Looking for the cheapest way to get Adobe creative suite?
I don’t think I’ll use it much but would be predominantly Lightroom, photoshop and acrobat editor.
Is there an overseas version you get sign up to (like turkey Netflix/YouTube premium) Or are you able to have multiple people share an account, again like the streaming services?
Cheapest Way to Get Adobe Creative Suite

Thanks @alvian, I’ll check it out
Just a thing with StudentsOnThe Hub for NSW its pretty much dead because a lot of kiddos had their DET emails hacked so that malicious peeps can sell the keys. The DET email is now used to make an Adobe account for Creative Cloud
Back in the good ol days when primary schools kids can get Office Pro 365, CC, and Windows licenses
Doesn't help they make default passwords things like their classroom number/letter and don't even try and enforce some kind of basic password idea for the kids to implement/change their password.
You sir make an excellent candidate to sail the high seas
From Stuart to Steward
Got some Arnott's crackers if polly can fly and get them.
Date a student.
who is not minor
I spy a new pfp
Thought I’d try a new one for a while since at least 50% of my replies are in one form or another Simpsons quotes from season 2-10 haha!
pie rorte baye
If it's an option you can exploit, students at Tafe can get the Adobe suite for $55 for 12 months, which works out to be less than 5 bucks a month.
Just pirate it
Is it just me or there are no Adobe Singles Day or Black Friday deals running? It's really quiet, usually at this time of the year it's already announced.
Just got the pop-up that's telling me I have 7 days left. Sadness.
For photography https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/679088
Student deals https://www.ozbargain.com.au/deals/adobe.com