Thanks for the heads up Ozymandias
Win a Private Screening of Bullet Train for 10 People Worth $1,500 from The Brag Media

mclarge on 18/07/2022 - 15:14 (8775 clicks)
35 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 18/07/2022 - 15:32
35 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 18/07/2022 - 15:32
Closing Date
07/08/2022 9:00pm
1 x private screening of Bullet Train for 10 people
No. of Prizes
Total Prize Pool
Entry Requirements
Open To
Entry Limit
One per person
Entry Methods
Email Subscription
In 25 words or less, what is your favourite Brad Pitt movie and why?
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closed Comments
Yes, I had the same experience. I won a prize last year from Brag and I gave them my details but they never replied back. Ready cautious with this
I saw this film at Hoyts. It is sort of like the violence from Orient Express x10 but with Assassins on a Bullet Train. Pretty violent, but no Chain Saws. lol
Word of caution with these guys, I won a comp of theirs in February and am yet to receive the prize - had some initial contact but it's been radio silence for many months. Obviously it's ultimately a free prize so I'm not in a tizzy about it, just thought a prospective entrant might want to know.