• expired

50% off Lifetime Subscription US$30 (~A$42) @ EmuMovies


Lifetime subscription to the EMU Movies website to download videos and images and game manuals for many retro games and systems. Can be used with Launchbox to grab movies etc from EMU Movies while importing games into Launchbox (Launchbox is a front end for all emulators and retro games as well as modern systems like Steam and Epic games etc).

Code is: LBBB50EM

Apparently deal is for 1 week.

Checkout video link to find out more about EMU Movies, Launchbox and the deal.


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closed Comments

  • -1

    so this is legit yeah?

    • One would have to understand what it actually is before commenting on it's legality.

      The words are in English, but not arranged in a way that I can decipher.

      EmuMovies is a project that started in 2005 to create video previews of video games to replace static screenshots in Gaming Front Ends. Since then the project has grown to cover hundreds of Arcade, Console, Handheld and even Computer based game systems. In addition to the Video Snaps that started everything we also have a great community of content contributors adding artwork and extras for many systems. EmuMovies partners with most front end designers with artwork content and integration solutions.

      • -1

        What exactly don’t you understand? Describes exactly what it is. Maybe if you don’t understand, you’re not the target audience?

    • +5

      It's video footage of games; it's about as legit as Twitch or YouTube. It does not (AFAIK) include any games.

      If you have a home-made arcade cabinet, this will give you a short piece of video showing what each game looks like, so you know what you're getting before you click.

      It's expanded out from there, and now does console games as well.

      Here's an example using the Attract Mode frontend.

      • -4

        I’ll never understand why people want to watch other people playing video games tbh

        • +3

          People have various reasons:
          - they're unable to purchase the game and would like to experience it in some form
          - they're unable to experience the game even if they do purchase it (e.g. hands are differently abled, it's a horror game and they're scared to play alone, or they lack the motivation to play the game themselves)
          - people enjoy the commentary
          - people want to watch a certain amount of real play to determine if they want to buy it
          - similarly to professional sports, some people want to watch well-skilled players rather than playing themselves

          I hope that's somewhat helpful. I have a family member who struggles with the choosing, installing and then the loading times in games so watching let's plays is perfect for them, gives them a chance to experience the game without the above hassles.

          • -4

            @AnonyL: Thanks for trying but seriously.

            There’s more to life than games.
            If you:

            unable to purchase the game and would like to experience it in some form

            Then maybe another hobby can sufffice other than basically watching TV.

            they're unable to experience the game even if they do purchase it (e.g. hands are differently abled, it's a horror game and they're scared to play alone, or they lack the motivation to play the game themselves)

            So again.l they’re basically just choosing to watch TV.
            Plenty of other interesting well made things on TV to choose from.

            people enjoy the commentary

            If you want a reason you’ll find one logic.

            people want to watch a certain amount of real play to determine if they want to buy it

            I doubt this is a true reason tbh.
            More like looking for ways to get to a level in seats of doing it themselves, for example.

            similarly to professional sports, some people want to watch well-skilled players rather than playing themselves

            Did you just seriously try to create a link to professional sports here.
            Well, it was your last reason listed.
            That makes sense.

            I really don’t comprehend your explanation of your family member in this here.
            Why does watching someone else’s video of them playing help them if they have problems loading a game¿

            • +1

              @FredAstair: Just my two cents… Not trying to argue

            • @FredAstair:

              So again.l they’re basically just choosing to watch TV.
              Plenty of other interesting well made things on TV to choose from.

              Most TV is trash now.

              Did you just seriously try to create a link to professional sports here.

              Why is sitting on your ass watching people run around ok, but watching people do another activity not? Neither really contribute anything to society.

              It’s not the 90s anymore. People don’t have to pick from a handful of free shitty tv stations for their entertainment.

              • -3


                Most TV is trash now.

                not disagreeing with you.
                But watching basically tv of people playing games.
                Adding to the trash you’re talking about I guess.

                Why is sitting on your ass watching people run around ok, but watching people do another activity not? Neither really contribute anything to society.

                Didn’t say it was. Such assumptions. Maybe if more people watched less screen and did more of what they watched (such as sport) they’d have even more enjoyment.

                It’s not the 90s anymore. People don’t have to pick from a handful of free shitty tv stations for their entertainment.

                Again with assumptions here.
                It’s not the 90s.
                There’s so much more available to do that watch others.
                But I guess so many want to what others lives than live their own.

                Please think next time before you comment.
                It really helps.

                • +1

                  @FredAstair: It's unfortunate you're not well-intentioned in your comments, I hope you aren't like this in real life conversations.

                  • @AnonyL: It’s unfortunate that you’re assumptions of my options are not either well intentioned or correct

                    • @FredAstair: You regularly comment with mean-spirited and belittling things, e.g.
                      "Please think next time before you comment.
                      It really helps."

                      You aren't well-intentioned.

                      • @AnonyL: Please don’t generalise.
                        It makes you look a fool.
                        To state that I regularly commmeg with mean-spirit appears to be your opinion and only that.
                        An opinion.

                        It could also be assumed that you just have a bee in your bonnet over some tug over said in the past and now you are out to try and discredit me here.

                        Which if so, then that’s just petty and ‘mean-spirited’ of yourself.

                        • @FredAstair: "It makes you look a fool"

                          Meanwhile, elsewhere in this thread from you:
                          "It’s called communication."

                          "Well, it was your last reason listed.
                          That makes sense."

                • +2

                  @FredAstair: "Please think next time before you comment.
                  It really helps."

                  Are you trolling yourself?!?!

        • Ummm, thanks for your honesty…

          I'll never understand why people want to care about other people wanting to watch other people playing video games!

          • @mantrex19: It’s called communication.

            People here regularly comment on things.

            Not sure why you feel that this is any different tbh.

            • @FredAstair: Didn't say it was different, don't know why you thought that…I was communicating, its called communication. It goes both ways you know…otherwise you're just dictating.

      • Thanks for this great explanation. I learnt this is a thing!

  • +6

    http://skraper.net/ worked good enough my rom sets and is free.

    • What launcher/front end do you use for this? Looks very promising.

      • +1


  • seems overpriced for community uploaded content

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