This was posted 2 years 7 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

King C. Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor + 5 Razor Blades $14.95 ($13.46 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Cheapest price in a year according to Camelx3

About this item

  • The pinnacle of over a century's worth of innovation and expertise
  • A single blade razor designed for edging sideburns and strong beard lines to help you achieve your perfect look
  • Long-lasting sharp blades for ultimate precision
  • Closed comb head for the best control

Great for: Sideburns, beard lines

For those new to safety razors, I found a good video reviewing the item. I was also clueless, but this seems like a good buy for someone starting out.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Same price at Woolworths with plenty of stock in-store atm…

    • Woolworths one comes with 10x blades too!

      Edit: my bad, seems they might have uploaded the wrong image to the product listing

  • +1

    for someone starting out

    Get Yaqi mellon. Not the closest shave, but you would struggle to cut yourself with it even if you tried.

  • Which shaving cream and brush do you guys use?

      • +23

        Thanks for your help

    • +2

      I’ve used the cheapo Palmolive tube one from woolies, classic scent, works okay, not much to complain about. But lately I’ve been using the tube nivea sensitive cream one, works okay too with brush, much easier on skin.
      Brush, got Omega bristle from Turnleys, they’re cheap as and great quality

      • Thanks

      • got Omega bristle from Turnleys

        just checked out Turnleys
        there are a few Omega brushes
        any recommendations? or are they all similar with different base colours

        • the brushes are similar quality , check bristle length if you preffer long or short, I preffer short, also the Omega soap for $9.95 is good ….. amazon and ebay also have omega products if you have price and want free shipping.

      • Also use nivea tube cream, I honestly couldn't tell that much difference from a pot one that was like 10x the price.

    • Cream: budget choice for me is Gillette pure. Nicer but not as budget, Speick.

      Brush: dscosmetics 26mm synthetic from aliexpress. But looking now they have gone up in price. I don't think i paid much more than $10 for mine. Less that 26mm = thin and floppy.

      Blades: get yourself some Gillette platinum from vshod for a whole $1.80 posted. Gillette rubie are my favourite. Polsilver also very nice. But both those not as readily available.

      • Thank you

      • I have used Gillette Mach 3 and fusion. Somehow still end up cutting myself and the shave isn't great either. Tried the Schick quattro but again similar results.

    • @stockastics
      I found Nivea Sensitive Shaving Foam to work a treat.

      i didnt like the gel much. foam one was good

      half price at woolies atm

      • Thanks. Which brush do you use?

    • +3

      If trying for the first time you can generally find sampler packs of blades, will include say 5 different packs of 5 blades each. Try them all, pick your favourite, and then order a 100 pack of them and you're set for a few years. Personally, I use the Gilette 7 o'clock blades. All bought via eBay.

    • +8

      Proraso shaving soap

      • +3

        This. Lasts ages. Also their aftershave balm.

      • +1

        I have proraso, omega, arko, cella, all good and all under $15 …most expensive one I have is tabac at $25 …… sometimes price differences also indicate the size / weight of the soap …. DE shaving is cheap ……

      • Tabac also not bad

    • +1

      If you have sensitive skin. You want a boar or badger hair brush, rather than synthetic. I also use the proraso sensitive shaving soap.

    • +1

      Saving cream: Tabac
      Brush: Jack Barber (@Woollies)
      Alum Block: Osma
      After shave : Proraso

    • +1

      I found that the shaving creams I tried were too thick, while shaving oils were a bit too thin and gummed up the razer. In the end I settled for just using body wash (eg Sorbolene) and shaving at the end of a shower, so your beard is soft. You need to experiment a bit I think because it depends on your exact handle and blade as to how aggressive a shave it gives, so some might find shaving cream works great. I would suggest buying a variety of products to start with to get a good setup. It might cost a bit in the beginning, but if you find a good setup and stick with it the cost is pretty low.

  • -7

    Toxic masculinity…….

  • +7

    Never forget.

    • +4

      Gillette did 9/11

  • -2

    I'll never buy Gillette again thanks to their offensive ad campaign years ago. That's me anyway, each to their own.

    • +1

      The best a man can get

  • I've had this for a couple of months now. It's either I am not using it properly or it's just bad. It doesn't shave well. I tried using it in different angles but still, the shave isn't anywhere as I expected/wish.

    • You probably didn't prep before shaving. Its fine for me.

      • How do you prepare? And do you shave 2-3 times?

        • +1

          Like washing your face for 2-3 mins with warm water to soften hair and using shaving cream (high fat preferred) to make shaving smoother. Usually 2 passes is enough but 3 is really smooth. There is tutorials on youtube to help make shaving easier.

    • +1

      Could be the technique. Idea is to prep well, so you don’t have to apply lot of pressure with razor. Blade should barely be touching your skin. I use proraso shaving soap and a badger hair brush I bought years ago. I do two passes, one with each side of the blade.
      I won’t buy a badger hair brush now, because of unethical ways of acquiring badger hair. It was something I wasn’t aware of when I first bought it. However I have read that new synthetic brushes are equally good.

  • +1

    Can anyone provide a recommendation on replacement razor blades for these? I've been buying the same Gillette x10 pack to date from Woolies for $15.

    • +6

      I use Astra Superior Platinum, you can get 100 of them for $14 - or $16 at eBay

      • +1

        Astra blades from amazon are great value and quality.

        • These are made in Russia, so not sure how much longer they will be on our shelves

          • +1

            @Ladcake: I have a big stash at home hehe

            If things ever get that bad there are alternatives from other countries like Egypt, India, Japan etc

    • +1

      I personally use these, but apparently blades are up to personal preference with how they react to your skin. $14 for 100 is a good deal though.


    • +1

      I have Astra $ and feather $$ ….. they are both good when new …. biggest difference is the razor, some have very little blade protruding (not agressive) some have more blade protuding (agressive) ….. people seem to think "feather are sharpest blades you can buy" … same sharpness as Astra I find and they are cheap enough that you don't need to try and use them too often, 100 Astra blades are less than $20, 100 feather are about $45 ….

    • Get this pack and see what works best for you:…

  • +1

    What if you barely have much facial hair (no beard) just chin and moustache area and fine hairs too. (asian). are these shavers worth it?

    • They're always worth it compared to a cartridge razor because the blades are so cheap. The question is more do you mind putting in a bit more effort when shaving so you don't cut yourself. This is a very mild shaver, but still a lot easier to cut yourself compared to cartridges

  • I have tried different blades the ones that in a multi pack, i find that few shaves in with Derby or Astra it gets blunt. Which it is supposed to, but that is when its good for a quick shave with less nicks. So I combined it with Blade buddy which I got from Target few years ago for $5 and I get about 15 to 20 shaves from a blade.
    I also use it shave my head. Used to get 10 shaves from Gillette Blue. Too lazy to use brushes, as i shave in the shower. Find the Gillette Pure Gel the best for me.
    Currently alternate between my $14 Edwin J, the King and Gillette Super Blue. If you want to try some new non DE blades, try Gillette Sensor 3 which s pretty decent sometimes at $4.3 for 5 blades and Gillette Venus Sensitive which I use for shaving my head, I can get about between 30 to 40 shaves from the same blades
    You will need to try many different blades and gels to get best shave

  • +2

    Just picked one up from Doncaster Woolworths. 3 left on the shelf. Also bought a neat travel grooming kit which brought my total back up to the original price of the Gillette kit.…

  • +1

    I saw this on sale at Woolworths and thought it was a good price for a name brand handle.
    A big upgrade in quality and feel compared to the more expensive shavershop unbranded one I've been using for years.
    Personally I'm using Astra blades with a generic brush and Proraso green tea & oatmeal soap, I suggest any noobs try a sample kit of blades & take notes on how they "feel" for when you go to buy bulk.
    The guy in the review video has some good videos on learning to shave.

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