Google Chromecast with Google TV streaming device.
Install Kodi with Matt's Kodi add-on
so you own one?
can you tell me if kodi on CGTV plays smoothly 4k HEVC 10 bit HDR streamed from local SMB shared ?
I own one but haven't bothered with Kodi yet (wife complains about it bugging out all the time and I've seen it do it) my best mate uses Kodi on his and swears by it and when I've used it it's been great. Can't confirm the local streaming part of it for detail wise though.
what do you mean by bugging out?
hmm.. not sure if the FireTV 4 Max is better or same in regards to Kodi performance when playing 4k 10bit HEVC HDR local files shared via SMB…
I only play local content and youtube etc.. so this important to know for me
but unfortunately no one has been able to help with the answer..
Hard to decide which to get or if they are capable at all in playing 4k local files..
Can you open your pm, and pm me if you get kodi to play a local file in that resolution etc..
There's lots of these deals but I hesitate to get any due to the uncertainty.
do you think it is better to get pi4 or odroid n2+ or nvidia shield pro etc
if I am only interested in local media playback 4k 10bit HEVC HDR and youtube etc..
@pinkybrain: TBH it's not even on my radar of things to do and I don't play much local content so I would be using Kodi to stream everything else.
@pinkybrain: Get the shield if you have a lot of non-4K content as it has the best upscaling.
Amazon Fire is absolutely super fast, but never used it with Kodi (probably need to side load it)
Plex all the way for me
@UltimateAI: interesting..
yeah most of my content is non 4k
with exception for some big spectacle content etc..
how well does it upscale 720p and 1080p content?
like what is the quality like
e.g. 1080p will look like 2k content and 720p will look like 1080p?
or all the resolutions will look like 4k etc?
Does upscaling make the image/video feel fake e.g. like motion flow soap opera effect?
which devices do you own right now?
Something to be VERY aware of. Running Kodi on this will consume free space to zero. The device will work, but will lag. Kodi's cache keeps growing and there's no housekeeping. You should attach an external drive/card if you are set on Kodi. I have a usb hub attached with most apps installed on the SD card mounted on the hub. Hub was bought because I wanted to load more apps than the 4gb internal storage allows. The 4gb is pretty pathetic tbh. Next iteration needs double.
thanks for info about the laggyness due to lack of space…
does it just lag in the UI and scrolling through library
or even while playing the movies?
the only workaround is to not add any media to the library
but just use kodi to play the files directly..
yeah 8GB is not enough space..
how much space is left for kodi metadata+ images after you installed kodi and without any other apps installed (ie just kodi on it's on)?
how well does kodi play local 4k 10bit HEVC HDR videos streamed from local SMB share?
does it just lag in the UI and scrolling through library
With the space constraint it was the UI and App loading that was impacted. Streaming wasn't affected. Btw - download Analiti to check your WiFi strength and connection speeds. Very good app.
how much space is left for kodi metadata+ images after you installed kodi and without any other apps installed (ie just kodi on it's on)?
Had 1gb remaining with Kodi installed (and Matt's add in). Cache grabbed all that space after a few days.
how well does kodi play local 4k 10bit HEVC HDR videos streamed from local SMB share?
Haven't tried that. Will find a sample and let you know. Can do a quick test with a sample on the attached usb hub.
@OrderedChaos: Just for those who are interested in a couple of tests….
Tested using
Used the 10bit HEVC at 20mbps, 40mbps, and 60mbps.
Downloaded them to my RPI.
Using VLC on the CCGTV steamed them via SMB. 20mbps plays perfectly. 40mbps does buffer now and again but sometimes plays ok. 60mbps is pretty poor. Stops every 2sec.
Downloaded to internal storage on CCGTV - all play perfectly. Haven't tried a usb on the hub yet. Couldn't find a spare and the CCGTV hogs the SD card for it's own use so it's not accessible.
So the limiting factor appears to be WiFi speed / stability. But hey 60mbps HEVC 10bit is challenging 😂. At that rate a 1.5hr movie will take up 39gb… which is ripped Blu-ray land. It does play it perfectly well tho (when on internal storage).
I'm interested in seeing how it plays off a usb attached to the hub. Expect it to be perfect. Will tinker more when I get a chance.
I recently used the KCleaner add-on and it released over 1gb of thumbnail files. That might help to keep the cache manageable.
I have one. Been using it for over a year. No issues whatsoever. What are you having a problem with?
Had mine since Sept or Oct 2020. Apps crash, Google tv itself unresponsive and crashes. Issues with using soundbar (no other device has issues) streaming quality issues when no wifi issues or anything (tested with other devices inclusing an older 4k Chromecast). I've seen quite a few complaints about these issues
Have a check on the freespace on the device. Might be contributing. Don't have app crashes and I have a slew of apps in typical use - YouTube, Prime, Netflix, Paramount, HBO, Tubi, Peacock, 9Now, ABC, Ten, Open Browser, Analiti, SurfShark (always on), and a bunch more not regularly used.
I did have issues with WiFi. Returned the original device (bought from Google Store). The next was better. I'm still running it on WiFi albeit I do have Ethernet on the hub. Can't be bothered to run cables 😂. WiFi doesn't like 2.4ghz. way happier on 5ghz.
The iffy WiFi and crazy low internal storage are a pain, but the device is darn good. Family love it. Integrates with the Google hub sitting next to the TV. Can use basic voice commands to turn it on/off, control media, open apps. Nice feature found by chance 😁.
@OrderedChaos: I have almost 2gb free on mine haha, this is my 2nd one also sorry should have mentioned both had same issues.
No issues with my Yamaha soundbar, check if there's any firmware updates cos that might help
No issues with mine or my daughter's. Annoying there is no pause button.
Shame you wont find these being discounted during prime day.
This model isn't even offered on Amazon
My point exactly.
@brandogs: That's a pure casting device. The Google TV is a fully fledged streaming device with its own interface.
It's the ecosystem fued between Amazon and Google 😁. I am in the Google ecosystem so the Amazon devices, albeit well priced, don't suit. Can't get all the apps I need.
not as good deal as prime X2 FireTv 4k Max for $69 or even 1 for $49.
Google needs to step up their game, else they will lose market share to the FireTV..
Yup.. $35 a Firestick TV is a steal.
This is $78 at officeworks delivered matching Harvey who gives $20 gift card bonus
Jbhifi looks to have also come down to $79
Bought x2 Fire TV Max 4K for $69
Btw - it's also available on the Google Store for $79 with free shipping.
I switched to Fire Stick. So much faster, Kodi works. It also plays EAC3 which allows more formats to be streamed direct. Much better product.
I have to ask the question: with the Kodi apps do I need a login for them or have they been already "activated"?
The FTA ones linked in this post don't need log-in details. Only subscriptions services like Kayo, Binge etc.
seem expansive compre to amazon fire stick 4k max $38
Does this support USB webcam and make it easy to do video chat/group video chat like Meta Portal TV?
Also looking for wechat video call support.
Good price, just be warned these things are buggy as
So install kodi