Is there an equivalent of OzBargain for USA? I need at least 10 words.
An Equivalent of OzBargain for USA?

Thanks, this looks great!
Slick deals is good for deals but isn't a equivalent forum if you're looking for advice after crashing into. Telsa without insurance.
Concur, its the one I frequented when I lived there. It's the most similar feeling to OzB (mostly community based, and a decent UI - you can even switch it to list view if you want the familiar OzB feeling) but they do have sponsored posts which are harder to spot than the clearly labelled merchant/associate badges we have here.
you don't really need one, most things are much cheaper in the USA unless you're in a place like LA or NYC.
From my travel there things were really much cheaper, San Francisco was ridiculously expensive but to be fair I haven't been anywhere else bar those areas and Hawaii. I hated and hate the tipping BS.
all the big cities like San Francisco, LA, NYC etc. will be ridiculously expensive for most things, it's like that in every country.
i agree about the tipping, the workers are not blameless in that little problem either, if they stopped expecting customers to pay them and started expecting the people who actually employ them to do it, maybe they would get somewhere. as it is, it's a self perpetuating cycle.
Even so, why not get the best price? In my time there though, I found that deep discounts on items were more common than here. Whereas the big discounts in Aus tend to be "pricing errors" that may or may not be honoured.
So still definitely worth keeping an eye on.
because the normal prices in the USA are often as good as or better than our discounted prices, everything here is so ridiculously overpriced that when there is a discount, it still isn't even bringing the cost down to a reasonable level, just look at all these $130 polyester / cotton hoodies, shirts etc that get discounted to $70 or some dumb shit
i've looked online many times for all sorts of different items, i find something that is extremely well priced, only to find to my dismay that it is located in the US and it either;
doesn't ship here
does ship here, but with a huge shipping cost which kills the deal ($50 + usually)
does ship here, with a huge shipping cost and ebays massively inflated "import charges" (yeah right) under their global shipping program.
They only do coupon’ing 😉
doesn't exist as you are supposed to tip the savings back to the store
Cash app is probably one of the most popular ones.