Done to assist with cost pressures apparently. Will take place from 24 August until 29 November only.
Not sure if any bargains in there so decided to put it in the forums.…
Done to assist with cost pressures apparently. Will take place from 24 August until 29 November only.
Not sure if any bargains in there so decided to put it in the forums.
Or the price hikes on these items prior to these "Dropped prices"
I wonder if this is related to this thread where all Smiths and associated companies products were price jacked earlier in the month…
Smiths Twisties Party Bag Cheese…
Was = $3
03/08 Jacked to = $4.80
17/08 Dropped to = $3.50
when it was $3 I'd go yeah why not, thats reasonable. Go a chicken AND a cheese pack.
Then at $4.80 its like…jeez i'll see what else is on special
i said in that thread it'd drop and they'll claim its a price saving again
See this all the time, with those signs saying "was $x.xx, now $y.yy".
The old price is something they did for one or two weeks, probably never sold any at that stupid figure, and now can claim it's so much cheaper - bulls…dust.
yeh it's completely bogus. I even tweeted at ACCC that it was misleading and deceptive conduct ages ago but lols that won't go far.
have too many real issues to do a proper complaint but it's BS
yea exactly the kinda stuff man,
who knows they might increase milk by $20 and then drop by $19.99 to claim they dropped milk prices by $19.99 now ?
Drop prices to pre 2022 otherwise gtfo with this ad
This is just another marketing campaign disguised as social responsibility and optics.
Hundreds of items - 1c off if you're lucky! I recall previous campaigns of this style. Was $16.99, huge price drop, now $16.98.
Nice to see Darrell Lea settling on a more reasonable everyday price. I don't know how these chocolate executives sleep at night. ducks
The Mainland crackers and cheese price cut will also probably add them back to my lunch menu.
I see that navel oranges are still 96c each despite a bumper crop this year.
Much like petrol prices, consumers will wear a short term hike but eventually start to change their behaviour if it's persistent. People will suffer the insane price hikes we saw earlier this year for a short period of time but long term it will just give Aldi a huge opportunity to start taking over more of the market with their home brand stuff, so back down it comes to more tolerable levels.
There is an orange shortage in the USA because of "Greening"
Everyone needs to pay more.
ok more products that will never be on specials anymore
Price drops are controversial. They can just reset the price for a week and then drop the price above the previous price.
Nothing controversial about it. It is just a blatant deception. That is why we need a price tracker. But there is no price tracker for Woolworths anymore..
Honey! The Capitalists are virtue signaling again!
Yet they’ll still make bumper profits each year. Total scam and they know it. Need more competition.
It’s a lowlife scam from them. Coles the same
Example. A 1 litre milk we usually buy has been $2.50 reduced from $3 for the last 3 years. Has now gone up to $2.80, still reduced from $3. So they are creaming 😎 an extra 12% on this item - but haven’t increased the ‘price’ at all.
All over the stores. What it allows them to do is to lift prices as they wish while still discounting from the mythical price.
FWIW so many doing it. Wholesalers stick a stupid RRP on an item and retailers discount. Always on ‘Special’ and never any actual price reduction.
Just regard it as a test for Bargainers 101 and look for actual discounts….
Yeah the 2 big chains are about to announce their yearly profits and decide to ‘give us a fair go at the checkout’ . More like this is to soften the impact ever so slightly that they are making more and more every year…. Kinda like the banks
Supermarkets rely on stupid people thus the aisles are full of yellow stickers showing prices the same as the ticketed price under them but it looks like a special. People also are lazy and like pre-made snacks etc. Eg buy Woolworths crackers, a block of cheese, cut it up done crackers and cheese. But no they will buy fancy coloured cracker and cheese packs for double. Bulk packs aren't always cheaper than singles dependant on specials. Every retailer plays the game after all they aren't in it to break even. And then there is theft that accounts for millions every year.
I have often seen people just grab an item from the shelf. They do not even look around. Ok if they do not want to try a new brand but they do not even see a different size or one on sale that works out cheaper.
They were definitely taking the piss last week, saw good ole beef noodles at Woolies, having already gone from $1 to $2, bumped another 25% to $2.50. Looks like they are back to $2 now though.
I've noticed Coles put price tickets that look like the discount tickets (yellow with a red circle) but with no discount percentage in them, so at first glance you assume it's discounted when it's actually the normal price.
Woolworths has vanished off Price Hipster in the last couple of days, I guess they weren't happy about people being able to see their price-jacking !….
Another example of Woolies BS price drops… In the current catalogue they have KB Frozen Prawn Gyoza Price Dropped to $17 was $22..70
Since they've blocked Price Hipster I cant check the old price there but the Coles price has never been higher than $17, so it's probably likely that has always been the normal Woolies price also:…
You all need to stop complaining so much. They're a business, their job is to make money and to keep shareholders happy. If you don't like one company, move to another.
There's not that many tricks unless you're dumb and don't pay attention. The ones I'm aware of are clearances when the reduction is around 10%.
I spend five to ten minutes at least once per week strolling along the aisles looking at what's marked down, what's on sale, what's on clearance etc. I picked up 25 dairy free chocolate bars for about 80% off. I know that Oreos have a rotating sale, one period they're 30% off, then another they're about 50% off. I wait for the 50% period and stock up.I get Moccona and Nescafe coffee sticks when they're half price and make sure there's about 10-20 in our stock.
It's easy, buy cheap and upscale until you find the middle ground. Most home brand products are great, and some aren't. You can cook a great meal for less than $1 per serve which is literally what I did tonight.
yeah but they don't mention the price hikes on other items :/