This was posted 2 years 6 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ghost Shrimp (Aquarium Cleaner) $2.00 Each + $12 Postage ($0 SYD C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


These Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp are a great addition to your clean-up crew.
The Neocaridina family being one of the hardiest dwarf shrimp out there, they can survive temperatures as low as 15C up to 30C but thrive and breed readily between 21 and 26 Degrees.

Ghost shrimp are scavengers. They eat algae, bacteria and other microorganisms around the tank, and will never attack other live animals. They have a minimum bio-load and are a great addition to almost any tank's ecosystem!
Don't forget to check out our plants for combined postage and keeping the shrimp happy in transit!

Keeping with fish:
The general rule for all aquatic life is "if it fits in their mouth they will eat it." Unless you have specifically passive or vegetarian fish, shrimp may be eaten by any fish which is large enough to swallow one hole. Adult shrimp grow to 2cm in length, with juveniles being at least 1cm. Conversely, any smaller fish will live with them very happily. They may eat the baby shrimp if they breed, but if you have enough plant cover, usually enough survive to keep the colony going.

If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask!

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Last paragraph was great, free education!

    • Haha, I hope so :)

    • +1

      If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask!

  • +1

    Ghost shrimp. You can't see them but they are there. The question is, do you receive an empty container for this price?

    • +22

      Well, the container is about 50% air, 45% water and 5% shrimp. Still better than chip packets.

      • +2

        You kind of answered my question. How does one post a shrimp?

    • If you get an empty container, who ya gonna call?

      • +7

        Nowadays you post a 1 star review on google.

        • That's what they should start doing for people ghosting too

  • Bought these in the past, aquarium is now haunted. Thanks Sydney Aquascapes.

    • +2

      You're welcome! Now we might interest you in our ghost-away spray?

  • +1

    What do these go like with garlic butter?

    • +8

      Like the most expensive meal you have ever had.

  • Any deals on barbecues?

    • No, but we do have barbecue shaped aquariums.

  • yeah, found out the last part the hard way (i kept this with sucker fish, thinking this will keep maintenance damn low. lol!) . in my experience, if you keep these with gold fish, they seem to leave these shrimps alone. Maybe goldfishes are a bit derpy.

  • How do you ship living things 🤔

    • +2

      In the post.

  • First time I heard can online ship life fish.

  • +1

    Personal experience is to post all live things (including plants) with express post unless you live nearby to the OP. My last order of plants on standard post arrived over a week later and most of the stems didn't survive. OP was kind enough to refund the dead plants per their DOA policy, even though it was not their fault 😆

  • I have a couple of large Featherfin Catfish. I assume they will eat these things?

    • +1

      They may yes.

  • what do they taste like?

    • +2

      Like I told Spaz, Like the most expensive meal you have ever had.

      • -2

        So DOA is a better option? Just Have to cook em

  • How long do they live?

    • +3

      About 2 years, we usually recommend getting about 6-10 to start a colony which with their babies can last forever.

  • Please recommend me good/cheap aquarium that is bigger than the kmart one.

  • Will gold fish eat these?

    • Absolutely but goldfish will eat anything that fits in their mouths

  • -4

    Ghost shrimp can’t breed in freshwater as their shrimplets require a brackish cycle. At $2 you are better off getting some NQ algae eating shrimp or even Red Nose Darwin shrimp. Both of those species do a great job at cleaning leftover food and detritus. Pair it with some Otinciolous Arnoldi and you got yourself a A squad for tank cleaning

    • +4

      This is absolutely not true, you may be mistaken by the species; these are Neocaridinas, they are freshwater shrimp. We breed them ourselves and absolutely do not use salt water.

      • +4

        Sorry I’m thinking about glass shrimps

        • No problem!

  • I see many on gumtree for like 10c each if you buy 30 of them…. come on… $2 seriously

    • But these are purebred!

    • +6

      If you can find a local breeder who would sell them and go pickup then you absolutely should do that. There may even be the occasional breeder who would ship them for you as well, but I haven't found one yet.

      If you want them delivered, and DOA guaranteed I doubt you will find a cheaper price; Note those prices are not sustainable; if you get a cupcake for free from your Mom, that doesn't mean paying $5 for one at a shop is a rip-off. But if your Mom bakes, of course you should get them from her.

  • Weren't they $1.50 last time on special from $2? Actually been waiting for that deal again, but not sure where the bargain is this time.

    • Yes, and unfortunately they are likely to go up rather down in the coming months. Demand is up and supply is down.

      • +1

        So what’s normal price now, as last time I checked your site normal was still $2.

        • What do you mean by "normal price?" If a clothes store always sells a piece of clothing for $10, does the regular price become $20 because they say its 50% off?

          OzBargain is for deals, and you won't find cheaper ghost shrimp in a store, and none that would post to you anywhere. "Discounts" are scams, it makes no difference to the buyer if its $10 or $20 and 50% off, except the second one feels like you are getting a deal and hence more people will want it.

          I could do a "normal price" of what would normally be what I would sell at a store (about 3-4$ likely) and just change the discount as prices change, but at the moment I feel that would be dishonest.

          If you want to know when is the best time to buy, if you want shrimp in the next two months I would recommend to buy now; I may have to increase the price to $2.50 soon. If you are fine waiting until summer they will likely go back down to $1.50 then. But this isn't guaranteed, it depends on supply.


  • +1

    Shrimp I can't see. No thanks I'll just get John cena to sit in my tank instead

  • Love a rep with some sass

    • Thanks! Though last I checked my ass wasn't S shaped.

  • Hi OP, just curious, how come most of your other livestock are usually sold out? Every time I want to buy some of your plants and ghost shrimp, I think about getting some cordys but they always seem to be sold out.

    • A lot of our live products are all dependant on breeders, seasons etc so are often only in stock for certain periods of time until sold out.

      We post on the mailing list and fb page when we have restocks of any of these though, if you are waiting for something specific.

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