This was posted 2 years 7 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Prime] King C. Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor + 5 Razor Blades, 5 Count (Pack of 1) $14.95 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Currently 50% off and comes with a pack of razor blades as well. Bought this after seeing the review here:

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2022

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  • +2

    Astra blades are on sale as well. That equates to about 2 years of shaving for less than $30

    • any specific you would recommend?

      • +4
      • +1

        My favs are the Gillette Silver Blues and Astra Superior Platinums.

  • Seems like you can also subscribe & save for $13.46. Any recommended cream/lather? Been using cartridge + aerosol shaving cans all my life and apparently the cans aren't the best to use with safety razors.

    • Can't really recommend anything since I only use the Nivea Sensitive foam one since I have sensitive skin and get irritations easily.…

    • Recommendations could go on for pages. Got to find one you like. For me, I have to have unscented, sensitive skin types as the missus is allergic to, basically, living. Surprisingly the Gilette Pure cream (tube not aerosol) that you can get in Colesworth is something I found actually OK once lathered with a proper brush.

      Otherwise it's a bit of jump in price up to things like Paula's Choice for me.

      But there's like a huge variety out there. And it's so satisfying doing a proper shave (I do my whole head) and so much cheaper.

      Definitely worth reading up on. And there's probably shit loads of stuff on YouTube about it.

      • Thanks for the advice. I'm already using the canned Gillette pure can, so I'll definitely give the tube a go next time.

        • Deffo use a face wash first and use a proper badger or boar bristle brush to lather the cream for that classy feel (not a fan of synthetic ones myself). I don't know about this razor but some are adjustable, e.g. Merkur Futur, so are useful to get the hang of how to cut yourself lol. That particular one is a heavy beast and looks the biz and may seem expensive, but compare against cost of a few month's cartridges.

          One of my favourites is a 1950's Merkur Slant 37C I have. It was a bit of a change to master but the slant makes it slice so easy.

        • the can stuff doesn't rinse out as easy as soap block , cream in tube is nice, but with the soap in a tub, there is less waste as you just get some soap into the wet bristles onto a wet face ……no point over lathering, only the first couple of mm on the face between the face and the blade does the work, the rest just makes you feel opulent ….

    • +5

      Spend a bit of cash and get a basic brush and some Prosaro soap of your choice for $10 which will last you 6-12 months and your golden



      For about $60 you could be set up shaving wise for about a year, plus next time you don't need to buy the razor or brush

      • +1

        Another vote for Proraso. But I've preferred tubes myself. And even the less-scented ones annoy misso these days.

    • Oil can work quite well, king of shaves oil is pretty decent for this.

    • You've to remember two important things with double edge shaving:

      1- Preparation is necessary as the razor doesn't have any gliding lube or rubbery shape which cartridges have. Preparation such as washing face with moisturising facewash. You can use Dermaveen gentle face wash, CeraVe Gentle Wash or something similar. The point is to clean the face, soften the stubble and not dry the skin.
      2- Double Edge shaving can't provide a clean and close shave in one go. You must do at least two passes to have a clean and close shave. So you need to apply the shaving cream or similar again to lube the face. That's why DE shavers use shaving brushes with shaving soap/cream to have the lather to use more than once.

      • Oh geez, if I did two passes I'd ruin myself.

        • Shaving with DE is a learned skill. You need practice

          • @lastkey: Lol I've been doing full beard and whole head with DEs for many many years

  • Anyone tried one of these? I'm kind of turned off by the idea that it's clearly a marketing fake branding attempt at cashing in on the safety razor comeback that they started by making such expensive cartridges.

    • Yeah, I don't disagree on the marketing point. Though for the price is a good gateway safety razor to try. Is not like Gillette have never made a safety razor before, apparently this is based off one of their original designs from like a century ago. You can always buy other cheaper blades, that's the beauty of safety razors.

      Though, like the user below me have mentioned, I would go for a Merkur one as well if I was going to spend more. For $13.46 though, this is worth trying to see if wet shaving is for you.

      • +1

        cartridge razors is a western rich person shaving system ….. lots of countries still use blades and make razors as it's cheap.

        • +1

          Yeah the blades I use (Wilkinson Sword) is made in India.

    • I have tried a few DE shavers. This head is one of my favourites. The handle is ok and can be a bit slippery, so I replaced it with the Stainless Steel handle I got on Ali Express. It worked well with King C blades which came with the package. Now I use Astra Platinum with the same results.

  • +2

    If you're going to invest in a safety razor then I'd buy better quality such as this and it's still on sale… and if you're going to get some blades then start with Derby (least aggressive)…

    • Mine has lasted me well over 10 years at this point and derby blades are cheap, one thing I do need is a good badger brush

      • For me, a badger brush feels nice but I didn't notice a material improvement in my shave.

        • I've gone from boar, to badger, to synthetic back to boar to synthetic ….. not much improvements beyond feels nice, but synthetic don't rot if you don't rinse and invert,

    • Appreciate the recommendation but that one is almost 4x the price. Will give this one a go then might invest for a higher priced one in the future

      • +2

        Unfortunately, you get what you pay for with wet shaving. There are no miraculous products where it's half the price but a similar quality.

        • Is durability the main difference as you go up? Or is the shave better?

      • keep it cheap when starting out, also gives your partner something to buy as a present …. 40 years ago it was all DE razors in the supermarket …. still have my old gillete, best razor is a chinese stainless butterfly for $15 ..have never been able to find seller again.

  • How does it work for hairy guys, lol
    Guy in OPs review doesn't convince me enough

  • +2

    I don't have a thick beard, but I do have sensitive skin. I found that disposable razors would always give me a shaving rash and tried a DE razor after reading a bunch on reddit. I've found the following combination works well for me: 1) shaving at the end of a hot shower, 2) using body wash instead of shaving cream, 3) trying different blades until I found one that worked (you can buy mixed sample packs)

    I found shaving cream too thick for a close shave, while oils were too thin and gummed up the razor. Sorbolene worked well, but I suspect it's about finding the right viscosity for the combination of razor and blade you have.

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