Red Bull is a brand of energy drinks that gives you wings.
[Prime] Red Bull Energy Drinks 24 x 250 ml $29 ($26.10 S&S) Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 12/07/2022 - 17:40 by 1 other user

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Zero I have found less sweet
I've found Zero to be closer to the taste of the original
The silver Zero tastes better in my opinion.
Zero tastes much better. Personally find sugar free to be horrible.
I find aldis flying power to be identical to redbull, at lleast to my tastebuds. Between 80c - $1 a can
Also not a bad option, but at this price, redbull zero is the way
Same here. Red Bull even make it for them.
This deal just saved me a trip to aldi. Was literally just thinking i need to stock up as I haven’t seen redbull on sale for a while.
Flying power is a close second to redbull in my opinion.
waiting on Schweppes Soda Water deals
Prefer Sugar Free, Zero tastes like pool water.
Chlorinated or salted?
Definitely chlorinated.
Controversial opinion given the comments above haha
Never tried zero, was almost sold on trying it from the chat above. I Always go sugar free as my preference.
Last time I had one of these it was in a vodka redbull at Aussie pub in Edinburgh. You would ask for a Vodka Red which was a sign you knew what you were on about. Two pounds they were till 10pm. The line at the bar five minutes to that hour was quite a sight I could tell you.
I ordered the Zero, as Sugar Free has weirdly become super sweet. Much sweeter than regular sugar Red Bull.
ALDI's sugar free Flying Power is quite decent too, and at $3.69/4 pack it's very well priced.
If I subscribe with the promo price, would next delivery also be the same price or revert to the original?
Next delivery will be whatever price it is at that time, so somewhere between full price and slight discount.
Thanks, will have to keep an eye out for it then.
Just set frequency to six months if you're worried about forgetting, and cancel the sub after you receive the first item.
+1 for sugar free over zero. The sweetener that zero uses makes it taste horrible.
Any major difference in taste between zero and sugar free?