This was posted 2 years 7 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, Pre Order] Stray $49 (Was $59) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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  • Roam surroundings high and low, defend against unforeseen threats and solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by curious droids and dangerous creatures.
  • Be nimble, silly, and sometimes as annoying as possible with the strange inhabitants of this foreign world.
  • Along the way, the cat befriends a small flying drone, known only as B-12. With the help of this newfound companion, the duo try to find a way out.
  • The physical release is a PS5 exclusive and all units come with 6 art cards packaged in-box.

Stray is currently on PlayStation Plus Extra/Deluxe. It's also $39.95 a la carte on PSN. This is for those who want the physical copy when it is released in September.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +48

    great game, but pretty short game for 50$

    • +9

      +1 to it.
      I was going to post the same.

      All the cat's stuff is pretty impressive though.

      • +5

        inserts let people enjoy things meme

      • +1 for realism

      • +2

        there’s also an achievement in the game for dying 9 times

    • +3

      $29.95 max but great little game to relax with

    • +3

      Yep - that's why I purchased a month membership to PS Plus… can play the game and finish it a few times, and maybe something else too, for <$20 or whatever it was a month, rather than $40. Great game though!

    • +1

      great game, but pretty short game for 50$

      Yeah agree I have this on the PS plus games catalogue.
      You'd be better off subscribing to PS plus extra for a month. Should finish it in that time. And then play something else on the games catalogue

  • -2

    This sounds like this gen's 'Tokyo Jungle'… But cats only.

    • +9

      It's really not. This isn't a sandbox or a simulator or anything that those preconceptions might have led you to believe.

      Think of it like any other linear indie platformer/adventure game in which you set out and go on a quest to eventually… do possibly spoiler stuff for a group of characters living in a post apocalyptical cyberpunk world - with the only caveat being that you're a cat and can do cat-like actions.

      I say this not as a negative (enjoying it a lot myself from PsPlus) but as something to temper expectations.

  • +2

    who doesn't love (profanity) cats.

      • +10

        Adults with small undereducated minds often develop such infantile views.

        • -6

          And cat people are stupid

        • Your comment history is genuinely horrendous.

          It's like you post only to neg deals and harvest downvotes.

          This quote which you've taken from elsewhere is very likely one of the most positive comments you've ever made in the 9 years you've been here.

      • Why? And how many people did you actually meet and get to know properly to reach this generalization?

        Judging people based on if they own a cat or not… Wow lol.

        • -2

          Enough of them. Mostly through work.
          Only way to neutralise owning a cat is to also own a dog.

      • -2

        Damn it, 27 cat people so far.

        Where are all the dog lovers?!

    • +7

      Who doesn’t love f-ing cats?
      That’s an odd question

    • -5

      said no one ever

    • +2

      Emphasis is really important here

    • i usually enjoy a more platonic love of cats. Not meaning to kink shame you though

    • +3

      I currently have a dog (Samoyed) and a cat (Ragdoll).

      Dogs are dumb, but want to please and befriend you.
      Cats; you have to negotiate the social order, once you've got that nailed they're really nice, friendly, playful and funny.

      Sometimes I wonder how dogs as a species ever survived, bcos they're so dumb they will swallow anything they pick up in their mouths… requiring $12,738 in emergency surgery to get out… literally 20mins ago I had to pull out an exploded balloon from my dogs mouth and he still hasn't had the stitches out from his last op.
      Cat = no problems and WAY less trouble AS long as you abide by the negotiated order… in my case total freedom, food 2x a day and a water fountain w/ fresh water.

      I consider dog people who have something against cats as people with an inferiority complex.

      Both my dog and cat are equally obedient, friendly and loving, and I don't believe in gimping animals, so they're free to roam the property.
      Dog does his business everywhere, no idea where the cat does his. Dog digs huge holes everywhere REALLY fast, cat sleeps in the bushes. Dog bites my fruit and destroys the veg patches. Dog steals. Dog smells. Dog leaves muddy paw prints everywhere. Dog needs running 2x a day. Dog eats 1 organic chicken every other day, cat eats one in 10 days… so dog costs 5x more in food and probably 20x more in general.

      Dog will jump up on you all wet and dirty poke his nose in your eye and lick your face all over and you have to try and hold him back so you don't have to shower again.
      Cat will jump up on your chest when you're reclined, pure his little heart out for 30mins and expect to be gently stroked/massaged in exchange.

      Both are women magnets, but the dog gets 100x more exposure.

      100 points for anybody who read this far :)

  • +6

    i pre-ordered the iam8bit exclusive edition:…

    i don't even have a ps4 or 5 (yet)

    • +1

      Same, pretty pricey but I just have to add it to my collection.

  • +1

    I had God of War Ragnarök as GOTY for 2022 on my 2022 gaming Bingo card..but looks like Strays is going to give it some stiff competition looking at the reviews..

    • +2

      There are dozens of GOTY awards. Every publication seems to do one nowadays to the point it's almost meaningless.…

      God of War Ragnarök will win some, Elden Ring will win some, Stray will get some for sure.

    • I've never played a God of War game and never really wanted to, I really don't get the appeal of the franchise?

      • +2

        It was a cool story and definitely showcased the 4 pro’s potential imo….but u right it ain’t for everyone.

      • +11

        How can you say you don't get the appeal of the franchise If you haven't played it?

        If you have a ps4/ps5 definitely give it a solid crack and come back and give us your opinion.

        • -6

          How can you say you don't get the appeal of the franchise If you haven't played it?

          Because I've been watching trailers and reviews of the series since the PS2 days.

          The entire point of those to find out if a game appeals before spending money on it.

          The same as I've never played Last of Us, but totally do understand the appeal of those.

          • @PainToad: To be fair, God of War (2018) is a very different beast to the first 3 games in the franchise. Those were hack and slash 'I'm a badass' adventures. The most recent game has great characters and story, and more tactical gameplay.

            • -4

              @McFodder: Interesting. I do see the series as mindless hack and slash. Good to see they’re moving away from that.

              Thanks for taking the time to comment instead of just voting me down like the other fanboys.

          • @PainToad: Some of the best games I’ve played on PS were god of war and last of us part ii. Definitely worth a crack.

            • @gif: Yeah Last of Us, Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid 4 are the only games I’ve really feel like I’ve missed out on since becoming an Xbox person after the PS2.

  • +6

    My partner wanted to play this game, so upgraded my existing PS Plus membership to Extra for $5 for the last month of my 12 month membership from this expired deal -

    Is interesting idea for a game.

    • +4

      Its a super short game, so your partner can finish it within a month, technically making the game $5 and a massive bargain?

    • +2

      I've done the same thing, $2.56 to upgrade for the last 17 days of my sub - great timing.

    • +3

      Btw for anyone interested upgrading from the basic PS plus (which I think is called essential) to deluxe (the highest tier) caps out to $186. So say you stack your PS plus essential to 2030, the most you'll pay to upgrade to deluxe is $186 and your good till 2030 lol

      • +1

        I’m till 2026. I’ve noticed that no one sells ps plus subscriptions cards anymore!

  • +3

    Passed it a few days ago. I was surprised about how much I enjoyed it.

    • +8

      You passed it? Like a kidney stone?

      • +2

        Like a hairball that wouldn't come back up

      • +1

        Uhh does no one else say “passed” a video game?

        • +2

          The cool kids say 'clocked it'.

        • +3

          Clocked, finished, completed…

          It is entirely possible YOU are the only one, so hang onto that uniqueness, forever!

  • So is this worth it? Is everyone just diving in with this one?

    • +9

      Only worth buying this for collectors and those that want to support the devs more directly.

      Else if you just want to play it then get PS+ Extra for a month or upgrade existing sub (which will be less than this) and enjoy it along with 400 other titles.

      And yes, it's well worth playing. Fantastic concept and game well made.

    • +9

      i watched a few play-throughs on youtube before deciding i need this right meow.

    • Tried it on pc. Got bored within the first hour and haven't gone back.

    • i enjoyed it a lot more than i thought i would

    • It's a 4-5 hour game. Story was okay I guess. Really needs a dlc, really goes from 0-100 in the last act.

    • I have an 11yr old relative who finished the game in 4 hours flat, they didn't skip any of the available content in it.

      Being the game has no replayability at all (it isn't an open world game, or sandbox style game), it's definitely NOT worth paying for.

  • +19

    Press O to Meow

    • +6

      for 100 times…..

    • +5

      A well reasoned argument, full of nuance and consideration.

    • -1

      Lots of downvotes for my comment I see, please tell me about how good your financial decisions are in life lol

  • +3

    It's not a bad game but as mentioned, it's quite short.
    As it's on PS Plus (Extra or higher), it might be better to play it through there unless you really want a hardcopy for whatever reason.

  • +7

    thanks, I still prefer physical disc for my collection

  • +2

    I’d recommend the game, but not for this price. I actually enjoyed getting one of my only platinum trophies on it.

  • +3

    Overhyped but I'll play a discount PC version.

    Dont like cats but do appreciate originality in gaming

    • Or free since you're on pc

    • Steamunlocked

  • I honestly thought this game was out already based on how many people were posting about it.

    • +6

      It came out a week ago digitally

  • +3

    I'm keen to play it but steep price for ~5hr game play

  • +4

    I finished this in one play through around 4.5 hours.

    I'm not a cat person but I found the originality of the game fun and the story is pretty good. I wouldn't say it is game of the year, I think we're all just starved for good games that anything that comes out that is remotely good will get praised.

    • +3

      Agree with all of this.

  • -4

    I'm a dog person

    • +3

      Likewise… but until a game comes out where you can be a dog… running around like an idiot, chewing toys, cocking your leg on things or going around humping things (assuming you're playing a male dog), and rubbing your arse on the carpet, this is the best next thing ;)

      • Dogs life on ps2?

    • +2

      There's always (Watch "dogs")

  • +2

    I have just finished this in under 5 hours. Great game but wait till it's $20 or under. I got everything in my 1st go so there isn't really any replayability.

    • +3

      You even got the under 2 hour trophy first go?!?

      • +1

        My thoughts too - I can't believe you'd accomplish every trophy item in a single playthrough, given one involves completing the game in two hours, and another involves something which takes 50% of this.

        • Yeah literally. I got so mad with the 2 hour trophy, I took 2hr2mins on my second play through and nearly quit gaming.

        • “Can’t cat-ch me” was total hell lol

          • @chriise: Honestly I got lucky with that one, maybe like 5th try. Worst was ‘territory’ for me as I think it glitched.

            • +3

              @cc23: Well I got lucky with that one… First scratch on 2nd play thru unlocked that, which was a nice surprise.

              I'm a bit weird in that I prefer shorter games. Don't have the time anymore to get sucked into 30 hour masterpieces. Really enjoyed Stray :)

              • +2

                @chriise: We are one and the same my friend.

    • +1

      I have just finished this in under 5 hours.

      I am amazed at anyone that finishes this game under 10 hours. I got lost countless times. Didn't know what I was doing much of the time. Failed so many times against the Zurks and Sentinels. Despite playing it twice til the very end, I still couldn't manage to get the game finished in under 10 hours.

      I did not collect all items in both attemps either. Not close.

  • +2

    My GOTY so far. Highly recommended.

  • +2

    best cat game

    • Better than Bubsy 3D??

    • You haven't played cats kiss

  • Release date 20 September

    Usually I’d buy physical but I couldn’t wait that long.

    • If that's true then that's ridiculous - why such the big gap between digital and physical releases? By the time the physical release comes out, you'd need to copy it to your console, only to then download a huge update anyway.

  • Unless it's a game I'm lining up for I normally let it cool down after the release and then I can buy the disc cheap. Who knows, it might even show up on Game Pass.

    Update: It's currently Playstation and PC only. So I'll wait for XBox.

  • +3


  • This is right up my alley

  • Solid game but not worth the price for its short length, would 100% recommend waiting for a discount.

  • Meow-ordered!

  • i wonder how much it costs in turkey

    • 259 TL on the PS Store.

  • -8

    Why buy this if free for ps plus members, you can even join just for a month if really want play this game.

    • +2

      Nope, not an option for those with stacked PS+ subs… Would have to pay to convert the full sub period for a service that offers me little benefit (I prefer to own games).

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