• long running

Nearly 4,000 Polish films now available online for free, e.g. Krzysztof Kieślowski’s ‘Three Colours' trilogy @ 35mm.online


Hundreds of classic Polish films have been made available to watch legally for free online as part of a project funded by the European Union and Poland’s culture ministry.

Among the films published on the 35mm.online website – all of which have English subtitles – are works by famed directors Andrzej Wajda and Krzysztof Kieślowski, including the former’s Man of Marble and Man of Iron and the latter’s Three Colours trilogy.

The new service includes 160 feature films, 71 documentaries, and 474 animated films and TV shows, including classic children’s favourites such as Reksio. The project also features 3,108 episodes of the Polish Film Chronicle, a newsreel shown in cinemas before films from 1944 to 1994.

As well as being available on the 35mm.online website, the films can also be viewed through an app for Android and iOS phones and an Android app for smart TVs.

The project is run by the Documentary and Feature Film Studios (WFDiF), one of Poland’s oldest film studios, with over 75 million zloty (€15.7 million) of funding from the EU and a further 13.5 million zloty from the Polish culture ministry.

source: Notes from Poland

35mm.online website > (English) & Search Engine | (Polski) & Wyszukiwarka
  • 35mm.online app for iOS devices. NOTE: several app store reviews indicate that this app does not seem to have AirPlay or cast capabilities.
  • 35mm.online app for Android mobile devices. NOTE: at least one OzB user has reported that this app does not seem to have cast capabilities (thanks g_bontch).
  • 35mm.online app for Android TV devices.

Feature Films | Fabuła
  • According to the landing page banner, access to certain feature films within the Premium Library, is free for registered account users up until August 31st, 2022.
Documentaries | Dokument
Chronicles | Kroniki
Animations | Animacje
Collections | Kolekcje
For Kids | Dla Dzieci
For Ukraine | Для України

NOTE 1 - Films with, and without, mature age content

  • Even as a guest visitor (non-logged in user), one can click select a film title (that lacks mature age content), and begin viewing it immediately on demand on their web browser.
  • However, when one attempts to select and view any of the mature-age content films (e.g. Krzysztof Kieślowski’s Blind Chance), a "Material for adult viewers only" popup appears - these require a registered user account to be logged in. Once you are logged in, upon getting the popup, select "I Have 18 Years", and the film should then start playback.

NOTE 2 - Standard Account user registration

NOTE 3 - Several (maybe all?) of Krzysztof Kieślowski's 13 films on 35mm.online's library, are not seemingly viewable to Australian viewers

  • kiLbiL commented that attempts to view Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colours. Blue film resulted in a "Oops, something went wrong. Content not available at your location" error message.
  • This appears to affect several (perhaps all?) of Krzysztof Kieślowski's 13 films currently in the 35mm.online film library.
  • Workaround(s): 1) Use a web proxy OR 2) Use a VPN - and try to login/view-on-demand using a non-Australian IP address.
  • Alternative(s): MUBI platform has 6 of his films, including the 'Three Colours' trilogy (thanks jettim76)

NOTE 4 - At least one film does not seem to correctly use English subtitles during playback

  • There is one film I have come across thus far, where it incorrectly persists with using the Polish subtitles, instead of English subtitles: King Size

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    • -2

      Under this logic, the ancient Roman gods should now be known as the Italian gods. Mamma mia!

      • What's 1970s Swedish bands got to do, got to do with it…

      • When did Italy invade Rome again?

    • -2

      @jv tough crowd

      • -4

        In 12 month's time, they'll look back on that comment and wonder what we could have done to prevent it.

        • +5

          In 12 months time Russia will be even more of a failed petro-mafia state

  • I am not Polish, does it have english subtitles, or Korean subtitles ?

    • +5

      "All film materials presented on the 35mm.online platform meet the requirements of WCAG 2.0 - they have audio descriptions, transcriptions, subtitles in Polish and English, as well as comprehensive descriptions. For foreigners, the entire film library of the Platform is available in English." (35mm.online > About the project)

      • -3

        In 1930+ Polish did "For foreigners, the entire film library of the Platform is available in German." And subtitles was in Polish and German.

        The project is run by the Documentary and Feature Film Studios (WFDiF), one of Poland’s oldest film studios, with over 75 million zloty (€15.7 million) of funding from the EU and a further 13.5 million zloty from the Polish culture ministry.

        Consumed EU's money's, but ignored all EU nations languages, even no subtitles for them.
        Since GB leave EU, there no english speaking countries left.
        Poland served then Germany's master, now lay down under the US boss!
        Always know to whom lick's the a**.

        • +4

          Ahem. Excuse me but Irish people speak English and are still in the EU

          • @BrodensNephew: My bad, apology for it. You are right.
            But I still doubt that translation only in English was aimed for Irishes.

        • Sir this is a Wendy's

  • +4


  • +12

    The website could use a bit of polish.

  • +19

    Three Colours are some of the best movies ever made, highly recommended if you haven’t had a chance to watch them.

    • +7

      Here are the direct links for Krzysztof Kieślowski’s ‘Three Colours' trilogy on 35mm.online :-

      • Three Colours. Blue - A young woman loses her husband and daughter in a car accident. Numb and depressed, she tries to break ties with the past. Music and empathy will be a way to cope with the mourning.
      • Three Colours. White - A Polish hairdresser marries a beautiful French woman. Unfortunately, he turns out to be impotent. Divorced, deprived of his property and humiliated, he returns to his country and plans revenge.
      • Trois Couleurs. Rouge - Valentine, a model from Geneva, runs over a dog that turns out to be owned by an old judge, a misanthrope. The girl will discover the judge's secret and she will tell her secrets to him.
      • I created an account but when hit play, It says content not available at your location.

        • I had originally planned to watch Kieślowski's films on 35mm.online for much later (and focus on other lesser-known films), but when I read your comment, thought I'd give it a go now …

          … and unfortunately I am also encountering the same error as you are :(

          AFAICT, this is also happening for most / all(?) of Kieślowski's films currently listed on 35mm.online's film library, e.g. Blind Chance, No End, A Short Film About Love

          A few other films I have attempted to view on demand, that Kieślowski is not involved with, seem to play OK for my registered user account, after I click 'I have 18 years' on the mature-age content nag screen.

          • @slipkord: I think will have to use a proxy to change the location

            • @kiLbiL: Hope that method works for you when attempting to view Kieślowski's films ? Because if using a web proxy doesn't work … then the only other workaround I can think of would be, using a VPN in order to use a non-Australian IP address ?

    • +2

      I haven't seen these in ages. Great films.

    • On a related note, Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colours trilogy has recently undergone a new 4K restoration by Janus Films, and this is currently having a limited theatrical run in North America.

      'Three Colours' - 4K Restoration trailer - YouTube & Vimeo

  • +1

    Very nice, but

    1. No option to cast from Android app
    2. Registered with 'Google' option on desktop - but no such option for login in the app, can't login
    3. Language constantly switching to Polish
    • Thanks for taking the time to look at the Android app - from my quick glance at it, its been downloaded ~1000 times and I can't read any reviews about it as yet.

      Given its only been a few days since the launch of 35mm.online portal, there's bound to be initial teething issues, e.g. Android app user experience.

      Hopefully they will get around to resolving/fixing these issues in the near future.

  • +2

    that is a loooooong post - thx op for the effort.

    • I reworded the post to make it less of a wall of text, and more bullet point-y and readable

  • -3

    I'm just here for the Polish girls on OzB.

    • -2

      I'm just here for the Pole Dancers!

  • +7

    Love Polish cinema, thanks OP!

  • +2

    Dzień Świra brakuje

  • +1

    For those that can't afford Netflix

    • +1

      Still got torrents for that.

      • 👍

  • +2

    I'm having flashbacks of early high school watching SBS 2

    • +4

      Woah woah slow down.

      All I had were nightly 10pm movies on my 34cm CRT.

      Aka. Sex Before Soccer

      • Haha I remember the CRT when I was younger, my first TV I bought myself was a 720p Dick Smith 32"

        I've now got a 4K 77" Sony OLED A80J

        How times change

  • +3


  • +1

    Nice one Sławek!

  • +4

    if I can recommend one movie, that would be No End (Bez Konca)

    • kiLbiL mentioned earlier that he was having "Oops, something went wrong. Content not available at your location" when attempting to watch Three Colours. Blue

      Unfortunately that same issue seems to be happening for me (and likely others) for Kieślowski's No End … and perhaps other films by Kieślowski on the 35mm.online film library

  • Спасибо!

    • нема за що

  • +1

    Any good Polish horror films?

    • +2

      Possession (1981)

      • +1

        they said good

        • it's polish good

      • Memorable. That subway scene especially

  • +8

    Two Polish movies I know and can recommend are available: Seksmisja, King size

    • Sexmission appears to playback OK at my end, with English subtitles.

      … but for King Size, the subtitles appear to be Polish, instead of English …

    • +1

      Yay, Seksmisja is available. I remember seeing this movie a very long time ago and it was both fun and thought provoking.

      IMDB gives it 7.5/10. I'll have to give it another look.

  • -1

    Kurwa macz

  • +2

    Some worthwhile films on there. Cruise, the highlighted film is quite funny and introspective.

    I also really recommend watching Day of the Wacko, it's a weird and funny film. Not on there but youtube provides.


    • +1

      Dzień świra / Day of the Wacko … does not seem to be listed in the 35mm.online portal's film library.

      The film's director, Marek Koterski, does have a couple of his earlier films included though:

  • +2


    I recommend this short (15min) cool film about a annual uni student graduation festival in Poland from the 50's. Looks like great fun, would love to have taken part in something like this. Shame there is no tradition like it here is AUS


    • Just watched it - the film restoration is excellent, to the point where if one wasn't looking too closely at the period-specific hairstyling, it could easily look as if it was a recently held fun celebration with young uni students in fancy dress, to lots of music and dancing til the wee hours

  • +1
  • Was about to watch three colours blue. I created an account but when hit play, It says content not available at your location.

    Do I need a proxy?

  • +1

    My elderly Polish neighbour would love this. Any advice on how to make it easy for him to watch? In terms of devices he has an LG C1 OLED, a ps4 and a Samsung smartphone but he’s not very tech savvy

    • +6

      For a non tech savvy person he has an absolute gun TV

      • +3

        Haha he came to me and said he wanted the best tv so that he wouldn’t need to upgrade for the remainder of his life and I pointed him towards the C1. He loves it

    • +3

      He could try casting from his phone, or there may be an app or browser in the LG store which can decode the videos.

      If not (and this is probably the easiest and most convenient way) he could invest in an Android TV stick like Amazon Firestick, Google Chromecast or Google TV, etc.

      These "sticks" plug into any HDMI port on the back of the tv, and need to be connected to WiFi.

      You can control these using a Smart Phone or with one the remotes that always come with such devices.

      • Thanks I’ll try that out

    • +1

      Also, if you could help him setup IPTV on his tv I could organise a subscription with about 250 live Polish channels for €2 per month (about $3) with the 6th month free (so €10 or about $15 for a 6 month subscription to practically every channel in the country).

      There are other subscriptions with more languages, and more countries:

      Check my post here, which has more details, if you like https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/656547/comments#commenter-…

      • +1

        Interesting! I’ll see if he’s interested

    • +1

      g_bontch had earlier tried installing/using 35mm.online's Android app but couldn't get it to cast

      @MrSaveDave - Your elderly Polish neighbour … doesn't have a laptop or computer with a web browser with which to simply navigate to the https://35mm.online (Polski) and enjoy watching various films on demand?

    • +2

      After looking into this a bit more, I've updated the post to include direct links to the apps:

      For your elderly Polish neighbour, given he has an LG C1 OLED smart TV, and a Samsung smartphone, you could perhaps assist him with installing either or both of those Android mobile / Android TV apps and see if that works for him?

      • +1

        Legend! I’ll give it a go

  • Any nudie films in there?

  • +1

    Thanks for posting this.

    The same films are also available on Mubi streaming platform.

    • I looked at MUBI's streaming platform and Krzysztof Kieślowski’s ‘Three Colours' trilogy, along with No End, and 2 of his short films, are currently available (total of 6 films).

      That being said, there are several more of Kieślowski’s films that are currently present in 35mm.online's film library (total of 13 films), that MUBI doesn't have, e.g. Blind Chance, The Amateur.

  • +1


  • I watch most classic polish films on redtube

  • +1

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present the pinnacle of comedy…. Seksmisja https://35mm.online/en/search?searchPhrase.3=seksmisja

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