Just wondering if anyone knows of cheapest option for direct debit service? Basically my tenants are repeatedly falling behind paying the rent. So wanted to make it simple and setup direct debit.
Are you aware of any free or cheapest fees option?
Are There Any Free Direct Debit Service to Collect Rent?

Bump the rent up to cover the fee.
I don't think you are allowed to do that :).
man some people are stupid
every…single…bank has the functionality to set and forget payments for specified dates on the month.
the fact they are falling highlights to me a more worrying problem of…you need new tenants these guys are gunna burn you eventually
Yeah honestly a direct debit would only help if the reason they're making late payments is forgetfulness, rather than financial woes.
There's nothing wrong with the payment method, its the calibre of their character.
Breach them each time and evict.
That's the only language tenants understand.
If I was a landlord I would have a sensible empathy for tenant, and I wont just look at single count of delay in payment.
There's multiple factors to consider, like how their history has been with ya guys, how the market is going, how are they maintaining your property etc.Personally for me, how are they maintaining your property would be the biggest factor.
Of course a continual delay would trigger some signs though.
of course, if its a 1 off, sure no worries
if this is happening every month and has been ongoing for many months then…you have to look after your own interests in this regard as you have been more than fair already
Definitely, and If they are behind any more than 2-3 months, You really should consider getting a new tenant instead of them,
Might need to go to VCAT, SACAT, NSWCAT etc. to get court to order payment etc.
OP said it's happening repeatedly.
These aren't tenants that require sympathy, they require an eviction notice.
The tenant should be told to repay all monies owing plus interest or be put into the blacklist database.
Most of that is illegal.
You need to first give a breach and then not have it rectified before an eviction can be issued (assuming fixed term lease).
There is no claim for interest allowable, and entering information into a tenancy database can only occur in very specific circumstances. Late rent isn't one of those times.
Direct debit won't help if there's not enough cash in the account.
You'll get the most success if you can encourage the tenants to setup a weekly/fortnightly transfer on payday, and won't cost anything.
Was going to say this. OP, if you're currently getting them to pay monthly and they get paid weekly/fortnightly, for example, this can be really hard for people who don't have a lot of money or aren't good with money. If this is the case, aligning it with their pay cycle/frequency could help a lot.
Your Tennants aren't paying because they aren't good Tennant's
Offer a discount for early payment I guess
Your tenants can set it up with their bank so that every 2 weeks a bit of money magically moves from their account to yours. It's probably the cheapest option