• long running

[NSW, QLD, SA, VIC] Electricity Supply Referral Offer: $10 Bill Credit Per Month over 12 Months for Referrer & Referee @ OVO


What does my Friend need to do to access the offer?
All they need to do is follow your link, and sign up to one of our energy plans.

They'll need to live in a property in either New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria or Queensland, and will need to also be on a tariff we can support.

The new contract with OVO must be their first electricity market contract for their premises.

They then just need to continue to be an OVO customer for 12 months, to get the full credit. Simple.

When will we pay the Refer a Friend Credit?
Unless the contract ends early, we will credit $120 (inclusive of GST) applied in twelve monthly instalments of $10 as an offset against the charges on each monthly bill issued during the minimum contract period.

If the contract ends before the end of the minimum contract period, we will not pay and the referral customer and referred customer will forfeit any remaining credit balance of the $120 Refer a Friend Credit.

Referral Links

Referral: random (643)

Referrer & referee each receive $15 bill credit per month over 12 months after referee signs up to the EV Plan or EV Plan + 100%.

Referrer & referee each receive $10 bill credit per month over 12 months after referee signs up to any other plan.

Related Stores

OVO Energy
OVO Energy


  • if you have solar, check globird they have good feed in tarriff, also has referral system
    the usage rate maybe not the cheapest in market tho. depending your situation, DYOR

    • +1

      Also, GloBird referral credit (although only $50 each) gets applied to your next bill once you qualify, wheres OVO applies the referral credit over a 12-month period.

    • Good? It's 1c in SA

      • -2

        whups… sorry…
        please move to NSW

    • Yeah their great, jumped my rates from 26c to 63c. Awesome. Raised from 1c to 4c feed in. Enjoyed my $8 last month….

  • -1

    I'm guessing YMMV but my bills with Simply Energy (not affiliated, just a customer) come out at $1087.31 for the past 12 months using 4695kWh. The cheapest OVO quote comes in at $1416. So even with the $120 it's still 15% more expensive in the first year and then back to 23% each year after that.

    • +3

      yeah, loooking for energy provider is just like finding soul mate.
      your mate's hot looking gf may not be suitable for you.

  • Ive been happy with powershop where you both get $75 each if you refer a friend and applied to first bill, their gas rates are not too bad also for me.

  • +1

    Anyone else with Energy Australia?

    I've had two Feed in Tariff decrease so far, with the next one being next month for 5ish cents.

    Maybe it's because I've been running negative (they owe me) since it got installed?

    • EA never gives good rates compare with others. they are like the apple of mobile phone.

      yeah everyone decreasing FiT and increasing usage rate.
      and remember $10 lettuce ?

      • EA never gives good rates compare with others

        FIT isn't so good, but I was able to lock in rates of ~20c/kWh back in June. For 12mths in Qld.

  • +1

    Red energy is still cheaper than ovo and referral system is easy to use.

  • best one I have checked recently in NSW (ausgrid) appears to be powershop (time of use billing). currently with EA and just received email saying they will be cancelling current contract deal (19% off). ah well, if anyone has a good one they recommend looking into let me know :)

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