really the way it works. You need to link your Steam and Epic accounts to your cross-save enabled Bungie account. You'll also need to download the Epic store version to play the pack they are giving away. once you've had your fill and got the Gally, you can uninstall the Epic version and continue to play on Steam.
This is what I wanted to know. Thank you.
That's what I am doing currently, 119gb to download the game a 2nd time. Ah joy, haha
If I get the game on Epic store by logging in with my PSN account, can I access the 30th anniversary pack for free on PlayStation? Or is it seperate? I know it’s got cross play for D2 just wasn’t sure if it was cross save too…
You can only do the content on epic but you can use the gear you get on PS if you do grasp of avarice on PC to get Gally to use on PS
For anyone confused on how to play the free stuff, I recommend starting with the Beyond Light campaign, then doing the Grasp of Avarice dungeon to get Ghallarhorn exotic (fireteam recommended) and going on to Witch Queen campaign. That is content comparable to full price retail game.
Anyone willing to join my fireteam on an evening after work so I can do grasp of avarice to get the ghallahorn exotic? Pm me if you are feeling nice, thanks in advance :)
I have a headset so ready to get my fireteam game on! - Currently level 1510, steam player originated with all other DLC except the 30th anniversary from this EPIC giveaway.
I have no destiny friends currently :(
do you use discord? there is a server for LFG with thousands of players and you can find teams very quickly, including guides who don't mind showing new players the ropes.
alternatively Bungie has their own LFG site and app for the same, but using the discord is a lot easier and faster.
Can you share the discord server details please?
Anyone else getting errors trying to checkout with either this or destiny 2?