Morning all,
Fairwork says 2 weeks parental leave payment for Dads.
Can someone please confirm if this means 10 working days or 14 working days leave?
Thank you
Morning all,
Fairwork says 2 weeks parental leave payment for Dads.
Can someone please confirm if this means 10 working days or 14 working days leave?
Thank you
I thought that they were changing that to 20 weeks shared leave? Or has that not kicked in yet?
it's all just discussions for now
You're not meant to do this (but nothing prevents you from doing it), but you could take an additional two weeks unpaid leave from your work (if they allow it) and claim those two weeks via Centrelink (minimum wage) as 'Dad and Partner Leave'.
I thought most people did that…
Porker, I hate to say your name but.
I have 8 wives as permitted by my God. Am I allow that entitlement for each wife who gives birth?
guess what… you don't even need to be married to claim it! as long as it's your child. but if you have 8 wives and 8 kids, I dare say you can't afford to take time off work to claim this.
I'm pretty sure that is the whole point of Dad and Partner leave. You have to be on unpaid leave to claim it.
Make money using this ONE WEIRD TRICK (follow the steps of this government incentive scheme, specifically designed to do this)
This is a good strategy. However, if you earn as much as the average OzBargainer though the two weeks at minimum wage is a significant pay cut.
I believe if you earn over 150k you do not qualify, much the same as PPL - so essentially excludes everybody at Ozb.
everybody at Ozb.
I swear I’m the only one here on less than 60k ffs
I have only ever got 2 weeks unpaid from my work and then claimed the minimum wage from Centrelink. Are you saying I should be claiming something else?
If that's all that is available for you, then that's what you claim.
My work currently provides 2 weeks paid parental leave (for fathers), but I apply for an additional 2 weeks unpaid leave.
I must be misinformed about the 'permissions' aspect with my original post - I thought I read somewhere that you weren't mean to apply for the 'Dad and Partner Leave' if….. (something obscure related to already receiving partner leave from work). I must have been wrong based on the responses.
Your organisation might have more - mine had 90 days and I added another 90 AL/LSL. Take as much as you can manage, including unpaid leave. Note if you take extended leave, you might end up taking a very long career break after it.
Why should your employer pay you for having a baby?
Why should your employer coworkers pay you for having a baby?
because it wants to keep me working for them and it's cheaper then hiring and training someone new
and it's cheaper then hiring and training someone new
the new person will probably come with more experience and skills than you…
not for the low rate they pay me
I just came back from 4 months of leave after the arrival of my second child. It was a combination of annual leave, LSL as well as Dad and Partner Pay. I highly recommend doing it as you dont get that time back. Since having kids, I have realised its way more important to give your time to them rather than chasing the next rung on the ladder.
Correct. If you already don’t feel that way just play cats in the cradle on repeat.
Why the (profanity) would weeks mean 14 working days?
That was my initial thought too, but I thought I'd be nice today!
Fairwork says 2 weeks parental leave payment for Dads.
hmmm… aren't we were all supposed to be equal nowadays - why do they still distinguish between "mums" and "dads" for parental leave?
I believe it is actually called 'Dad and Partners Pay'.
Either parent also had the ability to be the person who takes the 12 months off as the primary caregiver too.
I meant, why are there differences in leave entitlements at all? 😋
100% agree and have been saying it for years. If they really want to deal with the wage gap, womens lower superannuation and women being in more entry level or part time roles, then men and women need to have equal entitlements to parental leave so that families can make the choices that work best for them financially. Sorry, I'm really passionate about this because it's so twisted!
@cookie2: Perhaps the equality should also be extended to the Birthing process. Both should be pushing something big out or being cut up. Both can share the experience of pain and recovery.
@Ughhh: You obviously disagree but do you not see the benefit to equality within the workplace for women?
You obviously disagree
A bit of jump to conclusion. Some things can not be made equal, but things can be implemented to balance it out a little. Unfortunately, some people feel hurt about it.
@cookie2: Technically there are equal entitlements at least in the NES.
Dad can be the primary carer and take the 18 weeks PPL and up to 12 months unpaid, mum could take off 'dad and partners' leave and return to work. There is also some capacity to shared the leave over two primary carers. Just because people don't do it doesn't mean it isn't doable.
Slowly organisations are reviewing their internal policies to match and align the entitlements they offer employees based on primary and non primary carers.
Well it probably has something to do with mums physically birthing the kid. Many women are still recovering from their serious injuries two weeks postpartum. Apparently it varies a lot how quickly or slowly they recover. Humans are poorly designed for childbirth, there's a reason quadruped mammals are way more common than bipeds.
With that said, 2 weeks doesn't seem sufficient for the Dad.
Well it probably has something to do with mums physically birthing the kid. Many women are still recovering from their serious injuries two weeks postpartum.
But I've heard that 'dads' can give birth too!
(I'm just taking the piss! I'm not the most politically correct person! haha)
How can a family properly decide who should be the main carer when they're financially penalized if it's not the woman. They can't.
That's on the way out, as part of a gender equality push, my own workplace for instance recently removed all distinctions between mums and dads, as well as primary and secondary caregivers. Now everyone is able to access the same amount of (employer) leave. Actually this works out well for everyone, many people prefer to have a parent home for the first 6-12 months which meant that mothers were taking extra unpaid leave, whereas now they can return to work sooner because dad is at home
Why dont they just make it 365 days off for everyone…. thats fair.
That's what most unions are targetting…
So you all are saying that I can get 2 weeks parental paid leave from my work which is my company policy and ask my employer to put me in 2 weeks unpaid leave and claim Dad and parental leave from centrelink for this 2 weeks ? That means I can actually get 4 weeks paid ? Am I understanding it correct?
Thank you
Yes, the two weeks from centrelink are at minimum wage though.
10 payable days…