Sydney Train Union Action and Tapping on with Opal

I understand there is union action for the next few weeks in Sydney so that theoretically you don't need to tap on and off to ride the trains.…

Has anyone had any issues with this so far?

Has anyone been still tapping on and off anyway? Had there been any problems doing so?

Edit: added poll too.

Poll Options

  • 18
    I won't be tapping on while the union is leaving the gates open
  • 34
    I will still tap on as usual

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Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW


  • +2

    Well according to 7 news :

    The union has also banned issuing fines until September 6, meaning customers can access a station without tapping on and won’t be hit with a fine.

    • +16

      Careful, not every worker is a union member.

    • +1

      Not every worker is unionised, and police are still fining people. There was a number of operations over the weekend targeting fare evasion by police.

      • +5

        wow - they should make it clearer then, but i guess i expected too much from 7 news HAHA

      • +1

        At Town Hall Station this morning the gates were left open, but on the other side there were revenue protection officers stopping people.

        • Do you know if they were just checking or issuing fines as well. Because they banned issuing fines only which means they by law would probably have to still check tickets

    • Police are still at my local station checking Opal cards and also saw three Transport NSW workers today checking Opal cards at the Bus bay as well. First time I ever saw them…

      Eshays always hop on without tapping on.

  • If you are going to do this just make sure your stations don't have their gates operating. Otherwise you will be paying the max fee or jumping the gates.

  • Fairly certain I saw on reddit fines are still being issued if you're caught but I admit I didn't pay much attention as I don't catch trains.

  • +6

    More reason for people to WFH to avoid these problems.

  • -1

    I think it's just in case you get asked to show your opal by transit cops. If this does happen you can just get off at the next station, they can't detain you.

    • Risk of broken arm though when they try to detain you for not conforming. Neo lib society!

  • +1

    I tapped on this morning just in case the gates were not open. They were open.
    I won't tap on tomorrow.

  • Have been trying to find my Opal card. Problem solved.

  • +2

    So what happens if some staff at a station are union and some aren't?
    Will they go back and fourth between opening and closing the gates all day, or do they just have a handshake agreement about doing it one way on specific days?

    • Yes

  • Got to my work station this morning and noticed the gates were open. Will not be tapping on when I go home tonight so I'll see what happens. No gates at my home station so hopefully no opal staff on the train.

  • -5

    I absolutely hate unions.

    They do not get to ban anything they are not the workplace nor the government department.

    Disgusting behaviour.

    If their workers dislike the workplace or feel they are undervalued, they are all free to move on, but the Union won't want that as thats losing their base.

    • While not a fan, its a dog eat dog world and they complied with the law and ARE legally entitled to do this. Also, the government took them to court to stop them and lost. Sooooo… i guess, you’re wrong.

  • The gates at Central were open this morning but there WERE transit officers watching for people not tapping off. Didn't see them actually get anyone because it looked like everyone was tapping off as normal but they were there and watching. Don't want to risk a fine.

    • transit officers


    • +4

      You'd be silly not to tap off in this instance if you hadn't tapped on at your origin. $8 default fare vs $200 fine.

  • Probably more worth the risk if you are going to be using the airport stations.

    • I haven't seen any confirmation that the airport gates are open - given they're run by a private company whose staff are probably not part of the strike action I doubt they're open?

      • +4

        Yeah they're not open and private company.

  • Town Hall station this morning - watched 2 gates of 4 [both open] record ~8ppl tapping on - then each came up with the red X error message just after?! Interesting how many of those are going to register or not? My occasional tinfoil hat mind wonders if deliberate to compensate for the days when $ are not being charged. Mine did register

    • +1

      Don't forget you can lodge an enquiry through your Opal account online on each transaction.
      As long as you mention that you attempted to tap on and tap off, they can refund you the difference with a default fare.
      I've done this a few times, especially if I have forgotten to tap on or off, or it didn't register. I just say that I did attempt to tap on.
      Everyone seems to be tapping on and off at Town Hall station, but it's very busy and the gates seems slower.

  • this problem is just nuts. I was at central station on saturday afternoon the opal machine is offline. then just walked in. then another observation strathfield station with officer hanging around wednesday morning. don't think they are issue fine to people but just like there to scare people off. all gates open though.

    guess you can make up your mind whether tap on/off. might just tap on for long trip but save yourself penny if short distance i reckon

    • They don’t give a stuff about scaring people. They have to do all parts of their job like checking tickets because all they have banned is giving fines

  • Transit officers are scum, they are people with low IQ's who failed in school and cannot even hold an intelligent conversation, likely were bullies and/or bullied at school.

    Same goes for police officers, a wise man said not to join the armed forces as your too smart and you have to have a certain low IQ to be an officer, makes sense because they are the right type of people to brainwash into enforcing laws/policies that only protect and serve the rich elites, and control the poor.

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