Cole's Legacy is an expansion pack for Infamous: Second Son which was initially available only by pre-ordering the game (For US Customers), or purchasing the Special Edition (All other Countries). It has become completely free on July 21, 2022.
[PS4] Infamous Second Son Bonus DLC - Cole's Legacy - Free (Was $7.55) @ PlayStation Store

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Absolutely loved Infamous Second Son on the PS4, probably one of my favourite PS4 games - it also eventually received a PS4 Pro patch and now has been updated for PS5 so runs/looks even better now!
It never received a PS5 patch
Looks fantastic running at an unlocked 60fps on PS5. Even though it's a launch PS4 game.
If you're a fan of the old infamous would highly suggest playing Prototype.
Yeah Prototype was next level, I thought it was better than Infamous.
How do they run on consoles these days? Heard bad things when it released on ps4/xbox one
Honestly haven't played them since PS3 as I had it on disc but wouldn't mind picking it back up. I would be surprised if the bugs weren't ironed out if there were any by now.
Cheers. Still haven't got around to playing the main game for years.
Same. A lot of my games, including the various Infamous games, are still in their wrapping…
It's crazy that my unopened game collection has been sitting on my shelf for so long that some of them have now become free on PC thanks to Epic, Amazon Prime Gaming, GOG, etc…
Preordered both the PS4 ones, I know the dlc was nothing major, but I was never gonna pay for it, so this is a win for my spite
FYI - In case anyone who downloaded this DLC and trying to find how to run the DLC, it is played from within the main game. On the map, there should be a yellow icon with a black exclamation mark - source -…
ahhh Infamous loved the orginal games back when they were first released on the PS3 not a big fan now a days with the latest one.