Not the lowest it's been, but still half off. Enjoy :)
Belong $80 SIM Starter Pack 5,000 Points Delivered @ Telstra Plus

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2000 or less!!
Bought one in last deal , using now. Very poor reception. I don’t recommend , can’t wait to port out .
Bad reception, internet is too unreliable. Use ur points wisely.
Can you use this to port out of telstra to port back in for jb deals?
Nope. Belong and Boost are excluded in JB port in deals
just get a $2 sim to port in and out..
Is belong and Woolworth mobile same network coverage? I get no reception when in office in cbd with belong. Free but unusable half of the time.
Yes, both are Telstra Wholesale MVNO's.
get the $20 referral credit, then switch to $15 plan after first month, then you can get use this for 6 months
can u elaborate more on this pls…I am about to activate my servile with them (transferring from coles)
Check this link below from previous deal with detail instructions
Not worth 5000 points