This was posted 2 years 7 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

PlayStation 5 Disc Console + Horizon Forbidden West Bundle $844 + Delivery @ Big W

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Product details

The PS5 console unleashes new gaming possibilities that you never anticipated. Experience lightning fast loading with an ultra high speed SSD, deeper immersion with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and 3D Audio, and an all new generation of incredible PlayStation games. Lightning Speed: Harness the power of a custom CPU, GPU, and SSD with Integrated I/O that rewrite the rules of what a PlayStation console can do. Stunning Games: Marvel at incredible graphics and experience new PS5 features. Breathtaking Immersion: Discover a deeper gaming experience with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and 3D Audio technology.

*** Horizon Forbidden West - PS5 Game as a Digital Download***

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closed Comments

    • -3

      Now who wants to buy a digital version of forbidden horizon north

      • I’ll give you $749 because like yourself, I want the best price

  • This will definitely sell out by the time I get my tax return :(

    • +26

      Unless your tax return comes within the next 8 minutes

      • +1

        Still available lol

        • +2

          That's because no one (smart enough) wants to spend $100 extra for a digital download game.

    • +2

      no brainer for me didn't think about it, just bought one. waited 2 years since

  • +2

    Cheers Op. Been chasing for one for too long.

    • Same, finally got one. Been missing every deal that came through until now. Happy days.

  • I am getting this error when I go to payment from the cart.

    Oops. Something went wrong.

    • +25

      Hmm… sounds like something went wrong there…

      • Agree, all signs pointed that something went wrong over there..

    • I got the same error too. Try logging in or creating an account. Fixed it for me

  • Just got one, had issue with the credit card payment but worked fine using Paypal.

  • +9

    I love that forced bundling is now an offical thing Sony is doing 🙄

    • +9

      I think they do it to ward of scalpers

      • How does the bundling ward off scalpers in general? Curious to know.

        • +21

          No one wants to pay more for a game they don't want, especially when it comes in a digital format.
          This in turn creates minimal appeal for the item and less lucrative for the scumbag, I mean scalper.

      • -1

        That's a bit naive, they've done this during the PS4 gen, it's a normal thing they do.

        • +4

          Yes, but that was usually a disc, not a digital download. Meaning there's zero trade in value attached to the game if you don't want it.

    • +6

      Scalpers are quick and they don't really go for the bundles. It sucks you have to pay more for the bundle, but it's better than paying $1k+ from a scalper (note: don't ever do this).

  • +10

    Sucks about the digital copy of the game with the disc version of the console though…

    • +2

      It doesn't suck that much. If you don't have any games, you'll want at least one PS5 game for the system. This is a good one.

      And you can always sell the download code. It's all good.

    • Get ready for your neg bombs. Gave you a + to keep you in the game longer but it won't last

      • -6

        "You are not allowed to vote on your own comment"

        • +1

          You had a good run, lasted almost as long as the sales window for ps5

    • Cool…

    • Scalpers…scalpers…scalpers…🙄

    • -1

      respect the hustle

    • +3

      I hope one day supply catches up and you're stuck with a bunch you have to sell at a loose.

      • I doubt that.

      • -1

        smart people would have used 5% bigw gift cards or 10% jbhifi (coles woolies promo)

        There is no way to lose

        • -1

          Wont have that time. this is side kick profit.

    • +1

      He's trolling and you all feel for it….. I think

      • +1

        I'm feeling it bro

  • +2

    More pain for scalpers :)

  • OOS already

  • OOS

  • +2

    Got one! Finally! Out of stock by the looks now. But keep refreshing! Sometimes the stock for postcodes gets changed in waves!

  • +1

    Welcome to the family everyone :)

  • wow that was quick

  • +2

    Just snagged one now.. seems maybe in stock again?

  • +1

    It still says in stock for delivery

  • +1


  • +2

    2:19 pm still available :)

  • +2

    Don’t need a ps5 yet

  • -3

    thanks ordered 5 for selling on marketplace

    • +9

      Only 5?
      Those are rookie numbers, you're gonna have to pump up those numbers

      • I think he meant using them as a paperweight.

  • +1

    Finally! Woohoo!

  • How is this a deal

    • +2

      Xbox and ps5 have never been a deal when posted on here, it's the fact that they are available..

      Come to think of it, nor is the monthly posting of 3 month game pass for $1 for new members.

      • Paying $94 for a $79 game should be even less of a deal? Unless my maths is wrong

  • +1

    Thank you OP!
    2:26pm Bought one for delivery only @ Melbourne
    Total $851.9

  • Order confirmed/placed @ 2:29pm for delivery

  • +2

    OMG…finally managed to order…. can't hold back tears …lol

  • +2

    still going half an hour later!

  • Just out of curiosity how much mark up are people selling these for on marketplace. I only saw digital ones on there and none of this bundle..
    Also for full disclosure I bought 1 of these for myself, not to sell.

    • $900 to $950 will get you an easy sale within 2 weeks. Some people ask for more but it takes more time.

      This will be going for $950 to $1000.

      • Thanks for the reply! I guess if scalpers keep doing this over and over it all adds up quickly

        • -6

          Even if i had to sell lower if the market catch up, i already made money within the 2 years.

        • -1

          No halfwit is paying $900 - $950 for this.
          Don't believe the shitposts you read here about PS5's.

            • +1

              @Aureus: Seller not really making much profit after factoring feebay's cut. Seems like a lot of work and outlay for $50 return.

              • +1

                @youngchinaman: True, but it shows what people are willing to pay. I can see similar ripoff sales listed on Gumtree/Marketplace. I can't say if they are selling, but I assume they are.

              • @youngchinaman: This and we don't even know if a person actually won the bid. Generally, these plebs will have several accounts and make fake bids to inflate the price.

                • @Maths Debater: "nobody will buy this"
                  "here's one somebody bought"
                  "that evidence is inconvenient for my theory that actually has no evidence so I'll just claim it's a fake bid, again with no evidence"

                  • @GrueHunter: What is your point?
                    It's not inconvenient at all. Unless you have evidence an actual person purchased that console, I stand by my comment.

                    • -1

                      @Maths Debater: Here, I'll write it out in crayon:

                      • You're the one with the claim
                      • You're the one who bears the burden of proof
                      • You don't have any
                      • @GrueHunter: Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Clearly not if you're still using crayons lol. Move along. He doesn't have evidence just as much as I don't so what are you trying to prove? It's a pointless argument.

          • @Maths Debater: CEX sells for $1,150

            I've been monitoring their site in case I wanted to bite the bullet and their stock as fluctuated (Gone down and back up)

            So people are buying them for that price.

      • +1

        After fees you will be left with no much?

        • -6

          Also BIG W gives you 90 days to return a product that you’ve changed your mind on.

          I have 90 days to return it if i could not sell it.

  • is this all gone?

    • Still in stock 2:36pm

      • do you have to get delivery? I can't seem to pick up anywhere

        • +1

          Yes only Delivery

  • just got one

  • -1

    Yes! 2.33pm still available. Bought one for myself not for reselling

  • ordered

  • Ordered one @ 2:40

  • +3

    I don't even play mine

  • +3

    More and more of these are surfacing.
    Sorry scalpers, you're shit outta luck now!

  • Still up. I'm happy to wait. Since the bundled game isn't a physical game

  • Got 1 Thanks!!!!!!! BigW shopping cart doesn't like VPN's

  • +4

    56 minutes ad still going strong
    good luck scalpers

    • +3

      This is anti-scalper bundle.

  • +8

    Death to scalpers!!!!!!! Especially those ones bragging on ozbargain about their 11th ps5 they bought from Amazon

  • Got one, thanks 😊

  • it is still available now… i wonder how many stock they have

  • +4

    Just got one :D At this point I was happy to wait but I progressed it too far while considering #NoRagrets

  • +1

    I think this is very unusual. R they going to refund/cancel my order?

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