Is there anything else apart from changing oil/filters required when servicing a car? I wish to do it for my car and the videos on YouTube show that it is pretty straightforward.
Anything else I need to ,be mindful of?
Is there anything else apart from changing oil/filters required when servicing a car? I wish to do it for my car and the videos on YouTube show that it is pretty straightforward.
Anything else I need to ,be mindful of?
Anything else I need to ,be mindful of?
For old car ;
Breaks and tyer wear
Check your shocks
Check Plugs
Fuel pump / fuel filter
There are few other checks that usually machines would do.
Brakes and tyre wear?
Lots of a service is checking for other issues. If you are really lazy like me, you can suck the oil out, and don't even have to writhe around on the ground.
With a straw?
Basically. A vacuum oil extractor. No mess no fuss.
what about the filter though
What sort of car?
The Family Shit Box
You were right
Plot twist, op has a Tesla
its important to work out in your service book where you're at
if you're out of warranty just carry out what the service book recommends
those nissans have a low stress PFI 2.0 four so whatever low cost consumables should be fine
but you're at 100,000km and it asks you to do a auto trans or cvt service then kinda do that too as in let a professional do it.
@RSmith.Depends how many kms on the odo(use to own one) Oil changes as per the manufactures recommendations, brake fluid around the 24 month mark.They are a pretty basic engine the MRD 20 & a pretty solid unit.Check also that recall has been done,the J11 had one on the rear right wheel arch protector having insufficient rigidity It can impact on the brake lines.Check with your dealer if it has been rectified (it is free & covered by Nissan).Tyres? I use to run mine @ 38psi never have wear issues @ that pressure, as long as you maintain regular W/A & rotation.Pretty solid car otherwise.
It depends on when other consumables were last changed, like coolant, spark plugs, air filter, cabin filter, brake pads, brake fluid for top ups etc (basically any fluid or things than are easy to replace). I would have a look at the car manual for what is replaced at difference service intervals and take it from the guide as to what is a minimum to do.
Depends on the situation.
e.g. depends on the expected life spend on certain components to be replaced.
Check your manual.
There are other tings that require replacement at longer intervals, but not every service - spark plugs, fuel filters, brake fluid, differential oil, engine coolant and so on.
Other items are should be inspected every service and adjusted or replaced as needed - engine belts, brake pads, tires, fuel and coolant hoses, suspension, exhaust.
If you fail to do preventative maintenance it will end up costing you in the long run.
Engine oil and filter every year 8000km ~
Brake pads70-80 000km…
Coolant 150 000km
Spark plugs every 80 000km
Air filter every 20 000km or on sale Vaccum every year or when doing oil change
Tyre check groove and pump to 34psi
pump to 34psi
As a guide. Large diameter wheels with low profile tyres need more than that.
how large you talking? 18-20" wheels 34psi is normal
whatever your tyre wheel combo says
@George Washington: Bosses car has 20” with Pirelli P Zeros on it and it’s 32psi on the tyre placard.
If your car does not has any other problem. Just DIY change engine oil & filter are very simple & easy job. ( save you $ ).
Coolant, timing belts, brake fluid, washer fluid, spark plugs, cabin filters, brake pads/rotors, grease joints, battery level/condition/capacity, wiper blades, lights, steering components, cv’s, tail shafts, wheel bearings, tyres, blah blah blah…
Just how deep down this rabbit hole do you want to go?
Thanks all for the feedback. I will have a look at the service book for the KMs that I have done and what is needed. If there is something that I can't do, I will take it to the mechanic for service.
Good answer. Remember the book doesn't tell you when to replace brake pads, battery, wiper etc. so make sure to check those if you can
Thanks for posting this. There is a thread somewhere where one user listed a whole list of things you can service yourself on a car and how to do them. I wish I had saved that comment.
Thanks mate! I bow down to your superior searching skills :-)
Follow the book, most of the tasks aren’t that hard.
One important reason to see a mechanic, at least intermittently, is to use their experience to identify issues an untrained eye cannot see and can warn you of impending issues.
IMO if you don’t know cars getting at least every second service by your regular mechanic is a good idea. If it’s under warranty don’t diy.