Just say "Mission Mexicali" when you place your order in any Mad Mex restaurant and receive a FREE Mexicali Mince Taco with any main meal item purchased. T&C's apply.
Only available at Mad Mex restaurants in NSW, VIC, WA, QLD. Limit of 1 redemption per person per day applies. Participant must say "Mission Mexicali" and purchase a main meal item in order to claim the offer. Only available 15/08/2022 - 21/08/2022 or while stocks last. Offer available to be redeemed in-restaurant only (excludes delivery and in-app orders). Not available in conjunction with any other offer.
[VIC, NSW, QLD, WA] Free Plant Based Taco with Any Main Meal Purchase @ Mad Mex

Last edited 15/08/2022 - 18:34 by 3 other users
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Im waiting for insect based food, im not satisfied enough, plant based isn't the solution. Grasshopper skewers, cockroach Burgers and fly popcorns, ummm, yummm.
Yes please! 😋
- Yes.
- Yes.
There’s no planet B.
There is one planet V
Humanly unreachable, if it even exists.
Two things at once?
How will iluvfreebies have spare neurones for walking and chewing gum and being offended?
We are different people.
@ilovefullprice: I guessed. You seem to be able to sidestep obvious false dichotomies. iluvfreebies, on the other hand, probably thinks "dichotomy" means "a bag under your shirt you sh*t in"
@ilovefullprice: They can. When they are saying 'you' they mean you, @ilovefullprice. When they are saying 'iluvfreebies' they are referring to @iluvfreebies. You seem to be having trouble following.
@ilovefullprice: @iluvfreebies commented
You (@ilovefullprice) responded to them (@iluvfreebies)
@GrueHunter responded to you (@ilovefullprice) and is referencing both your (@ilovefullprice) and @iluvfreebies' posts.
You can verify this easily by looking at this comment thread.@bargainpersona: Hah now it’s my turn, blind and didn’t see the first comment here was from iluvfreebies!
means "a bag under your shirt you sh*t in"
Hahaha, sorry mate I'm going to have to steal that one.
Look, I'm inclined to agree they'll be shit, but I'd rather when companies introduce new niche shit like all this plant based bollocks, that they do deals like this, rather than just straight jump into charging an arm and a leg for the hipster tosspots who pay it without question anyway. New products should be given intro deals and promotions, regardless of the item, it's good when someone is confident enough in their product to offer it at a introductory discount, no?
lmao, guess OzB disagrees, new products shouldn't have intro runs and markdowns to lure you in. Pay full price full time I guess.
Maybe OzB disagrees with not trying but just calling it shit bollocks out of principle.
Pizza Hut is giving away 1000 pizzas a day. Must be crap too.
They'll never catch on
But Pizza Hut is crap.
Student edge code seems to be missionmexicali1 to put on app. Still have to redeem it at counter although nothing said about purchase necessary via student edge. Also one a week on offer until 13/09.
Update: definitely free with student edge without purchase and mince actually tastes pretty good. The size and presentation of it tho I mightn't even bother redeeming next week's.
Urg. The cringe lords in OzBargain comment sections complaining about products they're clearly not even interested in.
Apparently they're being forced to eat it. I was wondering why these people get their knickers in such a twist over these types of deals, but I guess that explains it.
"reeee somebody dressed as the panda from the WWF made me eat baked beans reeeeee"
I mean, as a true ozbargainer you are kinda forced to eat it if it's free :D
Look at all these dumb sheep.
Bug burgers
Who PLANTED this deal here?
I saw this on my junk mail. Now I see it again on ozbargain V_V
you check your junk mail?
Looks like real mince meat in the picture. 🤢
Isn't that the point?
Struggling to give them away by the looks
Do vegan-haters lie in wait for these plant based deals to get posted so they finally have somewhere to release their weird negativity?
It's getting so boring and predicable OPs might as well copy paste the comments on the previous vegan deal to get it over and done with
So you're easily triggered by other people eating vegetables, so much so that you feel the need jump in and have multiple whines, but other people are triggered fairies?
same with the Apple haters on all the Apple deals
Based on the bulk neg votes for anyone that dares to criticise plant based "meat", it would seem there are more vegans than vegan haters trauling these sorts of posts.
I just came here hoping for the usual "real bargain is in the comments" (thank you to pennypincher98) and instead it was people talking about how plants make them angry :(
dares to criticise
Complaining about something you haven't even tried just for the sake of it, isn't criticising. It's trolling.
I haven't seen a single comment saying "I've tried it, but it's shit". Because that would be actual criticism and most likely wouldn't get as many down votes.
I haven't tried this, but their vegan chicken was actually really good when they did that a few years ago (not sure what else they've done over the years). I'm not big on the plant-based meat products, but may be worth a try. I think the flavours help, but the texture was pretty good too.
I find almost any mince-alternative works well in tacos so long as you use taco seasoning while cooking it and salsa on the taco. Impossible is obviously best but tacos are more forgiving for some of the less tasty cheaper alternatives.
Nutritional yeast also has a strong cheesy taste and is usually packed with Vitamin B12, so makes a decent alternative to cheese. Once you've packed everything else in, tacos are probably the easiest meal to go animal-free and low environmental impact for me without noticing a difference.
For laziness I tend to go taco shell, cheap plant mince cooked with olive oil and taco mix, salsa, nutritional yeast, grated carrot (it just works so well), and mixed lettuces. Other veggies would probably be good too but I CBF doing much more than frying up the mince and grating a carrot most days.
GYG> any other mexican food locally
GYG is pretttty good
Zambrero > GYG, but GYG > Mad Mex for sure
Zambrero > GYG > Mad Mex > Taco Bell > Koala Droppings > Taco Bill
GYG > Zambrero > Mad Mex > Salsas > Taco Bill > Dirt Inside Sewerage Pit > Taco Bell
@melbourne guy: Haha surprisingly I didn't mind taco bell when I tried it. It's cheap but fresher and nicer than taco bill imo
Where my nearest Koala Droppings franchise?
Most of us who don't eat meat didn't stop because we don't love the taste and recipes, we just don't want to hurt others for luxuries and contribute so heavily to climate change.
Why insist on such ridiculous rules anybody should follow? What does it accomplish? It's like saying that those who don't want to buy textiles linked to the northern Chinese mass interment camps shouldn't wear any clothes at all. It makes no sense, there's no logical continuation of thoughts.
Just plain wrong. There are so many studies which have all overwhelmingly pointed to the same thing, cutting out meat is one of the best possible things you can do to reduce your environmental impact: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2022/combating-climate-cris…
B12 is easy to get and fortified into a bunch of alternatives now. Why do the dregs of our species always suffer the delusion that they're insightful geniuses who are the only ones who know some basic fact, thinking they're blowing people's minds pointing out obvious things, and in such a race to get a high from telling non-meat eaters off?
Do you panic this hard about the illnesses associated with eating various red meats? Or are you really just flailing against anybody who breaks the script you were raised to follow because you still don't yet know how to handle new and different ideas and address them on their merits?
@[Deactivated]: 1.red meat is a carcinogen, but you likely don't believe the WHO.
2.B12 isn't naturally occurring in ruminants, historically they got it from natural sources but now they are supplemented with it.@[Deactivated]: 304 diet reviews between 1950-2013 and the consensus was plants > flesh.
The longest living civilisations on earth ate meat around once a month. I wouldn't conclude that it was the once a month consumption that was keeping them living.
Beans are obviously better than fake meat slop but fake meat slop at least has some fibre and is less likely to have more cholesterol, trans fat, saturated fat, bioaccumulated toxins, TMAO and carcinogenic risk.
Fake meat slop doesn't sit crammed up somewhere using up resources such as land, water, plant food and releasing carbon and methane in the atmosphere. They are also not subsidised by governments like real meat slop . I hope you equally slam the meat slop in a Mcdonald's burger
The fact is that bacteria produce B12. As such, it becomes a simple question of - are you going to get B12 from the bacteria in isolation, or are you going to exploit and kill billions of animals just to get B12 from the bacteria within their bodies? In addition, a B12 supplement is injected into livestock to keep their levels up due to top soil being too intensively used and lacking in certain nutrients. So the choice becomes even more absurd - either take a B12 supplement, or give an animal a B12 supplement then kill them. Why take the second option?
watch out, those queers get their HRT meds all in a twist.
• World is dying due to "Climate Crisis" at an all time high!
• Great Barrier Reef literally heals itself.Sir, this is a post about free plant based tacos.
Wow you sure showed all the world's scientists. Mind-blowing stuff.
Man we should put you in charge of the next cancer cure or rocket ship. Who needs to have put the bare minimum of effort into knowing what they're talking about, when we could have smug over-confidence based in shocking ignorance instead.
Hopefully we can cut the education budget and get more pioneers like you leading the way to success.
Yeah when members of our species are sabotaging the rest of us out of sheer obnoxiousness for decades on end, and you lose everything in weather disasters which exceed all previous records, you might start to build a justified hatred of their obnoxious, ignorant one liners they jerk themselves off with as they imagine that they're tearing down established science with their lazy zero research.
And then they jerk themselves off at how they frustrated others instead of being decent people. What failed human beings.
@CodeExplode: Such a sad case. Go outside, the world is literally beautiful and you freaks keep saying the world is burning/freezing (it changes weekly due to your hormones). Wake up.
@KLoNe: Yeah those of us who've been through life changing natural disasters and see that they are increasing and worsening and don't stick our heads in sand when all the world's top scientists scream warnings that humanity's actions are going to make them dramatically worse and want to use our heads to change it sure are the problem, wouldn't want to intrude on your fantasy and lies that everything is a-ok.
Some of you are so weak when it comes to the possibility of there being real problems or needing to change, and then in your weakness you call yourselves strong for living like cowards with your hands over your eyes.
I'm not a vegan or even vegetarian, but am just interested in how technology and innovation can improve the world.
I have made plant based tacos at home using IKEA plant based mince and TBH when all the spices are added you can't even tell the difference. Texturally it's not as firm, but taste wise it's pretty much identical.
I assume this will be the same or better than what I concocted. That said I've never actually had Mad Mex, so if their normal tacos are shit, then this'll be shit also. GYG is life.
How to fight climate change?
1. Make large corporations accountable for their pollution. No.
2. Feed everyone plant based taco. Yes