I recently "upgraded" from the S9+ to the S21 FE.
I can't say I'm loving it so far.
A major gripe is the difference between the two phones in the responsiveness of the screen when touched.
I had no issues with the S9+ but the S21 FE is hit and miss. Half the time I touch an icon and a different app or another screen opens.
I don't use screen protectors on my mobiles so that's not the issue.
I am wondering if anyone else is having the touch issue with the S21 FE?
I did call Samsung support and spoke to a young lady who had what I believe was a strong Filipino accent.
She sounded lovely and was trying to be helpful but I couldn't understand what she was saying so I had to terminate the call.
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Touch Issues

Wait till you find out that Samsung support lgbtqi+!
Oh no, would they make me wear rainbow colored jersey?
do you know anyone else with the same phone? if so, compare them side by side and see if it is the same on their device.
are there any settings like touch sensitivity that you could change and experiment with? if you go into settings and then display, there should be an option to adjust the sensitivity there.
if neither of those options work / are available, perhaps go to officeworks / jb hi fi and look for the display model (the ones that are always plugged in and chained to the display area) and have a play with it, they will be pretty worn out from being on 24/7, but it might give you an idea as to whether your phone is operating normally or not.
otherwise, take it back to the shop and tell them your issue.
Thanks there is a touch sensitivity option under Display. It's to increase the sensitivity if a screen protector is fitted. My setting is off.
I bought the phone from JB, so I'll go in and have a play with the demo S21 FE.Are you sure it's not on there from factory? My S20 FE came with it already on, can see it around the hole punch camera
Definitely no screen protector.
I checked the edges of the screen and around the hole punch camera 🤔
i suggest trying that option even if you haven't installed a screen protector.
are you sure it didn't come with one pre-installed? i found some people online claiming that it had a factory installed screen protector
my sis had the 20fe for few weeks and returned it for the exact same reason.
Oh that's interesting! 🤔
It was a known issue for S20FE but a 'workaround' fix was installed via software.
yep and she updated to the "fix" but still not fixed.
I found a suite of diagnostic tools in Settings>Device Care.
The result of the Touch Screen test was normal 🤔had loads of issues on the S20 FE with touch screen
S21 FE touch screen was fine, but the rest of the phone sucked.
Worst 2 phones I've ever owned! S21 FE being the worst of the two.
Yes the only reason I "upgraded" was that Samsung had ended updates for the S9+ which in hindsight was a better phone than the S21 FE. 😒
No issues, it's lightning fast and responsive. Still have factory screen protector too.