Got served an ad from Post-It Notes:
Sign up today and receive a FREE Post-it Dry Erase Surface sample. The instant, flexible whiteboard solution for everyone.
Last posted by TA in 2020 and reports in the past that people had received the sample:
Got served an ad from Post-It Notes:
Sign up today and receive a FREE Post-it Dry Erase Surface sample. The instant, flexible whiteboard solution for everyone.
Last posted by TA in 2020 and reports in the past that people had received the sample:
Can it be sticked onto stainless Steal surface?
omg what are you doing to your walls?
Plain white wall - thought it was fine but they peeled off overnight - 2nd attempt with new stuff and zero issues
I never knew I needed such a thing!
Absolutely love this in this size. If I am not wrong, too bad they don’t sell this in this size (couldn’t find it at Officeworks).
The bigger sizes are cool too. Much more cheaper than having to actually buy a whiteboard.
Didn't receive it last time but going to try again.
Yeah still awaiting that one as well 😂
same, didn't get nothing!
didn't get nothing!
So you got something?
Thanks Op. Hope this time get it delivered
I didnt receive it last time but have ordered again. Going to use it to plan my future serial killing
"1. Note to self: keep mouth shut"
Thanks op.
Thanks OP I will stick with this one.
Fool me once…
Shame on you, fool me twice the fool can’t get fool again. 😂
I put one on the bedhead to keep track of scores.
You know you could just go to
Does it track the Ins and Outs ?
Certainly, even the Ups and Downs.
Thanks for posting again. Still using the one from last deal
Here's hoping I get this. Filled up the form.
Does it come off the wall easily in say a rental unit?
Now Uncle SAM got my details!
Link not working anymore?
I just opened the page. Still working.
Hmmm. Won't open for me in Duck or Chrome. Just loads their normal website. Can you post URL for me please?
Just tried this link…
in chrome and it still works.
URL doesnt work in chrome / edge / firefox for me - goes to normal website!
Thanks it worked. Duck and Chrome still no good for me but Samsung browser worked 😉
Didn’t work for me
Try clicking through the Facebook ad links.
Cannot get it to load. Chrome, FF or Samsung Internet.
I never received it last time, site wont show me a form this time. 3M can take a running jump.
Where did you guys find the option to order? I checked everywhere :(
How do you order?
I think this one exprired I cannot find any form to order the sampke or even signup
I just filled the form in the link below and I manage to complete it a second time.…
When I visit this link no form appear, tested accross multiple browsers no Form at all
Can confirm… no form appears
I'm very late but I just checked now Monday 25 July 11:06pm on chrome on mobile using desktop mode and yeah it's gone.
No more samples left. :(
Marked expired 20 Jul 8:40pm. 👓
Got mine today..along with a 3M P2 mask lol
Good to hear I'm still waiting.
Checked mail today and it was already there. So assuming I got it on Friday.
Also, there was one KN95(P2) mask in the pack as well.
Thanks alot
Got mine today..
I'm jelly of the people getting theirs. Still waiting for mine.
received mine but no mask
Got mine
Got mine just now. Its a small piece of paper with adhesive, was it meant to be A5? Nothing to complain though, free mask as well :)
Thanks OP
Got mine today, didn't realise I was going to be quite this small, but hey, this is a free sample I guess!
I didn't get a mask :(
Got mine last week. It appears to be 6×4. Last year was quite big but I guess it's free. Also got a mask.
I got mine today. As others said, 6x4 and not A5. No free mask for me.
Got mine today and definitely not A5 size (it’s a smaller size as others have reported) 😡 No mask.
Nothing yet over here.
Same. Starting to thing I'm not getting it.
I bought this for work - simple tip: wash the walls before you put it on, then with isopropyl alcohol - it might look clean but it aint!
The first time I did mine it fell off overnight - oops