I need to replace some Allen key screws and they are the hard to reach ones that you need the long Allen keys that comes with the furniture, is there anywhere to get these?
Where to Get Replacement IKEA Allen Keys and Screws?
If you go to Ikea where click and collect is there is usually a cabinet of screws etc for the taking.
Can take months tho :(
Thanks, any ideas what the spare part numbers would be or where to get those?
It will be in the instruction booklet. You sould be able to get a pdf version from ikea support website
In Perth the help yourself cabinet of spares have a cold coin donation requirement.
Is this the same in other IKEAs around Australia?
What is a cold coin?
Anyway our local IKEA has spare screws etc at the Returns counter. Just tell them the number of the part and they are free.
A coin that is cold, as opposed to a coin that is warm or a coin that is molten.
Exactly. You ever been given a warm coin? Like… why is it warm? Gross.. Cold all the way.
Bunnings tool shop.
Hardware or car parts shops will likely have long Allen keys. Screws might be a bit harder to find, just because you’ll need to know the actual size. Again, hardware or car parts might have something. Alternatively bolt suppliers.
Free at the service desk (if they have them in stock) and free online, but they’re sent from Sweden and take months.
Actually the spare part that was missing from our pack came from Germany (checked the package) and there was none in stock in Australia. It took 3 months to arrive.
Yeah, check the spare parts area near the click and collect at Ikea stores. Or just ask a store attendant and they'll find you one. Or buy a replacement pack with the Allen key screws and return it without the Allen key screws as they don't mind. Ikea has a very generous return policy. You can even return fully assembled furniture if you're not happy with it. Or … concentrate really hard at the furniture and use the force.
Check with your Ikea store. They sometimes have free spares.