More Speed Cameras

Hi all, been a while. Just saw this while having lunch and my eyes bugged out. What the hell do the govt want to do ?…

My opinion is that speed cameras most of the time are a waste of space and money, and just there to take our money. In fact as most of the commenters have pointed out, it's better to improve roads and driver skills than to just stick more cameras on the roads. Also, it all boils down to one thing: don't speed, DRIVE PROPERLY, PAY ATTENTION, etc etc. Common sense. I guess most people just do what they want, what they think is right, and get away with it and keep going - but this is what is causing accidents rather than speed itself, which is why cameras will not address the real issue.

and yes, on the personal note, i have a spotless driving record (so far). I try to obey the road rules and consider other drivers as much as possible. Though i do get road rage when i am faced with the aforementioned drivers who are texting, talking on the phone, fiddling with something, etc etc. Personally, speed cameras dont really affect me, cos you dont need to worry if you aren't speeding. But i'd rather they use the money to teach drivers or somehow otherwise punish them for driving badly


  • +1

    just there to take our money.

    I have been driving for 30 years, and have never given anyone any money in relation to speeding…..

    • indeed, just edited a bit on my OP before i saw your post !

    • 30 years, and have never given anyone any money in relation to speeding…..

      These days is that condsidered skill or good luck?

      • Tight-fistedness I reckon….. :)

      • Just not speeding on the enforced limit! that's it and so simple!
        I did prefer more to slow down those crazy driver!

    • -2

      well good for you mate. Ever heard of a speed trap? its' when coppers lie in wait for you behind some bushes and then zap you for speeding!

      • +6

        Indeed….. it's a fiendish plan…… however, it really doesn't work so well for them if you are not speeding….

  • +2

    how accurate are the location of speeding cameras on GPS devices like Garmin? All it means is that people will speed and just slow down where the cameras are placed.

    • Well you can still get mobile speed cameras, is it worth speeding just to get there a few minutes earlier? Even on long car trips it only works out to be 20-30mins faster if you go over speed limit by 10km/hr

      • yeah i guess most people don't actually realise the TINY difference that it makes, if you were to calculate in terms of km/h. however when you factor in getting ahead of other drivers / slow drivers, making it past one round of lights, etc etc, it can add up to more time saved. but still, no justification to speed.

  • +1

    Speed cameras detect 2 things…
    1 Intentional speeders.
    2 Unintetional speeders.

    Until they invent a traffic cam that can detect idiots they will be just revenue makers.

    Ban all Commodores with mags & P plates and 99% of the idiots will be gone…

    What's with tail gating these days… getting worse all the time even when you are going 10k over the limit.

    • a$$ riding is the new black.

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