• long running

[Android] Grindr XTRA/Unlimited - Monthly TRY₺109.99 (~A$9), Yearly TRY₺569.99 (~A$47), VPN To Turkey Required @ Grindr


Well I expect this deal to be the greatest upvoted of the century but only time will tell! Ill let all the comments speak for themselves. But….if you have nothing better to do tonight. :D

Keep the trash talk out of here - after people cant honestly keep it out of here for a deal - I feel I need to show an edit at the lack of moderation going on here and possible discrepancies at other deals and this. Providing an explanation or understanding (at a minimum) as to why moderators are letting personal opinions of sex, religion etc into a deal is extremely poor on my observation. I have also sent a PM to the mods who have not responded.

Comments like:
BiG BoY on 20/08/2022 - 15:08 "Disgusting"
jonathonsunshine "all men are beasts that crave young flesh"
grasstown on 20/08/2022 - 13:43 " The lifestyle is not glamorous… It is just misery", "What does the lifestyle do for their self worth?"

This is extremely inappropriate and discriminatory and being left up on the boards attempts to justify people being ostracised for their sexual orientation.
Do better mods.

Similar to the other deals with a VPN required.

EDIT: A request for a description of the app: "The worlds largest social networking App for gay, bi, trans and queer people."
EDIT 2: I have put the main page as grindr.com this leads to a yellow face page and hopefully the flag which should then not be censored. Mods can review that.

Grindr 1month 3 months 12 months
Normal Price AUD$29.99 AUD$56.99 AUD$139.99
Discounted Price TRY₺109.99 / AUD$9 TRY₺234.99 / AUD$19 TRY₺569.99 / AUD$46

Step 1: Change your Google payment profile to Turkey. If needed, use a fake address simulator like this one (bestrandoms.com)

Step 2: VPN (fly) to Turkey and log into the Grindr app (I used the free Windscribe Chrome extension, or use a different VPN) if the currency is shown in Turkish Lira, you've hit the jackpot

Step 3: Subscribe to the plan of your choice. Use a credit/debit card (preferably with no international fees)

Step 4: Fly back home

Related Stores



                                              • +1

                                                @GS9891: I thought the point was clear - my mistake if I don’t communicate it clearly to you.

                                                You have NFI. And the people that get paid to look into this stuff? That work for CDC. WHO. The people that publish papers, guidance. They don’t know: and they at least have the grace to say that.

                                                • +1


                                                  I thought the point was clear

                                                  Hard to tell as you've been jumping across so many, from "There's nothing about gays specifically that makes them more susceptible" to "It's early days we just don't know if it's gays" to "Even if it's gays it's only 0.0017%, also here's a bunch of math I whipped up out of a lack of reading comprehension".

                                                  So yeah, you'll need to specify if you're flipping or flopping this time as it's just difficult to keep track.

                                                  They don’t know: they at least have the grace to say that.

                                                  Funny, as of three days ago again, many do seem to be getting an idea:

                                                  an expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself — both anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission.

                                                  So, once more, feel free to stick your head in the sand if you value being politically correct more than actually fighting a horrible disease. Because guess what, reality simply doesn't care about what truths you may find inconvenient.

                                                  • @GS9891: Yes I’m changing arguments based on your comprehension as we go.

                                                    Let’s go back to the Chinese. You said

                                                    Believe whatever you want, but numbers don't lie. You don't get a disease consistently remaining in one particular group (to the tune of 95%+ again) without that group having a particular trait promoting transmission which is largely not found outside of that group. No amount of cognitive dissonance will change the math.

                                                    I started to point out numbers do lie in the wrong hands, and need interpretation. That you could conclude that Chinese had high case loads for a variety of reasons. From sexual practises, skin colour, or language.

                                                    In the end, it tuned out that it was like that because they were exposed to the virus.

                                                    A growing cadre of scientists is just like that unnamed source we always hear from.

                                                    • +1


                                                      I’m changing arguments based on your comprehension as we go.

                                                      And yet, you're literally just circling back to what we've already gone over, so I'll just copy-paste my previous reply to that argument too for efficiency:

                                                      It's been about 4 months since it's been in the news, and it's a pretty damn noticeable disease (unlike a respiratory illness that can look just like the flu). If it was surging among other communities, we would know about it by now yes. Again, the math doesn't lie no matter how uncomfortable it may make you.

                                                      Or in other words: We wouldn't -still- be at 95% of infections confined to the gay community at this point without a semi-exclusive gay factor (the chute factor the cadre mentions in other words).

                                                      A growing cadre of scientists is like that unnamed source we always hear from.

                                                      They literally list some names/universities/etc doing the studies in the article. If you really want I'll just copy-paste the whole thing here if that's the only way you'll read it.

                                                      • @GS9891: Sorry to chime in. But is your entire motive here to stop the gays accessing a bargain of their own?

                                                        • +1

                                                          @Techie4066: The medical costs post-pox are probably going to be more than $9/mo, so taking advantage of this bargain while the epidemic looks set to explode here as it has in the U.S., will probably result in negative financial gain I would say. As such, not a bargain.

                                                          • +2

                                                            @GS9891: Then throw the deal a negative vote and leave it there. My apologies for interrupting your wonderful debate.

                                                            • @Techie4066: Ozbargain encourages (actually forces) you to comment and explain a negative vote, so I'll do the explaining (but I find negative voting deals to generally be rude anyway~).

                                                      • +1

                                                        @GS9891: First linked study

                                                        suggests close contact is probably the dominant transmission route in the current outbreak.

                                                        Second linked study

                                                        Although the current outbreak is disproportionately affecting gay or bisexual men and other men who have sex with men, monkeypox is no more a “gay disease” than it is an “African disease.” It can affect anyone

                                                        Can I be bothered going to the third?
                                                        Do you not check the sources of mainstream media?

                                                        • +1


                                                          suggests close contact

                                                          Pssst, they don't mean a quick gentle hug while clothed by that.

                                                          It can affect anyone

                                                          Yes, any man can have chute-sex with another man. However it's far more likely for men of one persuasion to do that. Here, I'll read the article to you sentence by sentence if you want:

                                                          On Aug. 14, Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease physician at the University of Southern California, and Dr. Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, a resident physician in global health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, published an essay on Medium in which they reviewed the science supporting the argument that during the current outbreak, monkeypox is largely transmitting through anal and oral intercourse between men. “It looks very clear to us that this is an infection that is transmitting sexually the vast majority of the time,” Allan-Blitz said.

                                                          Can I be bothered going to the third?

                                                          At this point I can only assume your third point is that you want this disease to spread among this poor community as you seem so intent on convincing them that they are not at any particular risk when all signs point to the opposite.

                                                          • +1

                                                            @GS9891: Strangely, the studies make no mention of vaginal intercourse between men.

                                                            Of course it’s anal and oral! What other options have they have! That quote is just stating the obvious, to debunk the perceived increased risk of airborne disease lmao.

                                                            It is well known that the internal cavities are more sensitive to transmission.

                                                            I quote the first study to help you understand why saying ‘it’s pretty much only up the chute’ is flawed

                                                            Anorectal and genital epithelium routes exhibit the highest probability of sexually transmitted infection acquisition because they have a lower degree of keratinisation and a higher frequency of antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells

                                                            Your earlier comment about closing the border with China: Do you not think gay men have done that to women, hence the skewed numbers? Numbers tell a story, and that story needs to be written first, and then understood, before quoting it.

                                                            • @2025:

                                                              Of course it’s anal and oral! What other options have they have!

                                                              Except there's still some cross-over between men who engage in that stuff and women, which is how you'd expect the disease to reach the general population. And yet in all new western outbreaks the general population numbers still don't go above 5% of total cases or so even after months. It's catching on like wildfire in the U.S. but still only really among homosexual men.

                                                              The poop-chute is (perhaps patently obviously) a far dirtier place and far more efficient disease vector than the vagoogoo. Even the cadres of experts again, who are generally pressured to remain as politically correct as possible, are admitting it openly now.

                                                              Numbers tell a story and it's a pretty damn obvious one here that can even be summarised in rhyme: "Two cocks? Beware the pox."

                                                              • @GS9891:

                                                                which is how you'd expect the disease to reach the general population.

                                                                I don’t actually have any training or expert knowledge in disease transmission - I am keeping an open mind.

                                                                Rare cancer seen in 41 homosexuals - NY Times

                                                                Since early victims were predominantly gay men

                                                                This early outbreak I’ve linked fits your messaging perfectly. But it didn’t work out that way did it.

                                                                Decades later, women account for 52% of the HIV cases worldwide.

                                                                The technical lead for Monkeypox said this:

                                                                “Completely reading the situation as uniquely due to anal or oral sex is highly likely to be overreach,” she said. “The correlation may appear to be strong, but that does not explain the whole picture of disease caused by this virus. So we need to keep an open mind.”

                                                                I welcome more research, and refrain from implying any group of people as an increased risk, because I know, like I said before, the people that live this stuff don’t even know. And you, an oldskool keyboard warrior, will not convince me otherwise.

                                                                My very first reply was to point out the irony in your comment. That you’ve jumped on the new hotness - and read more from the articles than what they’re actually saying.

                                                                • -1

                                                                  @2025: Yes, diseases can jump between groups, as I've been saying that 5% is exactly that. However by this point we'd expect to see the general population numbers growing, but they're not.

                                                                  as uniquely due to anal or oral sex is highly likely to be overreach

                                                                  Again, yes, not uniquely but still the vast majority.

                                                                  I welcome more research, and refrain from implying any group of people as an increased risk, because I know, like I said before, the people that live this stuff don’t even know. And you, an oldskool keyboard warrior, will not convince me otherwise.

                                                                  The research is there, plenty of other articles around if you do a simple google also. I won't convince you and it's obvious no matter how much evidence you are presented with, the experts won't convince you either, so continue living in a state of cognitive dissonance if that's how you like to roll.

                                                                  • +1

                                                                    @GS9891: Mate you are taking the researchers comments in the articles and turning them into something they are not. I went and looked at the source papers of the articles, which you couldn’t even do. I provided quotes to you about how wrong you are. Take your head out of the sand.

                                                                    Why would you expect it to jump? Is that just a hunch? Some bloke at the pokies told you it must be? Where is the evidence? Look at the early life of HIV…. Like I tried to show you.

                                                                    Also a simple google doesn’t cut it, when you wanna start sprouting lies and deceit.

                                                                    Try scholar.google.com - that stuff may back you up. I doubt it though. The papers you tried to provide to back up your bullshit did nothing of the sort as I’ve previously demonstrated.

                                                              • +1

                                                                @GS9891: GS9891, I think you have to be a bit more sensitive with what you say…

                                                                Imagine that it's a male family member you value, like your dad for instance.

                                                                If your dad came out and told you he had monkey pox because he had been engaged in recent sexual relationships with other dads.

                                                                You shouldn't feel stigmatised and get checked yourself.

                                                                • @Heaps for Cheaps: I'm the one trying to warn them here and stop the spread. Ignoring reality will only result in more victims sadly.

                                                              • +4

                                                                @GS9891: Mate, for the love of god can you please just call it anal, anus, rectum and vagina. If using the correct terms feels too rude then you probably aren't ready to discuss the things you're discussing. If it's instead that you want to call gay people disgusting just do that. You don't need to fancy it up or hide under a veneer of faux concern.

                                                                I am very confused why you'd think internal 'cleanliness' would have anything to do with a condition that is contracted via contact. If anything I'd wonder if it wasn't the opposite to your hypothesis, lots of guys douche thoroughly prior to planned anal sex and I'd wonder if this clearing out and drying up process isn't creating a much nicer contact area.

                                                                Your interpretation of this illness and the science is why major agencies are loathe to call it a 'gay illness'.

                                                                Look at how it's spread:

                                                                • Bodily fluids are out, so IV drug use won't cause a spread.

                                                                • It's identifiable relatively soon after infection and you recover so a super spreader might have a week or two of being high risk rather than months/years with something like HIV.

                                                                Even unprotected sex may be somewhat 'low' risk. It seems to be about prolonged or repeated contact. So a 'straight' man who has oral sex with a guy and leaves instantly or has quick anal sex and dips may be less susceptible than to most other STI's.

                                                                What it might require to cross to 'straight' people is a bisexual man who (literally) sleeps with someone infected (or spends a prolonged period of contact/sexy times) and then before they show symptoms but are symptomatic (literally) sleeps with a woman (or multiple) (or long contact period) whilst infected and then before they show symptoms but are symptomatic she (literally) sleeps (prolonged contact) with another guy(s) etc. etc.

                                                                The issue is that if these conditions are met (and eventually they will be) it will then spread in the straight community.

                                                                My uneducated guess is that if it started in straight people A.) It would currently be a 'straight' illness. B.) The vaccine would be much more readily available.

                                                                • +1


                                                                  If using the correct terms feels too rude then you probably aren't ready to discuss the things you're discussing

                                                                  As long as the terms are unambiguous, I'll use what I like but thanks anyway.

                                                                  I am very confused why you'd think internal 'cleanliness' would have anything to do with a condition that is contracted via contact

                                                                  Because while heavy contact is a transmission vector, the poop-chute is a far better one often (thanks not only to the sheer filth in there, but also to tearing/blood mixing, and the injection of seminal fluids which MPX appears to prefer as a vector also, which then has easy access via chute tears/ruptures).

                                                                  The issue is that if these conditions are met (and eventually they will be) it will then spread in the straight community.

                                                                  4 months in the news (and who knows how much longer it's been spreading before that), still 95%+ in the gay community.

                                                                  It's not spreading to the general population in any volume precisely because the preferred transmission vectors of the virus aren't there in that population. When even PC outlets like NBC and the ABC are reluctantly warning gay groups and saying they're at risk, it's game over dawg.

                                                                  • +2


                                                                    Because while heavy contact is a transmission vector, the poop-chute is a far better one often (thanks not only to the sheer filth in there, but also to tearing/blood mixing, and the injection of seminal fluids which MPX appears to prefer as a vector also, which then has easy access via chute tears/ruptures).

                                                                    Firstly you might want to google 'transmission vector'. I don't think it means what you think it means.

                                                                    Secondly do you have a source for any of your claims?

                                                                    Monkeypox DNA has been found in semen, but more research is required to determine if it's a source of transmission (NSFW/Photos of lesions)

                                                                    I cannot for the life of me find anything about the 'sheer filth' in a rectum being related to the spread. Again women also have rectums, there is also a mucous membrane in the vagina. I'm not really sure why a tear or rupture would be an issue if it isn't blood related. Everything I've read simply states it's via the mucous membranes which again being dried out from douching would be at greater risk. The 'sheer filth' would actually provide a potential barrier.

                                                                    It's not spreading to the general population in any volume precisely because the preferred transmission vectors of the virus aren't there in that population.

                                                                    I need an anatomy refresher. What 'transmission vectior' isn't present when a man has oral (or anal) sex with a woman?

                                                                • @Quom: Well said.

                                                              • @GS9891: Yeah, it all does, um, seem pretty unsanitary.

  • +1


  • +7

    With prices this low, you'd be wasting money NOT to turn gay!

    • +2

      For anyone on the fence, now is the time to buy in, it will only go up from here

  • +4

    Now we just need a Vaseline deal.

    • no dear thats very 1980s

    • Are you 12 years old?

  • LOL 26 reports.

    Not sure why I am seeing this, maybe Ozbagain is trying to tell me something.

  • +20

    Imagine being homophobic in 2022 lmao

    • -5

      Imagine using current year as an argument in 2022, lol, lmao even.

      • +1

        What's wrong with using the current year as an argument? The western world has been trending towards liberal democracies for decades. Keep up or stay in the past.

        • +2

          It's completely devoid of any thought or real point is what's wrong with it.

          It's literally the current year so ergo, my current year point of view is the best

          There's a reason it's become a meme.

    • +1

      says jesus

    • Please don’t. I don’t want that in me.

  • +1

    NGL - I’m hoping to see Tightarse negotiate a deal, with one of the infamous coupon codes.

    • +4


  • -8


  • WFS I feel obliged to leave a comment here!

  • +2

    Will it help me find a wife?

  • can someone post deals of other stuff you can get through play store cheaper using Turkey,
    what about Tinder, hinge, games, giftcards, money, mobile plans, nbn….etc

  • I looked through all the comments but now one has asked: what does paying for the service do? It’s is free. Majority of dating services are free, there are free services for hookups still too. It’s a shame Craigslist shut down as that was active. Paying for the service or others doesn’t change the outcome if you cannot talk to people etc

    • Ultimately, paying for it it helps save you time in finding your ideal and compatible date.

    • I think it's ease of use/quality of life stuff: Can better refine your search options, can send messages similar to snapchat with a time limit, view profiles from further away, read receipts/delete messages etc.

    • Think of it as getting rid of the ads, like a premium version of most apps. Increase search and filter function etc. P.S Im not a subscriber so cant give you more than what it says in the deal :)

    • +1

      By default, NSFW deals will not be shown on

      OzBargain front page
      New deals page
      Category deals page

      Unless you’ve gone and ticked the NSFW box..

  • Will changing Google payment profile to Turkey affect say ones Argentinian YouTube Premium subscription?

    • +1

      Not from the Google One subscription that i did before, no it doesnt.

  • +2

    Not appropriate for weak straights afraid of losing their masculinity having amazing fun between buddys. LoL

  • Genuine question, do asexual individuals use grindr or other gay app, simply to eliminate the opposite sex out of the equation because they are tired of dealing with the opposite sex and prefer the simplicity of males??

    • +2

      I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but asexual individuals often still date, they may be attracted to people of the same sex, the opposite sex or both, like anyone else. Often dating sites have options for those who are just looking for friendship as well, so as with anyone else, they may use the sites for this purpose - is that what you were asking? It may be easier to use dating sites where it's easier to be upfront about what they are or are not looking for, though I guess the same is true for anyone.

  • +6

    The difference in tone between this comment section and the one for the deal that includes Tinder is very interesting.

    • +9

      I've reported quite a few comments now, some seem to be deleted and others are left. The fact that someone is calling this a disease and the comment is left up is absolutely appalling. Im not sure why someone's personal opinion and comments on sexuality is appropriate for a deal.

      • +2

        Same. Some disgraceful behaviour and also some obnoxious trolling. Both are pathetic.

  • Even the Turkish price seems a lot for an app. WTF do you actually get with the app? No I don't want to look myself.

    • Its on par with some other apps like Tindr, the Turkish price helps bring it down to something i would consider more reasonable. But I'm not a subscriber to any, so it doesn't bother me.. Just thought there was premise for a deal!

  • -5

    XTRA Monkeypox

  • +1

    thanks for posting this it's nice to see discounts like this added well done.
    i wish i could understand how to get the offer

    • You need a VPN to get started and a Google account to pay with.

  • Thankfully we've moved on from the shameful bigotry of the 70's. I present this as a mere example. Gil Scott Heron was a very bad man :)


  • The evangelical Libs want their gheys on the down-low, like before. They don't want to be outed and they're losing their "naughty boys". That's, where the vitriol actually stems from.

  • +4

    OK, got the deal on the weekend and got to meet up with tonnes of OzBargainers.

  • Anyone know if Scruff is cheaper in Turkey too?

  • Anyone helping me with this? Got no android phones

  • I used the recommended VPN (Android app) to create a new payment profile but grindr will not work on it and I can't find another free VPN which does. Any advice?

  • +5

    People projecting their general homophobia over this deal is pretty sad.
    Gay people do not equate to promiscuity and disease.
    Anyway, I actually met my partner of 6 years on here and we're going strong in a committed, monogamous relationship!

    • Just to be clear, "here" you mean Ozbargain or Grindr?

      • They bonded over Eneloops deals

        • Pretty easy to find a match 😂

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