$739 for the iPhone 11 128GB. Not the greatest deal but can be worthwhile when using discounted JB-Hi-Fi gift cards to pay.
No longer ships with EarPods and power adapter.
$739 for the iPhone 11 128GB. Not the greatest deal but can be worthwhile when using discounted JB-Hi-Fi gift cards to pay.
No longer ships with EarPods and power adapter.
Please don't buy this. Yes it is not a bad phone, but if you really want apple you'd better holding off for another month or two.
- no 5G (yes it is not widespread yet, but the lack thereof reduces this phone's lifespan. Especially when you're spending north of $700)
- LCD panel (not bad but not as good as the newer iPhones 12, 13 etc.)
- bulky and heavy (thicc bezels already make it look outdated)
If you really want an iPhone, save another hundred or two and wait till the iPhone 12 or 13 drop in price. I've spotted the iPhone 12 as low as 899 on Amazon several months ago.
Unlike 4g vs 3g, 5g will never replace 4g, it merely complements it.
If you had the choice of waiting a month and getting a much better phone in all aspects e.g. the 12 which has 5g, or buying this one now, which would you choose? Whatever floats your boat I guess, but this is a bargain website lol
I have an iPhone with 5G. It's not that much big of a difference for the casual user.
All the iPhone deals seem poor compared the last Telstra day deal of $999 for a iPhone 13.
Yep. If you're in the market i'd wait till after 14 comes out. Should be some better prices on the 11 for sure,.
Yup, too good to pass up.
Recommend iPhone 12 or 12 pro as absolute minimum.
The iPhone 14 is coming out real soon (in a month or so).
Unless you are super desperate for a phone right now, hold off buying one. The 11 pricing will drop further very shortly, but so will the 12 and 13 as well.
This article might help for people considering this deal
support at least up until 2025… so still worth it.
Up to the individual to make their choice, I just thought this might help.
Personally I go for the previous year to the current and pay, roughly, $1,000. However, the Telstra deal meant we could get the current year for that price. My man's iPhone 7 goes "no iOS updates with the next upgrade" so this appeared to be a best bang for buck option to us. We, also, managed to get $110 by selling his phone to mobile monster. Maybe not the best deal but saved all the pfaffing around with trying to sell it our selves.
Well said. This is an excellent replacement for an iPhone 7 plus. The size of the phone is very similar, and the price is about half as much as the newer models.
An alternative to selling is donating it for use by women and men fleeing domestic violence. https://dvsafephone.org/donate-phones
Gotta hand it to apple, holds value decently well