This was posted 2 years 7 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Genshin Impact - 60 Primogems and 5 Adventurer's Experience


60 Extra Primogems for those wanting to get Kazuha and good luck for everyone.

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  • +5

    Lost 50/50 as usual and got him at 81 pulls. This game doesn’t like me much

    • Are you me? Same here except it was 79 pulls after 50/50.

    • If you got him on 1 pull at 81st pull, immediately do a 10 pull, you have high chance of getting another 5 star in following 10 pull.
      Due to single pull is not registered immediately, gacha still think it short you 5 star at 90 guaranteed pity.

      PS: Personal experience, got Venti on single pull, then did 10 pull got Keqing.
      Got skyward Bow on Single pull, then 10 pull got darknight(forgot his name).

      So, only anecdotal.

      • What happens if you get him at less than 10 pity till 90 ??? EG get a 5 star at 75 , doing a ten pull will only get you get 85. Does it only work if around 80 pity ?

        • No idea, I mainly F2P, don't have enough primo to do enough test.

          Another anecdotal test i have been doing is 8-9 3 star single pulls, then wait for next day for all single pulls to register, then do a 10 pull. It only worked once(Got me Ayaka less than 30 pulls after Keqing) , even myself think its coincidence.

          P2P whales could give it a try.

      • This is not a thing, there is no way to "rig" the odds. You just got lucky. Every pull after a 5-star has 0.6% chance until you reach soft pity again.

        • Could absolutely be placebo effect, not denying that.

          There is nothing to loose to save up more than 11 pulls(F2P) when you reach soft/hard pity, and give it a try. The worst will happen is another 4 star and 10 pulls into next pity, which is still a win(F2P) .

    • I lost 50/50 and got him at about 86, seems it likes you more than me.

  • lost 50/50 on him last year so saved while pulling some chars here and there. got c1 + freedomsworn lets go

  • +1

    Not interested in Kazuha, waiting for Yoimiya.

  • Kazuha do be thicc

  • +1

    Got Klee and Kazuha :D
    there goes my luck for the rest of the year.

  • Is this game good if I intend to play it more like a console RPG (an hour here and there) than like WoW (every day for hours)?

    I love the art style, and the gameplay elements I've seen look well done.

    • +2

      Definitely, it doesn't have that much content to keep you engaged for hours everyday anyway. You'll have to put in more hours initially but once you reach the end game, you'll probably struggle to play it for an hour everyday as there's barely anything to do except dailies and spending resin.

      • +2

        That sounds up my alley.

        I also have ZERO weaknesses for in game purchases, so the whole GACHA element doesn't worry me much.

        • +2

          That's great to hear. Patience is extremely important in this game. Let me know if you need any help.

    • This game is very casual, you can play it however you want. You are given enough basic characters to pretty much complete the game. The caveat would be the limited banner characters aka 5 stars, those requires Primogems to obtain. During early and mid game you can get primogems by simply exploring, quests, and opening treasure chests. On end game, when you 100% everything, primogems would be mainly on daily quests. Daily quests kinda require you to log on every day, but these quests typically can be done in less than 10 mins. Alternatively, if you have money, you could simply buy primogems and couldn't care less about daily quests.

      Game itself is free, so you can always give it a go and just drop it if you think it's not for you.

    • Game is designed to be played this way once the permanent content is done, in my opinion. Daily quests (commissions) take maybe 15 minutes to do and give you a small amount of primogems (the currency used to buy fates, the currency to roll for new party members) and if you can resist the temptation to spend money for them, you can absolutely play the game from beginning to current content for free.

  • Went all out with my primos supplies and got 4 Kazuhas, 2 Keqings, 14 Ninguangs, 12 Thomas and 5 Heizous. I really just wanted to get C2 Kazuha and C4 Heizou…

  • I got Klee on my first pull coz I guess no one wanted her, lol

    • +2

      Brain cells are important, but using them is forbidden.

    • -3

      Gaming more important than covid and wearing masks apparently. NSW government don't give a damn about it.

      Perhaps you will get IGD, that is truly spreading wild

      I guess some people can't take jokes heh

  • This is going to help after getting a Fire Kazuha

  • +1

    Got Jean instead of Kazuha… no more primos :(

    • Oof.

      You still got over a week left though including a weekend. If you have any remaining quests / hangouts / collectibles / teapot furniture then you might be able to scrape together enough. I gathered enough for another 60-70 pulls when I missed out on Itto's cons.

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