TV was working fine… went away for a month. Came back, the TV won't turn on. It's only maximum 2 years old. So pissed, has anyone had any issues or know if it's fixable?
TV was working fine… went away for a month. Came back, the TV won't turn on. It's only maximum 2 years old. So pissed, has anyone had any issues or know if it's fixable?
If its an el-cheapo Eko TV what do you expect?
If its lasted 2 years you have done well.
Time to move on
PS Power circuit has failed.
Dont bother fixing it
Is it powering on (as in front led changes colour) but the display just doesn't fire up?
Is there a master power switch under the tv frame that was knocked while dusting etc.?
Nah there's no light on at all. Complete black screen.
Have you checked that the powerpoint socket works?
What is the model number?
Yeah, tried different wall outlets. Model is K55OUSGQ
Have you tried restarting?
Turn it off and on again, very important.
Check with neighbours and power company for power surges whilst you were away.
A relative had a power surge and it blew the main fuse on their TV. Power company confirmed the surge and wrote them a cheque for the value of the tv.
Nope, it was unplugged while I was away. I'm reading reviews a lot of people are having this issue. So dodgy
I have the same model, it'll be 2 years old in Nov, other than a couple of little bugs/annoyances it seems ok so far… (I've been thinking about disposing of my old tv I've been hanging onto as a spare, after reading this I think I'll keep it)
I defiantly would not get rid of it. Since mines died, I've been reading a lot of reviews having the same issue.
A friend work at bigw said she saw manyyyyy return of eko tv…
Please dont buy tv from a shop that sell $5 shoes
Eko is Dodo
Could try taking it back. Bring the whole tv back while it is busy and ask for a replacement.
I was thinking of getting an EKO 75" … so should I stay away from the brand ??
Is the Aldi one any better ??
- My usage is completely minimal.
- If the kids are good then maybe 1/2 - 1 hr a day.
- Lately the TV hasn't been turned on for 3 weeks (except movies on Sat night).
- Have a Samsung 55" that has lasted me over 12 years.
Thoughts ?
Look at the reviews I'm not the only one. I wouldn't risk it. I'd buy a better brand like LG or Samsung. They last like 10 years. 2 years of use is rubbish.
Not sure on the current Aldi but i know when i bought my 65in eko the 65in Bhaun at Aldi was the exact same tv.
Rebadged version of the same thing.
Just talk to big W and say its out f warranty but you expected it to last more than 2 years. We had an Eko fail about 19 months in and they refunded us last year. Big W are pretty good if you say Eko wont help you or you cant contact them
In the past 8 years of so I've taken a tv back to Target and BigW and had no problem getting a refund after 12 months.
I recently returned a 21month old Eko for a full refund, with no arguments. It turned off while watching a show then never turned back on again. Took it to the Big W service desk, staff tested to confirm, then processed the refund straight away.
Hi i had this issue with 65" Eko just over 2 years old.
Unplugging all cables HDMI/ethernet/antenna/USB etc and just leaving power seems to work to get it back on.
Then replug other cables. Still not ideal. If it happens again I'll have to contact bigw and hope they consider a refund.
Would they consider a refund if it's over 2 years old?
Wouldn't wanna lug this there for them to refuse.
Also given its intermittent, knowing my luck, it'll turn on while I'm at the store, and will also make the staff a cup of tea.
Mine still won't turn on at all. I went away for a month came back and it just wouldn't turn on. Look at all the reviews, since I looked there's been way more negative ones. These TVs clearly have a 2 year lifespan.
Did you get a replace/refund from bigw?
Did you end up going to bigw?
Mine just died now.
I didn't. I couldn't find my receipt.
@Kkkzo: My receipt was in my email inbox as I C&C. 2.5yrs old. I went today and got all my money back.
@Kkkzo: Did you use your rewards card with the purchase? Your purchase history may be saved and linked to your name. You could reach out to Woolies/Big W to do a check. Also, look through your credit card statements around that time for evidence.
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