Hello, everyone
I want to sell my car, and i have already got rwc in victoria, and the new buyer require me to change the new tyres, so may i change new tyres after i have already got RWC, or do i need to do rwc again after i change the new tyres?. thanks
May I Change The Tyre after I Got RWC for Sale Car?
RWC is enough for sale
i just ask, i dont know
the new buyer require me to change the new tyres, so may i change new tyres after i have already got RWC.
Why not tell the new driver the tyres are fine as per RWC and if they want new tyres they can buy and fit themselves. If you already negotiated new tyres with the sale then just take the price of the tyres off the sale price and give them the car.
Alternatively, no, putting on new ones would never void the RWC if they are tyres designed for the vehicle.
thank for your reply, my new buyer just want to change the tyre as runflat one, and want me to change before settle down, so i just ask if my rwc could be voided if i updated the tyres,thanks
It will not void the RWC.
the new buyer require me to change the new tyres
Were you expecting and negotiated this? Have you altered the sale price to suit new tyres? It's a seller's market and I just want to be sure you aren't being scammed my friend.
Run flat tyres are expensive. Are you selling a Mini?
nope, the cost of new tyres have already been add into total price
Great news.
That makes sense, Cheers
If you are replacing the tyres on the car with brand new tyres, then no, this will not affect the RWC.
If you are taking the new tyres off the vehicle and fitting shitty bald worn out tyres to try and make a few bucks back on the car selling the new tyres, that could have implications of the tyres you are putting on the vehicle are not road worthy.
brand new tyre,not worn tyres
Then in that case, you are fixing the car to be at a better standard than the RWC, it's fine.
Tricks of the trade eh?
If it was my car and it had a RWC completed, then that’s the condition you buy it. You want new tyres you sort it yourself after the car is yours. .
FWIW the RWC is a moment in time. The vehicle was recorded as roadworthy at the time/date of the inspection. There’s nothing stopping you from changing anything after that time to make it unroadworthy (or an improvement) with agreement (or not) from a buyer. Driving that vehicle on the roads after you’ve made it unroadworthy is a different matter.
Get at least some payment for the car before you go spending money on tyres that no one else may want if the buyer backs out of the deal.
Flop buyer should be the one doing the running around buying tyres etc after they’ve dropped coin and driven off.
As long as the replacement tyres are fit and proper for this vehicle, and in a Roadworthy condition, it has no bearing on your RWC.
Easiest solution, negotiate half n half price drop and let new buyer play with the tyres.
Is it just me, or is that a trick question?
btw welcome…