I am trying to find a better deal on the EV charging cable. Type2-type2 3phase 22kw. Any discount coupon or promo code
Type 2 - Type 2 EV Charging Cable 22kw

Nickbag on 16/08/2022 - 12:11
Really wouldn't cheap out on something like this. Get something properly tested and standards compliant.
Tesla Owners Club of Australia members get discounts at Evolution, EVSE and JetCharge. (probably not cost effective on it's own, but if you're planning to join anyway or ordering other accessories…)
Ludicrous Feed has some discount codes (in the video descriptions).
That code is 10% on EVSE, looking for more discounts.
There's a 50% off code if you keep looking.
Is there actually?
Might want to go 7m guys….U don't wanna be caught short in woop woop with a short cable.
Try AliExpress.