• expired

[VIC] Metro Trains Low Performance Compensation - Claim 2 Free Daily Tickets (Eligibility Criteria Apply)


Metro missed delivery targets for July 2022


If Metro delivers less than 98% of its scheduled services in a calendar month 1x Daily Ticket
If Metro delivers less than 95% of its scheduled services in a calendar month 2x Daily Tickets
If less than 90% of Metro services are on-time in a calendar month 1x Daily Ticket
If less than 86% of Metro services are on-time in a calendar month 2x Daily Tickets

When do I need to claim by?
Up until the end of the month in which the results of the previous month are announced.

Can I claim compensation?
Compensation can be claimed by all holders of myki passes that are valid for 28 days or more

Is my claim valid?
Your myki must have been correctly used on train services for at least 10 days in July 2022

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Metro Trains
Metro Trains

closed Comments

  • +106

    This really should be automatically applied to Mykis, rather than forcing people to go through a Kafkaesque bureaucrats wet dream.

    • +19

      They're taking the myki?

    • +19

      Come to Sydney, where the train network is cut by 75% and we're still expected to pay full price. Or Sydney Metro where if there's trackwork you're expected to pay full price for buses that rarely come and take far longer.

      Agree it should be auto applied but hey at least the thought is there.

      • During my time in sydney back in 2017, Train replacement buses used to be just on time most of the time, there was no charge when you board a replacement bus, or simply say it was free. Metro service was much more reliable with little cancellations and no last minute f#%^* up with platform number.
        I've seen PTV metro faring much worse comparatively.
        Bus service too was much better in sydney. No missed runs, buses were on time. Here, buses miss their run and you end up getting half an hour late to your destination for no fault of yours. Excuse given by service representatives of that bus service: bus could be stuck in traffic. This happens around mid day in hoppers crossing on the route from station towards Wyndham Village shopping centre. It's surprising how you can see traffic on morris road around midday.

        Difference of service is evident with sydney metro rating at 3.4/5 while melbourne metro at a dismal 1.7/5, which still looks too much for melbourne metro. I'm by opinion it should be somewhere 0.5/5

        • +3

          Ok to be fair, I've only used Melbourne's transportation for about a week there but in my experience it worked alright. Don't understand the trams though, stations every 200m I swear and super slow.

          For regular Sydney trains network replacement buses there's no charge but Sydney Metro do.

          Buses in Sydney are shocking if it's a busy area. "A bus every 10 minutes" turns into no buses for half an hour and then 3 in 2 minutes. Quite a few being cancelled these days as I suspect they just don't have the amount of drivers. Thankfully, those on less frequent times (once every 30/60 minutes) don't have to suffer cancellations anywhere near as much.

          • +2


            Don't understand the trams though, stations every 200m I swear and super slow.

            Better than people in cars, or worse, being forced to own a car.

            • +3

              @Techie4066: Don't get me wrong, definitely better than those options but I found it was quicker getting a train and then walking or a bus? Even a bike would likely be quicker.

              I suppose the convenience factor of "train station is 10 mins walk but tram is just around the corner" wins.

      • How about during lockdown when there was no one on the train but it was still peak rate.

  • -1

    How could dan andrews do this!!&#$&%*@^#^ /s

  • +1

    Didn't it used it be 98% delivery?

    • +4

      under 98% delivery - 1 x free ticket.
      under 95% - 2 free tickets :)

      • Ah thank you, that's very interesting

        Wonder why it was so bad in July?

        • +1

          Driver shortage?

          • +25

            @RSmith: Can't they just adjust the height of their chair?

            • +2

              @AnonyL: It's not often reading something on the internet like this literally makes me chuckle out loud!

  • -6

    Just move to sydney.
    We have 2 weeks free train bus ferry starting yesterday

    • +2

      Technically untrue. But the rebel workers are doing us a favour by keeping the gates open and banning fines, so you know… Good time to travel ;)

  • +6

    How the (profanity) do they get to place limits on delivering compensation?

    • +14

      Welcome to the wonders of privatising public infrastructure!

      We have sold the ground from beneath your feet to one of our buddies, even though your taxes paid for it! Now a private company with barely any oversight or penalties for failure will reap a profit!

      • Yep and we'll vote for the same smucks to keep making future shit deals that will bite us in the ass because we love getting F'd

      • Yeah, because our government-owned train network in Sydney is working so well, have you seen the news in the last several months ;) It's a total sh.. show.

  • +4

    Note to be added into description :

    Compensation can be claimed by all holders of myki "passes" that are valid for 28 days or more

  • +22

    So nothing for us that use Myki money? What a crappy deal we have signed with Metro

    • +14

      When there's a working from home order who in the world is still buying full monthly tickets. They obviously don't want to get tickets to impacted people

      • +2


        a) There isn't
        b) The ""essential workers" list is bigger than they want you to think it is. Cheap labour runs the world, not Beyonce.

  • +1

    Tried to claim and it came up as invalid. Checked my trips and only trekked into the city 9 times last month.

  • +9

    How are they able to miss so many services with so few people catching them? Smh

  • The latest PTV app on iOS is not even working for logging in. On the account and password page the “Log in” button stays grey forever.

  • +11

    This is great but they know not much people have 28 day pass now as they WFH few days a week.They should be giving out anyone who traveled 10 or more not 28 day pass holders.thanks for the post , any who is eligible should claim this.

    • +1

      I doubt more than 200 people will qualify for compensation with those limitations

    • +5

      The thing is, they don't actually want to hand out compensation, they just want to seem like they do

  • +5

    The punctuation criterion is the real joke… Up to 4.59mins late and consideres on time

  • +1

    I rmb years ago the metro ptv in Vic/Melbourne was voted as the worst in Australia. I won't be surprised if it is still the same today. The whole Myki thing is a joke compared to the public transport in Sydney.

    • +3

      Myki contract with NTT Data will end in 2023
      and all the current wireless card reader are still using Telstra 3G network, which will be shut down in 2024

      Dan government said they are looking for operator that will use credit card as next gen transportation card
      and by then will allow iOS users to tab via apple wallet


  • +10

    Didn't meet eligibility but submitted form anyway.
    Got 1 free daily fare.

    "Please accept as compensation the equivalent of one daily myki fare, which has been applied to your myki pass. Crediting your myki takes up to 10 business days to process, with the funds then available when you next touch on."

    • +2

      Same. I submitted the form 10 times by accident.

      • Yeah. Blame it on brain shortage.

  • TY Metro for being shite

  • +2

    Wow imagine what would happen to the train network if people actually worked in the city!

  • -6

    Compensation is not a bargain.

    This belongs in the forums.

    • +1

      This is targeted

      • -3

        It's still not a bargain.

        • -1

          Maybe report it to mods

  • -7

    In all honesty, I actually really like it when our trains are dead late as long as they give compensation. I've been to many Asian countries and each had great affordable metro that just ran on time but it wasn't until I visited Japan that I had a change of mind. The types of people who value punctuality in that country have absolutely made people's lives a dogturd nightmare. I would never want to live in a country that punctuality is so well followed that you are not just a number but your life is of a numbered robot.

    As far as I'm concerned whomever initiated these punctuality values should be immediately shot for making Japan's suicide rate so high. When I came back to Australia, I was genuinely glad when my train ran 12 minutes late and neither the station staff or the driver gave a shit about it.

    • -1

      If you can't be punctual then how reliable or dependable are you? Actions speak volume and you will be judged by how you act. When you supply a public service to your people, you better get the shit right or gtfo, dont you think?

  • +3

    PTV and NBN, don’t know which is worse

  • +1

    Thanks Op. I'm probably one of the 5 people in Melbourne who still use a pass, so this is great news for me. Submitted.

  • Does it only apply to pass holders?

  • Wonder what happens if you replace your myki pass, do the days accumulate despite the myki number changing?

  • Thanks OP, really appreciate the use of 'criteria' as a plural in the post. No compansation required for grammar delivery.

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