As cheap as they were a few years ago, just over 10 bucks each, good price for 2022.
Discount valid only for 2PCS.
As cheap as they were a few years ago, just over 10 bucks each, good price for 2022.
Discount valid only for 2PCS.
Tuya Smart App?
you'd need Aqara or Xiaomi hub to be able to read the data
If you do use home assistant, you can use a SONOFF Zigbee dongle or a Conbee II.
Conbee II attached to Home Assistant (via rPi USB port) and integrated via ZHA works a treat!
Thanks bought it. I have one and really happy with it
These integrate with smartthings?
Yes via custom device handler
Will it work with Xiaomi Aquara hub gateway things?
Need Aqara buttons please :)
Need me some leak sensors!
Pardon my ignorance. What are these used for? I have never seen anyone use the humidity sensor for anything. I get the temperature sensor might be useful for Aircon/heater activation.
Humidity triggers a bathroom exhaust fan so you don't need to do this manually when having a shower. Most bathroom ceiling fans are connected via a standard power point so use a smart plug in between and use automation based on humidity to trigger the fan. I haven't yet done this - generally remember to do so but can be helpful if you have kids.
Do you need an electrician to install the smart plug in between the power point and the fan? Would it be tricky or illegal to do it yourself?
Depends. My 1978 built house must have had ceiling fans installed at some point and they fitted them with a standard power point socket which means you don't need to be a licensed electrician to plug and un plug something. So presume it would be ok to install a smart plug there (i.e. one of those ones that plug into a normal wall socket, not the whole wall socket itself)
@0 0 0: Thanks for the info! Looks like mine is directly connected into the wall socket (not plugged) so would need the electrician to split it up in order to install the smart plug in between.
I use it to turn on the exhaust fans in the bathroom, during a shower, then turn it off, when the humidity has dropped again.
Tough gig manually flicking a switch to turn the exhaust fan on when entering the bathroom for a shower and turning it off on the way out.
I know! You should get one of these, it makes showering so much easier.
Tough gig manually flicking a switch to turn the exhaust fan on when entering the bathroom for a shower and turning it off on the way out.
If your TV or car's remote batteries died I bet you'd replace them. :)
Also when it's automated you can set the exhaust fan to run for 5 minutes after you leave the bathroom to get all the humidity out.
According to my sensors, the humidity in the bathroom continues to rise above 75% several minutes after the person finishes showering. I also have the fan set to come on when motion is detected in the bathroom (smell), and when using the tumble dryer the fan comes on automatically periodically to remove the moisture out of the laundry attached to the bathroom.
My current project is to automatically run the fans and open windows when the temperature outside is warmer/cooler to naturally heat and cool the house
My fan comes on when I turn on the light, killing two birds with one stone. Always works as long as the power is on. Doesn't matter if the wifi or internet is down.
My fan comes on when I turn on the light, killing two birds with one stone.
Does that mean it turns off when you turn the light off?
With a humidity sensor like this, you can set the fan to turn off when the humidity drops back down.
@eug: It runs until I turn the light off after drying myself off. Seems to have prevented any mould issues.
I use humidity sensor for turning on my Xiaomi humidifier when the humidity drops to a certain level, in order to keep my monstera Albo happy :)
monstera albo! sheesh, we got a high roller here 🤑🤩
Yeah, I guess you could say I've lost touch with the common man..
I use it to help me understand if I've farted or sharted
Leak sensor is what you need.
it says 'sorry this event is over' for me, does anyone know if its out of stock?
Thanks for this, I already have two of these paired to an Aqara G2H Hub, passes it on just fine to HomeKit. Keen to get some more for better room data
Can confirm this is very good compared to my tuya one. Has been running more than a year now without changing the temperature.
Has been running more than a year now without changing the temperature.
It's not very useful then, is it. ;)
Hahah, my bad. Meant to say without changing the battery.
Thanks got 2 to keep my OzBargain license
How long does shipping usually take?
Nice price and good timing, 2 of my old ones died recently (learning: don't use them outdoors, even in very sheltered locations).
Mine has been in the cubby house for many years now and still working
Bought. Thanks OP. Would love a deal on the motion sensors and vibration sensors if any reps are reading!
Yes please! Wish there was more stock
How do you get that price? im getting $52.16. Is it out of stock?
Looks like code has expired
Confirmed. Code is no longer valid.
Anyone know a good deal to buy in bulk? Would like about 10!
What is it with this shop? They post a deal at 9 or 10pm that expires sometime during the night?
Damn, missed this. Difficult when it goes up late at night and has expired by morning.
thanks! what's the cheapest way to be able to read the data?