This was posted 2 years 6 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Knipex Super Knips Electronic Cutter $39.88 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon UK via AU

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not the cheapest it's been but its good value once you make use of the 14% deal just buy some $1.77 lollies

About this item

Precision Pliers for ultra fine cutting work, E. G. In electronics and fine mechanics
Handles with multi-component grips
Cutting edge hardness Approx. 54 HRC

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Knipex 78 03 125"Super-Knips

    What is the usage for 125" (~3m) long Super-Knips? 😁

    • +4

      Never seen Black Hawk Down?

    • +2

      Didn't see the other quotation marks at the other end of "super knips"?

  • haha dunno, I just copypasta ;)

    • make sure it's not fastapasta

      • Suddenly I have an urge to try boil spaghetti in fanta.

        Maybe when theres some cheap on ozbargain.

  • +6

    I have zero use for this but i really want to buy it haha

    • +4

      DIY Bris

      • +1

        Mohel to waiting father, "Sorry, won't be long now".

        • The mohel was incompetent, so he got the sack.

    • Good for building gunpla

      • you would want the angle of the blade as smalled as possible to get a clean cut

    • +1

      I have one of these and intended to use it for electronics stuff. I tend to use it for cutting my and the kids nails mostly… these are really good for that. I hate those little fold out things.

  • +1

    Couldn't help myself..

  • +4

    Might come in handy for JV's surgeon for his upcoming procedure..

    • doesnt jv surgeon use icepick and hammer ?

  • +3

    This is good for snipping off 3d printed stuff from build plate and supports

  • Im in the market for a pair of needlenose pliers if anyone finds a dealllll

  • +3

    This is the only Knipex tool I've bought and not been 100% happy with. The cutting edges are obviously ground separately rather than together as they're slightly misaligned and if you check reviews this is a common complaint. Not if you're just snipping off wire or zip ties and don't need a perfect flush cut then they're fine and work well but if you do need a perfect flush cut these are just a tiny bit out.

    • +1

      If you want perfect flush cutters get the yellow handle Lindstrom. Use them at work and they are great

      • +1

        I've heard they're good but haven't tried them. Not cheap but I might give them a go for my next pair.

      • +3

        There's a thought out there that expensive cutters like Lindstroms last longer than cheap ones because you'll never misuse the expensive cutters. :)

    • +5

      The cutting edges are obviously ground separately rather than together as they're slightly misaligned

      The cutting edges are actually precisely aligned to be misaligned.

      If you have two sharp edges slamming into each other every time you make a cut, the sharp edges will dull themselves. So by making sure they don't slam into each other, they should stay sharp for longer.

      • +1

        Yet other high end brands manage just that with no issue. If properly designed the cutting edges only just make contact so they can't damage one another. Maybe it's deliberate on the part of Knipex but there's plenty of other ultra flush cutters that work better though many of them do cost a lot more.

        • +1

          Yet other high end brands manage just that with no issue.

          Different brands have different design philosophies.

          If properly designed the cutting edges only just make contact so they can't damage one another.

          It's just a different design. The design of this Knipex model is made out of flat bars pressed into shape. That allows for a much thinner head that can be manoevered into tight spaces.

          Some others, e.g. the Lindstrom 8150 uses a more traditional design where the base of the cutting edge acts as a stop, so the cutting edges won't slam into each other. That requires more material and machining (and is probably drop-forged) so will cost more. The side profile is much thicker too, so it may not be ideal for all situations.

          Knipex also make that style, e.g. the box-jointed 77 32 115. Note how that pair does not have the cutting edge misalignment feature.

          You just have to choose the right tool for your particular application.

          • -1


            You just have to choose the right tool for your particular application.

            Or in this case just buy a decent tool to start with. These don't do anything better than cheaper ones so why pay a premium. You can get Xuron cutters which are decent price for around half this price. Their "we deliberately misaligned the cutting edges" doesn't provide any benefit, just makes them a worse tool.

            • @apsilon:

              Their "we deliberately misaligned the cutting edges" doesn't provide any benefit, just makes them a worse tool.

              You're definitely entitled to your opinion; in this case I think the company that has been making tools since 1882 probably knows a thing or two about tools.

              • @eug: So do I and I have a LOT of Knipex tools and have been happy with all of them except this. This performed worse than the no name cheap ones I already had. Their larger side cutters, shears and mini bolt cutters all hit the nail on the head but this was a miss.

                • @apsilon: From your original post above, it doesn't look like you were aware of the offset design.

                  If I wanted a pair of cutters that would do 100% flush cuts, I wouldn't pick a pair of cutters with offset cutting edges.

                  Knipex clearly highlights that offset feature on their page for the cutters.

                  So I would say you picked the wrong tool for your application.

                  I use them for cutting wires and component leads and am glad the cutting edges don't slam into each other every time I use them.

                  The other drop-forged design doesn't require the offset but the head tends to be thicker which obscures the thing you're cutting. Each design has their advantages and disadvantages so you have to pick the one that suits your application better.

                  • @eug: I wasn't because who in their right mind deliberately makes misaligned cutting edges? Anyway we're just going around in circles so let's just agree to disagree. You like them, I think they're poorly designed/made.

                    • @apsilon:

                      Anyway we're just going around in circles so let's just agree to disagree. You like them, I think they're poorly designed/made.

                      Agreed. Have a good remainder of the weekend!

  • +7

    Also available for only about $4 more, is this same cutter but "with lead catcher - no uncontrolled loss of cut wire ends".

    This may be of interest to some of you frustrated with wire ends flying around after cutting the main wire on electrical components etc.…

    It's worth paying the small difference… watch this video (no need to understand the language) to see the difference in action. Impressive. No flying metal objects.

  • +1

    For a cheaper alternative - Klein Flush cutters $17.50

    I'm quite happy with mine, only use them for cutting plastic though, mostly zip ties. Does a good job of cutting flush.

  • thanks OP bought to cut vegetables at home

    • No damage to your fingers yet?

  • +1

    If you don't need a stainless steel cutter, the steel 78 61 125 has a harder 64 HRC cutting edge.

  • +4

    Combining d123's and eug's comments above, the carbon steel + lead catcher 78 71 125 for $45.70 could be the god tier version.

  • I was very happy with the cutter that came with my ender 3 v2. Unfortunately one of the tip have broken off, anyone have something similar and affordable?

    • The one with the white handles?
      This is quite similar. It's pretty sharp.

  • This as a hobby tool (40k etc) is game changing. More like $12 though… Use it for taking minis off sprue or quickly cutting pieces.

  • Really tempted to buy this but the $3 aliexpress snips have been very good to me

  • +2

    My second Knipex purchase this morning.

    Damn you OP!

    • +2

      The brainwashing consumerism power of OzB ;)

      • +1

        The hamster wheel of consumption

    • Same here!

  • Thanks OP!

    I had the Esd Super Knips in my 3 camels watch list for ages, waiting for a deal. This isn't exactly the same product but it fits the bill.

    I got this together with the Assembly Set which brought it down to $131.18 for both (the Buy 2, save 14% deal), which I thought was pretty decent!

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