This was posted 2 years 7 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Prime] Pokémon GO: Claim Free In-Game Items (30x Poké Balls, 5x Max Revives & 1x Star Piece) via Prime Gaming


Prime Gaming Pokemon Go Bundle #5:
30 pokeballs
5 max revives
1 star piece

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Prime Gaming
Prime Gaming
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

closed Comments

  • +13

    If only they were remote raid passes. One can dream.

    • +3

      An incense is the week 1 coin bundle this week. /sad

      • +1

        Better than berries but still seems useless. Everyone else lures up on community days and nests really aren't a thing anymore.

        • been playing for a while, imo, all i can see is that niantic seems to be in maintenance mode while they are working on that ingress/pikmin.

          maybe after a couple of years my interests in pogo has finally waned.

          • @slowmo: They're certainly trying to move onto other projects. Poke Go makes them a lot of money without them doing much. How much of that goes to Nintendo however is a different story.

            I've certainly lost a lot of interest now.

          • @slowmo: it's been nearly 3 years i think? since they last updated the map. feels bad spending money on the game

            • @dustau: yeah the only reason i'm still kind of playing is my kids are … it's kind of cool to have a family raid train. :)

          • +1

            @slowmo: There's new content all the time. Also they have the Dev vlogs on youtube and blogs on the official site. Takes time to develop all this stuff. For a free game, I can't complain. This week, the new 15min free incense came out to entice me to get off my butt at least once a day.

            • @Popo: i know there's new 'content' all the time. however to me, i don't consider it 'new', it's really a rehash of an earlier event. i guess it's the bad thing of playing this from the beta days. miss a community day, that's fine, wait a couple of years and it'll come back, or wait till end of the year, you'll get entire region in a few days..etc

              oh look, another pikachu with a hat/flower/costume, yay, another pokemon with a hat/flower/costume.

              oh, another legendary raid of fire chickens, electric birds or yet another jessie and james comeback.

              sorry to say, it got really boring over the years, even for someone who paid $ for some QoL improvements. (eg storage)

  • +2

    Max revives, thank you.

    For the avid pokegym addict, this is a godsend.

    • +2

      i get this plenty from gifts exchanged with friends…. i have not been opening recently, has they changed the drops of max revives from gifts?

  • +1

    Any deals for real life max revives?

  • Anyone that has Prime but not PoGo, would you be able to give me your code, please?

    • +4


      • +1


  • +3

    Free to good home

    • +1

      Gotta love people redeeming but not thanking you, but thank you for sharing anyway!

  • I don't play but I'd like to give this to someone who does.

    Can I do this, and if so how?

    • You can do what Daff above you did and just post it out in the open for the first person/bot to snatch up, or wait until someone PMs you and give it to them

      • +1

        I meant for a friend haha. I just sent them the code that Prime gave me.

        • +1

          Ah whoopsie, that's what I would've gone for too. Hope they appreciate you thinking of them

  • PM me if you would like a code. Wont let me redeem it for my daughter's (kid) account
    Edit: redeemed

  • Please PM me a code if you have a spare. Thanks!

  • Looking for a code. Thanks

  • Hi. Anyone has a spare code please? Very much appreate it

  • +1


    • Ta

  • +2


    • Thankyou!

  • as someone in the 1500+ ultraball club

    this deal is junk

  • +1


  • +1


  • I'm very stardust hungry so would be keen if someone has a code to spare, thank you!

  • If anyone has a spare code I would love to nab it :)


  • 6EHCB6YGL525S

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