Are You Allowed to Re-Use Sign up Bonuses for Meal Prep Companies

Is it illegal to keep using free boxes from food prep companies like hello fresh, marley spoon, every plate etc?

I noticed if you just sign up with a new email but same address, name etc. you can keep getting sign up bonuses. Is it legal to do this?

Poll Options

  • 20
    Yes - is legal
  • 5
    No - is not legal


  • +12

    prob against the t&c somewhere but its not..ILLEGAL (if you're wondering if you might get a fine from the meal prep company police)

    • +1


    • Well with inflation and grocery prices gotta do what ya gotta do

    • +1

      The real crime here is your user name.
      Was ParmaAndChips already taken?

  • you cant do that with hello fresh i guess

    which one you are talking about, what are the bonuses, where is the link ?
    please share, in details - dont let us hanging, bro

    • you cant do that with hello fresh i guess

      You most definitely can. And details are in one of the stickied posts in Classifieds

  • +5

    Is it illegal to keep using free boxes

    3 years imprisonment if convicted.

    • if

      Hire a good lawyer like Saul Goodman.

      • we have Lionel Hutz on the prosecution

        no chance for you!

    • +3

      That's three years of free food delivery and housing.

  • +7

    Yes and it's also illegal to use subscribe and save on Amazon then cancel after the first delivery.

    • Why is it illegal

      • +5

        It's in the constitution.

  • Use sign up code Soylent_Green for extra serve of meat.

  • -1

    Hey.. comeon twich reply my comment.. pretty please

    • Sorry sir gotta keep it lowkey

  • +1

    Yep people get banned from mobile providers for abusing offers

    • Mobile providers? Why?

      • It's in the constitution.

  • ive had about 4 months of free hello fresh
    get codes from Facebook marketplace (they are free)
    use a 2nd/3rd/4th email, or just make new emails if you own a domain and hosting
    make minor changes to you address

  • I vaguely remember reading a story some time ago about a punter who was arrested after he abused signup bonuses from bookies.

    I think, in theory, if that guy was arrested then Hello Fresh might also have the power to arrest people. In reality, I think they won't bother.

    As far as I remember, that guy had managed to abuse the signup bonuses to get thousands of dollars in cold hard cash. This will be treated differently by the law & the corporations compared to someone who just got some extra free food.

    One exception might be if you set up a business & then start selling the free boxes. Otherwise, I think if you just eat the boxes yourself & don't cost them thousands of dollars in losses, then they won't bother.

  • -1

    In modern times, behavior decision made by legal vs not legal, rather than in conjunction with a moral compass.

    • Yeah sorry mate not everyone is high and mighty good dudes like you

      • I'm not ashamed to advise "reported," was funny till "not everyone is high and mighty good dudes like you"

      • And even fewer get sarcasm, based on these replies of yours.

  • +1

    Not that much different to the issue of what is a new customer when it comes to signing up for a new sim card.

    It is up to the organisation involved to act. Inaction could be construed as permitting the conduct.

  • Would it be classified as a type of fraud? Surely fraud is illegal?

    • But im giving them the correct details? My proper name and address?

  • +1

    Very grey area……. Read the T&Cs, could be classed as fraud by them. Most likely ending up in your address being blocked.

    • Yes someone reported that happening to them.

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