This is a non-ploy - discounted bonsoy for all to enjoy. Tell your homeboy and spread the joy.
Bonsoy Soy Milk 1 Litre $3.80 ($3.42 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Have you all forgotten- About 500 people alleged they suffered health problems caused by dangerously high iodine levels contained in Bonsoy between 2004 and 2009…Stick with Vitasoy- the soy beans are grown in Australia
There has been a lot of frappacinos between now and 2009…
They wouldn't make that mistake again. This is Japan. Health and safety regulation becomes stricter over time.
That’s partially why I buy Vitasoy, you know for sure that we’re not cutting down rainforest to plant soybean.
But Bonsoy tastes awesome.
Fake news or selective editing. They changed the recipe after this problem.
tips foil hat
Prove it, man!
If it didn't taste like I was giving Gandalf a rimjob I'd use Vitasoy.
For now, Bonsoy and Happy soy boy.
An apt description.
this taste so good and made in Japan , Upvote!
Made in Japan. So what? Special recipe with radioactive nuclear particles?
Made in Japan. So what?
They consume a fair bit of soybean, so one would think that their quality of products containing soy would be quite high.
There alot of religiosity towards Bonsoy, and it has deserved its crown of ultimate soy milk for a long time.
I joke that Bonsoy enthusiasts don't even say hello when they come to my cafe, it's just 'do you use Bonsoy?' (we do fwiw)
There is a better product on the market, Alternative Dairy Co's soy is better. It also costs less.
We've started gently suggesting our customers try it and the results are nearly 100% in favor of the new product.
Bonsoy is still on our shelf for the die hards, but the new one will take over for sure.
Thanks. That’s interesting, will look it up.
It also costs less.
If you can provide me with a source for obtaining it at the same price as Bonsoy, I'll try it!
Its gonna depend where you live. I had a quick squizz and its comparable if you can find a local business shipping. Bear in mind its a carton of 12 instead of 6.
Costing less (only a small amount) is for my cafe from a supplier.
I'd be surprised if some of the bigger players don't start pumping it through more major channels
I don't mind purchasing in bulk, but unfortunately there aren't any local business like that where I live.
I'll wait until it's available via Amazon.
Have you tried their almond or oat milk? Currently using vitasoy oat milky for home espresso but order almond (milklab) when buying one.
We use the Oat and Almond, recently started using soy.
MilkLab has been superseded imo.
If I see happy happy soy boy on the shelf that's my invite to try a coffee. But that is also even more expensive than Bonsoy at retail…
Just looked - it's Alt Dairy Co is $3.40 a litre, plus postage making it more expensive than this Bonsoy deal from Amazon.
Wow this could be a game changer. Thanks for the recommendation!
Unfortunately doesn't seem easy (possible) to buy it for home use even if looking to be 6/12 packs at a time. Their website cites they only sell directly to cafes(?) Doesn't make it a real alternative for home baristas :(
What makes it better out of curiousity?
Very similar taste, perhaps more sweetness (slightly less overall sugar though)
We are texturing milk and using it in coffee. Bonsoy is rubbish for steamed milk, it splits in stronger coffee and is a nuisance.
AD textures beautifully, and pours latte art really well.
I don't mind Alt Dairy Co, our local switched over to it from Bonsoy. It does have a stronger soy flavour than bonsoy imo; but I want to like and support it because it's locally made and a cut above every other locally made soy in terms of creaminess (my opinion, YMMV).
But as others have said, it's also not as widely available for retail, so I'm still on bonsoy at home. If it was available at colesworth for <$3 i would happily switch.
Made by the Fukushima's wastewater?Japan release the wastewater to the ocean so everybody have to drink it.
Do you drink ocean water?
I can't swim, so yes. Sometimes. At Bondi.
Well thats far from Fukushima at least, but close to kids and dads weeing in the water. 😀
More likely to eat a Bondi Cigar than get radiation poisoning swimming in Bondi champ.
I EAT FISH!!!! Ok?
Sir I did not order the racism with my soy milk
Says here on the docket you did. Soz.
Comment section looking more and more like reddit these days..
but how do i get free del w min $39 spend when i can only buy 6 on S&S ? :(
Will soy milk give me man-boobs?
Look at all these beta soy boys
I feel like the $1 Soy Milk from Aldi tastes better than all other soy milk, but I prefer Sanatarium Oat Milk in my coffee. Oatly is also not bad but Sanatarium usually cheaper…
I make my coffees at home with Bonsoy and am struggling with curdling. Anyone else have this issue?
Initially, I thought it was an issue with the reaction to coffee. But I experimented by heating up the Bonsoy and then leaving it. It started to curdle within a minute or two.
Try steaming it to 58 degrees and not higher. You can use a thermometer or a temptag
Add a pinch of baking soda to the coffee before adding the milk.
Yes, bonsoy does this if overheated.
One method (this is blasphemy to some) if you're making lattes or cappuccinos could be to pour cold bonsoy directly into your espresso and then steam that.
Here to upvote for description/rap