I saw a 4% cashrewards rate for cameras on CR's Amazon page, around 7.45am on the 1st Aug. Made purchase within a minute clicking through from CR.
The transaction took a few hours to turn up on CR's site, worrying me for a while it wasn't tracked, but it eventually did. Declined with a 0% rate.
I re-check and indeed camera rate had changed to 0%.
So it must have happened sometime that morning after my purchase - maybe start of business?
I do screenrecord purchases via CR in case of tracking issues, but despite being wiser now, didn't expect rate changes like this to rescroll down to the Camera rate after starting the recording. But the video clearly shows rates on some of the categories shown were changed when I checked hours later.
Wish to ensure this doesn't happen again, as I paid more for this camera from Amazon relying on the 4% cashback.
Hi. I'll provide this screenshot of the Cashrewards back-end dashboard for transparency.
As you can see, 'Camera' has been an ineligible category since the end of May 2022. However since then, they have been eligible for just 2 hours during each of the two flat-rate promos we ran on June 3 (12%) and July 7 (14%). I have no idea why you're claiming the category was eligible in June/July at 4%.
In general, Amazon categories change at midnight at the start of each month and are dated as such in the terms (see here). I hope this helps alleviate any concerns. Thanks.
I'm claiming 4% as that is what I saw and the video shows rates clearly changed since 7.45am that morning when the video was captured, rather than midnight (I'm assuming AEST). Premium beauty and Amazon devices were shown at 7% and still are, but Shoes, Luggage, Watches and everything else I see on the recording are now at different rates than in the recording.
Happy to share the video with your personally (otherwise would have to redact personal info in it to post here). My click history and invoices can confirm the timing.
I haven't bought camera equipment for 5 years - I have no idea how I'd even know the rate was 4% which you just confirmed was indeed the rate at one time.
There were no caching issues in case it's a static table - I only reinstalled Windows/Chrome etc during the week and haven't been to that page for months.
Yes, please PM me the video that shows cameras at 4% as well as your CR details. I can however categorically tell you that cameras were 0% and ineligible, and have been since May.
Here's the category inclusions/exclusions that changed at midnight (01/08/22):
Rates for some active categories may have changed during the day (up or down), but cameras is/was 0%.
Thanks. Uploading to YouTube and will PM you a link.
I mentioned the other categories because I have video evidence of their rates changing after 7.45am rather than midnight, indicating something is amiss. I wish I snapshotted the camera category directly and will in future, I just didn't expect this sort of thing to happen.
Maybe I just had unlucky timing and someone at CR or Amazon published the wrong rates briefly and quickly corrected it. If that's the case, so be it - just bad luck. I just have to know if there's something different I should be doing in the future rather than treating cashback as luck as others above are advising.
I'm not disputing this and I've already explained above. Three categories were added and two removed at midnight. However, some of the rates on eligible categories were changed later in the morning as outlined below. So nothing is amiss.
I can't be more transparent than this.
@tightarse: Sure - I was just going by your statement of rates changing at midnight at beginning of month when I clearly saw they changed later in the morning.