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Tenda Beli SP9 Smart Home WiFi Plug SAA Certified with Energy Monitor $9.95 + Delivery @ Shopping Square


APP Management from Any Location
Save Bill with Energy Monitoring
Enhanced Voice Activation
compatible with both Alexa and Google Assistant,
Prevent Long-term Operating, Protect Devices

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closed Comments

  • +9

    These can't be integrated with home assistant!!

    • +3
    • not sure why you were negatively voted. But thanks for letting us know that it doesn't work for HA.

    • thanks - was about to check.

    • Why is that? Is it because the chip inside isn't ESP8266 based?

    • +1

      Any recommendations for home assistant? Just bought my first apartment and want to do some LED lighting and stuff. Be good to control it all from one place.

  • +3

    It does work with home assistant, I am using it. I am using via its IP address using it via configuration yaml

    • +1

      Can you share you configuration yaml? Can you get the power monitoring info in home assistant, or just turning it on/off?

      • switch:
        - platform: rest
        name: "TendaBeli Socket Main Toilet LED Strip"
        is_on_template: '{{ value_json.data.status == 1 }}'
        body_on: '{"status":1}'
        body_off: '{"status":0}'
        Content-Type: application/json

        • Thanks.

          Looks like it's just a switch. No power monitoring in home assistant with this.

      • then after this you can even use Apple homekit to control it :)

  • How's the monitoring side of it? Historical data or only live power usage

  • is this tuya based?

  • Can the unit be turned on and off on a schedule?

  • Yes, it can. Check the description beoow.

    Beli SP9 is a smart Wi-Fi plug with energy monitoring. It can turn electronics on or off from anywhere and monitor the real-time energy consumption of your devices via the Beli app. Schedule the Smart Plug to automatically switch on and off when away or set a scene for controlling many devices with a single button.The SP9 works directly with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant to manage your devices through Voice Control.

  • +1

    I have been running two of these for around 18 months and they work flawlessly with Google Nest.

    The only downfall would be the width, you cant use the 2nd power point if plugging into a double power point.

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