How much would you guys consider 'fair' for this? I've seen them used for as low as 200 on facebook. Might be connected to the recent crypto price crash and thus be ex-mining cards.
GTX 1070 Used Prices
I'd guess $200-$250. It's only going to go down from here as miners are dumping hundreds of cards in the coming weeks
I've seen 1080s going for $300-350, possibly $200 ??marketplace is just awful for selling I.T gear you'll get people offering you $100 etc I have a 1080 I'm going to use for emulation and just get a 3080 when they drop under $1k
I sold mine for $300 back in March.
I'd expect them to be $250-$300 depending how many are being sold on Marketplace.
$250 if there's heaps being sold, $300 if barely any.Even though GPU prices are slowly falling, there's no solid news of the 40-series aka, nothing to really drive the price down atm.
March is an entirely different world to now, no way anyone should pay $300 when there are brand new, faster 6600's popping up around $300 (they also come with a couple of games from AMD). 6600XT is similar to a 1080ti and is sub $400.
$200 max these days unless someone hasn't caught on to falling GPU prices, particularly in the AMD space.
The only reason I could see is that some people need Nvidia cards for Machine Learning.
Very true! For $300 though I'd look at a 2060, would kill it for ML work since they bought in tensor cores with that gen.
Not sure if the 1650 super would be better than a 1070 for ML though. It's slower for gaming but it had dedicated integer cores and more RAM. Not that there's many around though.
If they're $200 in your area, that's great.
yes damn 2nd hand market yet to catch up with reality.
I would expect to pay less than $200 ideally but around $200 is fair price. You saw the deal today for a brand new RX 6700XT at $599.On eBay, the listings starting at $200 have 0 bids. So I reckon you may find yourself a good bargain there on a listing accepting best offers.
Facebook marketplace does let you filter for sold items under 'Availability' to see what they're going for, though it doesn't show if the buyer and seller negotiated down a deal and then the seller just marked it as sold.
2 of them which sold in my area did have to be marked down after apparently not being bought at $350 and $300 (down to $250 each). There's another that said it sold for $320 but it's possible that the buyer and seller negotiated that down.
I think many non-miners will be selling their 1xxx cards on marketplace when they get a chance to get a newer rtx 3xxx or radeon 6xxx. That's my plan for my 1060, and I'm hoping it's still worth $100-$150 by then. Ideally the listing would give you some idea going by the buyer's description.
Certainly less than $250. Once the low-end of the 4xxx series comes out, the RTX2060, RTX3050 downward pressure will increase and I would expect to see $200 or less more consistently. GTX970 is already about $150 today on marketplace, and there are quite a large number of 1080, 1080ti's still out there too, as well as a couple 1070ti's too.