Courtesy to Afterpay. This is probably one of the cheapest prices for a Dyson V10 to date. Granted this isn’t the absolute+, however it is still $100 cheaper by losing out on the soft roller head.
[Afterpay] Dyson Cyclone V10 Animal Cordless Bagless Vacuum $594.15 Delivered @ Dyson eBay

Last edited 18/08/2022 - 22:25 by 1 other user
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Sharing is caring. Cheers 🍻
Crazy cheap. Thanks OP
Much difference between the V10 Absolute+?
No fluffy head with this one
But neither have the de-tangling motorbar head or hair screw tool?
Not certain but I think the named ones “animal/absolute etc” all have the old motorhead.
@WhyAmICommenting: My absolute+ came with the new “anti-tangle” brush head. I can’t believe how well it works.
It does, just look at head. It has particular shape and when you get it. It has comb in the head.
@Darkman88: Gatto may have been lucky. The only entry which shows detangle head is the non name Dyson v10 and it is $300 more expensive than absolute+
It's shit I own one
I have one too and it's loved by the whole family. Bought a second one for upstairs. What's so bad about it? Great value for 350 ish.
Pay extra buy this, I have Xiaomi one not good.
I was considering that, maybe in a year or two I'll give Dyson a try. From reviews and such that I've seen the Xiaomi does better than Dysons in some cases. What's so bad about the G10? I'm genuinely asking, haven't heard any major issues.
Its not bad. It's the battery. Dysons are easy and cheap to replace. You can't even find the xiaomi ones now as newer models have come out.
@Feeblely: G10 allows you to have two batteries on the go, can't do that with Dyson. Gearbrite sells the G10 battery but currently out of stock.
@Feeblely: So just because it's hard to find batteries, the entire product is bad. Not to mention you can buy 2 G10's for the price of a V10.
@Zylam Marex: I had a v7 and everyone on here was raving about how good the g10 was. And it was good, for about 6 months and after that there was a noticeable amount of suction being lost. Even brand new it wasn't as good as the dyson v7 but was close enough but definitely not worth this hype. I've tried a dyson v8 and it's a hell a lot of better. People were saying the g10 was on par with the v8 but I'm not sure what they're smoking.
So you have to be an afterpay member i am guessing?
Damn, I think i paid around 450 for V8. Days ago
If you buy from Dyson direct, they have 30 days money back guarantee if you not happy with the performance, return it for free so you can buy this. Call them first thing by in the morning.
Bought via The Good Guy,
I will skip this, V8 should last few years before I change V18,V20, right ?If mine is anything to go by it will last forever and you’ll be watching ozb in 2030 wishing your current Dyson will break so you can buy a new one guilt free
@billdsl: mine definitely hasn't broken, but battery lasts like 5mins. Maybe I'll try to find a replacement battery on Ali or something
@sakurakiks: I just went and checked, ours is a v6 animal, so im guessing thats super old
We have replaced a battery, just got it from dyson direct, their support is really good, we also had an issue where i pulled it apart to clean something it wouldnt go back together, we sent it in to them, they replaced half the body for next to nothing and sent it back only a year or so ago when it was definitely out of warranty
Ive used friends Dysons before and the newer one's are a huge upgrade from this old girl so we might look into this sale a bit closer i think and retire the v6 to the shed for cars
@sakurakiks: if it's a V10 or V11 just be aware that the springs in some of the after market batteries can lead to the trigger breaking on the vacuum and it's a pain to fix/replace
@sakurakiks: you mean Ali express? Never, just but from amazon as I find them easier to deal with than ebay. I think over $39 is free ship even you are not a Prime member
@billdsl: Feels. Have a Dyson V6 Absolute (Ozbargain cherry popped 2016!) and it's still going strong. Bought a cheap replacement battery from amazon, and now it goes twice as long….
Die dammit, Papa needs a new Dyson!
@monkeydoo0: Ive got the v10 absolute in the cart but sitting on the fence, dont really need it, but would be good to get the house done in one charge, the v6 dies about 2/3rds of the way and gets emptied every few days, plus im constantly pulling hair out of the head, would be a nice upgrade, but…….
I survive v6 all the way to 2022 after a couple of batteries change. V8 Would be fine as long as you maintain it
@WhyAmICommenting: Ahh bugger it I caved
I was looking at the dyson website and had it in the cart for $799, completely missed the voucher via ebay from the OP, which brought the V10 absolute setup down to $679, thats good enough for me to go with the upgrade
Fingers crossed its a winner!
You can only pay for this with Afterpay - which seems to be charging 4 x 174.75 = 699. So no discount then?
you can pay with discounted giftcards. just leave $1 or more for afterpay
Any deals on gift cards around ATM?
Not sure, Shopback has 3% off. Buy a $500 card and get $15 back.
It says 4 x 148.54 after applied the discount code, am i doing something wrong?
Been after a stick vac for a while, is this really worth that much or should I get the Xiaomi G10 or something?
Get the Xiaomi G10
Get Dyson, you wont regret
There appears to be a cage fight brewing between Xiaomi G10 and Dyson V10 people.
I have 4 Dyson and 1 Xiaomi but not G10… Throw the Xia within a year cos the battery died in 6 months time and eBay cannot force the seller to replace anything. Do not believe and warranty seller claims over 30 days as eBay only can help you get money back if it is within 100 days.. you will then need to spend hours and hours trying to go through PayPal and other organisation which isn't worth the time. I bought 2 v11(1 outsize) to replace the 2 old v6… At least any issue within 2 years, I can get replacement parts and good service. Happy to pay there extra $ for Dyson anyday
It feels as thought people want to hate on Xiaomi. If you don't have a G10, how can you know if its bad or not? They are also half the price of Dysons.
@Zylam Marex: I mean is the brand and sellers, mostly the sellers on ebay (unless wellknown), they do not provide the statutory warranty as ebay cannot force them and WILL NOT suspense the seller account (otherwise lose revenue). I don't have the exact model but I can see alot of people complaining within a year, battery die and the replacement are very expensive (related to the machine costs). I bought 1 also with a view of paying less than half the price of a v10 but end up wasting too much of my time to try to get a replacement battery at month 6-7 and not successful and if I have to buy one myself it is over $100+. End up pissed off and throw the machine during hard rubbish collection. Sometimes you don't have to own every single exact item to know whether the brand is good or not (at least the seller is bad in my case assuming I am unlucky to get a doggy battery). Buying Dyson, I did have to replace a battery for one of my V6 at under 3 years but can get 1 for $40 and my other v6 lasts about 5 years before needing to replace a battery. Other than battery, no issue whatsoever with Dyson.
My Dyson DC59 still going strong after 10 years. Sure it has had battery replacement and motor head replacement, but nothing customer service couldn’t help me with.
My Xiaomi Trouver (though not a G10) ends up in bin collection after 8 months, as do many other people who bought it. No customer support. No warranty. Not even a refund in most cases.
Dyson is more expensive for a very good reason.
I think I had the exact same model with battery gone bad at end of month 6 (the vacuum is white with OLED screen right?)
That's the one
Is this the old one without the new head?
Correct. Direct drive head is the old one
well….it is still a refurb though
Still working as good as new 2 years later. $380 well spent for a near new V10 absolute+
Key word refurb..
It was indistinguishable from a brand new one. Still going strong 2 years later. Not bad for $380
Shill..? This is blanket false.
Lol. I got an early xiaomi stick vac. Reviews raving about it were clearly paid.
Absolute garbage, will never buy xiaomi vacuums again.
Got the new V8 for for $300 but can still return it.
Should I get this for double the price, unsure if worth it.Curious where you picked it up for $300? I’m still sitting on the fence with v10 as it’s abit heavier than my current v6.
Using discounts and cashabck through chedder, it was a while ago possibly a few months
The improved way of emptying trash in models above V6 models is enough to upgrade imo :P
I got my v8 (2022) for $450 and was stoked 😅
the v8 is fine you don't need to spend the extra $$
If you find the power is sufficient, then keep the V8. But I do admit the V10, 11 12 15 bin design is way better to empty as the 6,7,8 always got stuck and have to undo the whole bin out to empty it properly
Haven't had that issue with my V8.
The code doesn't work on Ebay
You have to select afterpay for the code to apply
Still doesn't work. I think because the afterpay was only for 18th as the After Pay Day
I just bought it. Choose payment method as afterpay first then apply the code.
is this a good upgrade over the v7? home has carpet and 2 cats.
Thank you, I have had the V8 for 5 years now. Time to upgrade
Debating to get this. I have slate floors and carpet and looking for a new vacuum. The battery life on these is apparently not great? I was considering a cordless for upstairs and a robot for downstairs. I have no clue which are best.
All of you asking need to search OzBargain, there are many posts here from actual Dyson employees breaking down the differences.
For you (and many others); all you care about is how well it functions with hair/carpet. The newer models (2021+) all have the direct drive head, and that's the good one for carpet.
The battery will last ~20-30mins; mine will do most of the house in that time, worst case I whack it on the wall for an hour shrug, they're good machines and better than Xiaomi, mainly for the same reasons as everything else - cheaper to buy a knockoff from China, but support/warranty and parts are hit and miss.
(profanity) Dysons. We sell and use some of the V10s at our shop, both ones we use are broken after normal usage.
May or may not be your cup of tea. Buy a $100 ryobi wet and dry vac from Bunnings. Things have amazing suction power but also annoying af because you need to run extension cable
Just get the ozito 18v.
My ozito sucks… and not in a good way.
That's like suggesting a Great Wall ute when someone is asking about which electric scooter to buy.
So this would be no good for hard floors? Best with carpet?
On item description
Powerful suction across all surfaces
Direct, powerful suction on both carpets and hard floors.
Thank you so much! Just in time my old v6 got broken.
Got these at work. Piece of crap! Multiple passes to pick up pastry flakes from a sausage roll. Avoid.
Considering the henry has double the suction, the v10 will fair even worse
It's not just about suction power. The motorised head makes such a massive difference.
Dyson has so many models that it gets confusing. Does it last though?
Ordered. Let's hope they're quicker with deliveries than Samsung.
it surely will unless Auspost stuff up
So if not afterlay, then no deal?
Dreame T20 (less than $400 delivered with Afterpay) or this?
Early xiaomi vacs were garbage. I sure hope they improved.
Has anyone seen a good place to buy the fluffy roller to add to this?
just buy the v10 absolute model if dyson ebay still got, only $85 more and you get the fluffy head ($149) andfew other attachments
I can see there are people posting Dyson Soft Roller Heads on ebay for roughly $50. Would those be authentic? It would mitigate having to wait for a v10+ absolute and save around $100?
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Now this is what you call a bargain