This was posted 2 years 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[eBay Plus] 320pc Finish All-in-1 Max Powerball Dishwashing Tab $49 Del | 20kg Dumbbell Set 3-in-1 $29 (OOS) @ KG, oz-g-day eBay


Seller: KG Electronic

320pc Finish All-in-1 Max Powerball Regular Tablet Dishwashing Tabs - $49 (coupon: PLUSFINISH)

Slightly cheaper than this previous deal

Seller: oz-g-day

BLACK LORD 20kg Dumbbell Set 3in1 Adjustable Barbell Weight Home Gym Fitness - $29 (coupon: PLUSLORD) - Out of Stock

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closed Comments

  • +6

    320pc Finish All-in-1 Max Powerball Dishwashing Tabs $49

  • 9.06 c/tab… Nice

    • +3

      how did you work out 9.06c/tab? i though $49/320=15c/tab

      • I’m also getting 15c not sure how to get 9.06c :(

      • +4

        Comment was made before the edit from $29 to $49.

        • Thanks hamza23. Yes, this was on the $29 price. $49 will give you 15c/tab

  • +19

    Tablets, tablets, tablets… They're great, but… Below is my post from the other day. Hope it helps not only financially, but for a better dishwashing results:

    I noticed lately a lot of posts about dish washing tablets… This better than that etc. The way most of dishwashers are designed, almost does not matter which tablets you'll use getting best results nearly impossible with a tablet due to not utilising detergent during the pre-rinse cycle because tablet is getting disposed into the washer only during the wash cycle. If you throw tablet directly into dishwasher - it will be used during the pre-rinse cycle, but not during the main wash…
    I'm not good at videos, but I tried to create one to save money and effort while getting better dish washing results, here it is if you are interested :

    • +3

      Use a tablet and like, a tablespoon of powder (in the pre-wash compartment or the door) which you can buy bulk from a supermarket. Cheap easy and efficient as heck

    • +1

      Despite this video, I've used cheap tablets in my dishwasher and the dishes come out perfectly clean. So whilst it might be technically correct I fail to see how it matters.

      • +4

        Yes, totally agree. The video isn't there to say that tablets don't work. It is there to say that it works only for the half of the whole cycle. Also, yes, you can get great dishwashing results with tablets. However, using tablets and powder or powder only can lead to a better result based on dishwashers design principle.

        • my point is how can you get better than 'perfectly clean'?

          • +3

            @Keplaffintech: Not sure, maybe because not everyone can reproduce your experience… Every bit helps. Saying I'm OK may not help those who is in need for help… Just my 5c worth.

            • +1

              @Kapitoshka: Your video was very helpful and much appreciated. Until I saw it, I had not noticed the area in the dosing box for prewash and will now make use of it.

              Keep up the good work :)

    • Agree. Dishwasher maintenance, and cleaning is mega underrated too.

    • +4

      Technology Connections made a video last year on exactly this, and it's a surprisingly interesting watch:

      But if tablets are working great for you, by all means l keep using them. I get slightly better results using a powder and am able to use less overall so no strong fragrance. I'm sure I save a few cents a wash but not really a reason I do it.

      • He also made a follow up video

        I've got a Bosch without a pre-wash compartment, so I've started adding Woolworths home brand powder at the base of the door for the prewash. Still using Costco/Kirkland tablets as I've got them left over, but might just stick with powder permanently once those run out.

    • +3

      Technology connections covered dishwashers as well (I subbed to the above as well funnily enough)…

      For my bosch series 6 - I put a tablet in the drawer every time and put a little dishwashing powder on the door after watching TC's two videos on the subject.

      Works brilliantly all the time and better than without doing it.Very rarely is anything still stuck to plate after a cycle.

      • +1


        5:54: The jets are pointed in all sorts of different directions, a definitely deliberate design decision, distributing a deluge of detritus decongestant directly at dirty dishes.

    • Thanks for the video! Although mine come out of the dishwasher with no issues i would like to try the pre-rinse, just wondering if you have tried using a bit of everyday dish-washing liquid in there? Do you think there would there be any pros/cons with that?

      • +1

        So long as it's dishwasher liquid it will be fine. If you mean dishwashing liquid you use in the sink, it won't work (you'll have bubbles coming out the door :-)

        • Ah yes i meant dishwashing liquid, thanks for the heads up

      • +1

        We watched a Youtube video where someone suggested pouring a few lines of dishwashing liquid on the door before closing it up. We've been doing that since we bought our dishwasher and it's worked great for us! We just use the same stuff that we used to hand wash our dishes with and no problems.

        • +1

          Might have to give that a try cheers!

  • +2

    Showing $49

  • +1

    Plus… hehehehehe pass

    • Pass only works on xbox.

  • +2
  • +2

    Postage $25 to wa

    • Not sure if free postage is glitching… Showed $25 for me too but then when I went back again via the same link in op its free (to NSW)…

  • That dumbbell set looks good, but ebay plus subscription expired last month, but don't want to sign up for full price and they are only offering a $20 coupon this time :(

    • Just noticed that they seem to have a monthly subscription option now, does that still come with the full benefits?

      • I think they have always had a monthly option, but most people would sign up for a year considering it's way cheaper

  • Dumbbells oos

    Edit: back in stock

    • Yep was showing "101 sold" and out of stock. Refreshed and now "47 sold in the last hour" and more than 10 available. OzBgd…

  • +1

    I was gonna get these and then I realised the ones I get from Woolies are cheaper. Shine ones, 100 for $12.50. They work fine.

    • +1

      They are amazing and simple to use

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