This was posted 12 years 9 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Bundle V - Pay What You Want


Don't usually think the humble bundles are that ground breaking, but today's one is exceptional

Bastion ( pay average)
Amnesia- Dark Descent

Additional information and sales pitch from MarrkDaviid. I credit him as co-contributor for his time and effort where I was too lazy.

Pay whatever you want, as low as $0.01 for 4 games + 4 soundtracks (FLAC and MP3)!!

Pay more than $1 (which you will, unless you are a tight arse) and you will be given a key for the games on Steam!!

Pay more than the average price paid (currently $6.66) and you will receive an additional game and soundtrack!!

Choose how much of the money goes to the developer, the charities and Humble Bundle!

Now for the BEST PART!! All of the games are cross platform, and run on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux!!

The games and soundtracks that you can receive for as low as $0.01:

Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP

The additional game and soundtrack you will receive, if you pay more than the average paid:


This Humble Bundle is apparently worth $110, so I would jump on this opportunity if I was you! I have heard a lot of good things about "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" since it was released, and the other games look pretty cool too, I am willing to spend $7 on the bundle.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    bastion looks good, might get the bundle just for bastion :p

    • +1

      Got mine for $7.20. Hours/days of stimulating entertainment for less than the price of a movie ticket? HELL YEAH!

    • +1

      limbo is great too if you don't already have it.

      • Limbo is the only one I wanted, the others are just bonuses :D

        • Limbo was a Steam midweek madness special this week for only $6.50 I think. could have suckered in a few people knowing they were going to have it in the bundle.

        • 3.99 it was. Still, this is a better deal.

      • Been playing Limbo the past three hours. Amazing, probably the best puzzle platformer I have ever played, better than Flashback, Another World, Abes' Odyssey. Beautiful imagery and wonderfully crafted puzzles. metaranking is 88% and I dont know why it wasnt higher.

        • if you haven't, try braid. it's not a touch on limbo atmospherically, but puzzle wise, i think it's second to none!

          but yes, the atmosphere of limbo is breathtaking - as a complete package, it's hard to top!

    • +6

      Bastion was artistic but rather bland gameplay. And thats coming from a guy that has enjoyed many action rpgs, platformers and top-down shooters. Highly overrated.

      I think it got rave reviews because it was good by indie standard. Certainly helps to get value if it is indie because it tends to be cheap.

      And I'm aware I'm in the minority in thinking bastion is overhyped :) But I'm ok with that.

      • Bastion maybe a little overhyped but it's one of the few games both myself and my 6 year old son enjoy playing together . I never thought I could enjoy a black and white game so much .

        • +1

          black and white…?

        • +6

          Probably mixed up Limbo and Bastion there.

        • +3

          Limbo is a pretty dark game lol.
          Not sure if that's the right game for a 6 year old.
          Here's an example made by someone with short term memory loss.

      • hmm, i watched a gameplay video on youtube and i get what you mean by bland gameplay. thanks for the comment!

        just went ahead and got it anyway though, never tried an rpg quite similar to this before plus the other games look interesting :)

        • +1

          different strokes for different folks maybe - Bastion was probably one of my favourite games out last year.

          Got a bit of a zelda vibe with the item progression and the challenges add a good mix-up to the main story.

          Definitely give it a try and come to your own conclusion

      • I certainly loved it. After playing just a few levels I had the same impression. But as I kept at it, while the gameplay didn't evolve as much, my skill kept getting better, and I enjoyed more and more finesse.

        Soundtrack was downright awesome too.

  • +12

    Probably the best bundle ever.

    I was going to pick up Bastion and Limbo anyway :)

    Great deal and probably worth giving a little extra for charity too.

  • +9

    You beat me to posting this deal! Here is some additional information, since I have already typed it out. :)

    Pay whatever you want, as low as $0.01 for 4 games + 4 soundtracks (FLAC and MP3)!!

    Pay more than $1 (which you will, unless you are a tight arse) and you will be given a key for the games on Steam!!

    Pay more than the average price paid (currently $6.66) and you will receive an additional game and soundtrack!!

    Choose how much of the money goes to the developer, the charities and Humble Bundle!

    Now for the BEST PART!! All of the games are cross platform, and run on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux!!

    The games and soundtracks that you can receive for as low as $0.01:

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent
    Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP

    The additional game and soundtrack you will receive, if you pay more than the average paid:


    This Humble Bundle is apparently worth $110, so I would jump on this opportunity if I was you! I have heard a lot of good things about "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" since it was released, and the other games look pretty cool too, I am willing to spend $7 on the bundle.

    • +4

      My bad, will edit accordingly and give due credit

  • +2

    All fantastic games, definitely the best humble bundle to date.

  • Got to agree this is the best bundle so far. Bastion alone justified that $7.

  • +3

    Easily the best bundle ever. Already own 4 of the 5 games by buying them as individual indie games. Gotta be a good sign.

    Unfortunately it means I won't be buying this one though. Even if you own 2 out of the 5, its still worth a purchase. Superbrothers is the one I don't own, so missing any of the other 2 would make it a must buy.

    • +3

      In your case, why not buy the bundle for $1 then - to get the steam key for the one game you are missing?

  • +14

    Anyone seen a good deal on toilet paper? Probably gonna need one after playing Amnesia…

  • +2

    I own almost all of those games already. This is worth your money. I like the makers urge you to pay at least the average. Bastion is amazing.

  • +1

    Wow. What a bundle. A no brainer for me. Beat the average, and would love to beat the people who pay 1c.

    Current average price is $7.37.

    • +1

      As people beat the average the new average goes up…

  • Holy dear sweet gaming gods what an amazing bundle.

  • It's a shame you can't gift keys for the games you already own. Otherwise, my first and best bundle yet.

  • +4

    yeah these bundles were getting pretty boring as of late. good to see humble bundle whip up something pretty sweet and I like the fact there's a minimum of a 1 dollar to score yourself steam keys if your so inclined to have them linked to steam.

    • +4

      Good to see it's back to $1 for Steam keys now. It was $5 last time. Though they probably didn't need to reduce it with the incredible games they have on offer this time around.

      • +2

        Exactly what I was thinking.
        Last time they had it at min $5 for a steam key and the games were meh so I didn't chip in - a first for me as I normally would throw $1 or $2 just to increase my steam games list even if I wasn't going to play the games (it's a fetish I know). This time awesome awesome games -a few I have- and I'happy to drop a ten'er on it, and they have the steam keys out @ $1. Guess it effect the sales last time.

  • How do you find out the current average price?

    • Scroll down to where you see the pie graph and look at the stats to the left of it. Average purchase is there :)

      EDIT: It also says it right at the top of the page: "Pay more than the average of $x.xx to unlock Bastion!"

      • Yeah sorry, I can't load the page at work :P saw it once my phone connected. Thanks

  • +3

    Amnesia and Limbo are worth it… Bastion just makes it even better!

    • +1

      I played the first 10 minutes of Amnesia before getting the heck outta there. Too scared to open it up again :/

      • +2

        I know that feel bro,

        I played 40 minutes of it at night before i NOPE'd and alt+f4'd

        Buying this bundle for a friend as a gift to duo play through it

    • .

    • +2

      Psychonauts is the cake AND the icing!

  • +4

    Wow, worth it just to play through Psychonauts again.

    I just need to remember to actually download and play them, unlike the last couple of Humble Bundles I bought!

    • +4

      Thats why the steam keys are good, scroll through your library and go 'oh about time I played that'

      • -2

        But having too many games in your library can be a pain also.

  • Bought it for Bastion alone, I missed it a couple of weeks back on the Steam sale. Rest of the games look good too :)

    • +22

      1 cent - don't be so tight. Support the indie developers who think out of the box and bring us great games to play!

        • +17

          There's two types of cheap/bargain hunters:
          1. Because you like a deal and like to save money and know good value.
          2. Because you're an a$$hole.

        • +2

          You don't consider 5 excellent games for 7 bucks a bargain?

          The more popular bundles like these are, the more companies will realise they're good money spinners/mindshare grabbers and the more bargains will be had.

          Despite the low price point, I'll bet they've made a shit-ton more money today than they have in a few months of regular prices. Hence the incentives to do this more often.

        • +3

          It's still a bargain at two or even three times the average price.

        • +1

          Number 2 example here

    • +2

      mod can you delete this comment please.

    • ಠ_ಠ You make me want to buy it for $10 now

    • -1

      Actually the higher you pay the lower average goes down. Sounds weird but its true

      • -1

        Trololol? I agree the more people pay the better but you don't have to outright lie

    • Yes it will work. Till the developers stop selling games in bundles.

  • No. Amnesia needs to go away and never come back. Scary sh**!

  • +14

    Great bundle! I chucked in $14.99. I thought that this exceptional arrangement of games demanded a premium. :)

    • -6

      good thing I got in before your raised the average…

  • +1

    I don't have a gaming Laptop or Desktop any more. My Mac Book air may not be able to support half of the games in this bundle. My iPad says "Why you looking elsewhere? Come back to me…you can play games…".

    I think I will risk it, least I can do to support the creative developers.

    • I have a 11" air - I think you'll be fine.

  • macbook air is fine!

  • +1

    I have all the games in the bundle except for Bastion, which I'm not really interested in. However, I still bought them, just in case a friend wants them one day.
    Amnesia is an excellent game, great immersion and honestly the scariest game I've ever played. Not jump-out-of-you scares. Bone chilling scares that make you quit the game when nothing has happened yet.

    Limbo is quite fun, you can use an Xbox 360 controller plugged in too.

    • Yeah it's kind of good how they will give you a seperate key for the bonus content as it gives you the ability to give the other key away (mind you the 'general' key could be had for $1)

  • +2

    Incredible bundle.

  • +1

    Honestly this is the most excited I've been for one of these bundles.

  • +1

    Fantastic Bundle.

    This NEEDS to be on the front page.

  • +2

    These kind of deals are slowing robbing my console gaming time.

    Perfect timing for the WA long weekend :D

  • +1


  • +3

    Watching a gameplay of Amnesia at the mo, I think Im too chicken to play it D:

    • do it!!!

    • When i found my first mob, i stopped playing.

    • Haha, same here!

    • i haven't watched the gameplay.. only read about it, and already i think i'm too chicken..

  • I actually saw this bundle in my email first. Soon as I saw the game list, I jumped right in and bought it.

    Already own Psychonauts on PS2 and Xbox. Now I own it on PC. ;)

    Awesome bundle.

  • +1

    There is no reason why people would not be putting $10~ aprox into this kind of deal, even 5 to devs and 5 to charity, its a tax deduction after all isnt it :)

    • +1

      I put $15 down for this :) always give that extra to devs :)

      • +6

        Pretty sure it's not a tax deduction. You get something for your 'donation', so it isn't tax deductible.

  • great games this time, all of them are awesome, psychonauts nolstagia time

  • Sorry for silly question, but google isnt giving me straight answers.
    Whats the use of steam keys? Is it just to link the game to a steam account? Would I be able to install and play the game on my PC and laptop (incase the game doesnt run properly on the slowass PC)

    • +2

      Yeah when you buy the bundle you can retrieve steam keys.
      You then go into steam and go to menu "Games > Activate a Product on Steam"
      Paste in your key and it will then confirm your purchase and automatically add the products into your library for download.

      The bundle games will now be available to download and play on all your steam locations (ie. both PC and laptop if you had steam installed on both)

      It's sweet.

      This bundle is amazing value, I recommend you purchase it :)

    • +2

      Yes the Steam keys just let you link to a Steam account. Separate download links are provided if you don't (for all platforms) on both HTTP and Bittorrent links. As far as I know you can install it on as many machines as you like using your unique download link (or you could copy the executables). Alternatively install Steam on both and use that..

      edit: too slow :)

  • Excellent bundle, insta-purchase in my books!

  • Limbo is really good.

  • +5

    Dont need the bastion key:


    First in get it!

    • +2

      If it hasn't already been taken, I'd keep it. The bastion key is what any bonus games for beating the average (which there almost certainly will be) will be added to in a few days. When you redeem it in Steam it's called 'Humble Bundle - Beat the average'.

      • Lol, probably a bit late.

        Not really fused anyway, I tend to already have the games that Humble post (cause i'm full indie man (i hate myself right now))

      • Really? When will this happen? Should we hold off redeeming the Bastion code?

        • the games should automatically appear in your steam account if they upgrade the 'Humble Bundle - Beat the average' product in steam. You don't have to wait.

  • Hoping its better then the last one. This is my third bundle, how can you say no to something so well run.

  • +1

    I already have Bastion and Limbo on Xbox Live but hell I still got this.

    EDIT: The soundtracks are also a lovely bonus.

  • Great bundle - I already own 4/5 games across multiple platforms, but still got it just for Psychonauts. Well worth it, even without any bonus Beat the Average games.

  • +1

    Nice, I just wish I had enough money in my account to get Bastion too :( I feel bad only paying $1, but I've got no money until next Friday.

    • Why? They make millions from these deals. Their main selling point is pay what you want to entice people who wouldn't ordinarily make the purchase.

      • +2

        Well said, they made me conjure up $8 OF OUT THIN AIR. I AM A BROKE MAN.

        I am somewhat at peace knowing that that I gave most of it to charity, but then again, the charity site looks quite dodgy

        • +1

          The two charities are the EFF (which defends people's rights online), and Child's Play (which gives toys and games to sick children in hospital). They're both well established, non-dodgy organisations, so nothing to worry about :)

        • Kind of wish they were Aussie charities though.

  • I feel bad only paying $1, but I've got no money until next Friday.

    It's available for the next 2 weeks I think?

    • +1

      Cool, if so I'll buy it again when my Austudy comes in and pay more so I can get Bastion too :)

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