I was observing petrol prices today, realised there is significant difference in prices compared to Sydney and Brisbane
In Melbourne, petrol is selling around 220-230.However, in Sydney and Brisbane it's in 190s and even in 180s.
Any specific reason?
Why Petrol Is Costlier in Melbourne?

Last edited 14/07/2022 - 12:14
it was $1.50 yesterday
This didn't age particularly well
Different discount cycles.
When SYD/BNE are at the top of their cycles, MEL may be at a different point in its cycle and vice versa.
No, it's just not the cycle, petrol price in vic has always been on the high side. Currently the cycle is between 2-2.4, $1.8 was like 2 months ago. In my years of fuel lock the only time vic worth getting a visit were those 98 for the price of 91 in Mulgrave.
Prices in Melbourne are currently a total rip-off
The TGP has crashed in the last week - down about 20cpl to $1.7264 cpl.
Great business - have one guy sitting in the office taking money while customers serve themselves and you pick up 50cpl (gross) profitPetrol is the same price if you have a chopper
Don't have a iPhone and the method to make a android phone a chopper does my head in.
cries in diesel
Stop wasting it.
The People Republic of Victoria takes a bigger cut than the station does :/
Someone has to be the most expensive….
They aren't though.
From my quick search that title appears to belong to the NT where several regional servos are selling diesel for over $3 a litre.
One place (Docker River) has it for $3.60 - https://myfuelnt.nt.gov.au/Home/Results?searchOptions=suburb…
Yep.. bloke from the club paid $3.66 few days ago in Central AU… even more if you need/want fuel drums dropped off
You can line up the dates to see all the capital cities are on different cycles
Any specific reason?
School holidays just finished. It will now slowly come back down.
Yea it will come down eventually after the war ends
I’m guessing further to get to from Asia
We have probably the cheapest wholesale price in Australia.
Because it is one of the beAst city in the whole wide world 😷😂
Is Victoria ‘part’ of Australia?
The prices are still at rip off levels.
Learnt to fly chopper! Getting oil imported from Brisbane now.
I use to fly helicopters but since they made it harder to fly on Android phones, I haven't been doing much flying.
Have to see if my bro has a iphone.
Speaking of Melbourne petrol prices, does anyone know why it's cheaper in Geelong? A few weeks ago I noticed it was $1.99 - $2.09 at several stations coming into Geelong, while Melbourne prices at that time were $2.29 - $2.39.
I might be wrong, what I know is there are local refineries in Geelong (APCO) and rest of the outlets have to keep prices down to stay in competition.
Probably because they can!
(Or they've been transporting it from interstate for whatever reason).