Cheapest I've seen on 3camel. This is the v2 switch, if anyone is wondering.
First time poster, go easy on me. :)
Cheapest I've seen on 3camel. This is the v2 switch, if anyone is wondering.
First time poster, go easy on me. :)
Not that I am aware of, no.
Now I am aware. Thanks.
That's the old V1 switch, not the V2.
Anyone using these and can compare to the old/original one? What’s the difference in daily use?
The new one has a slightly more premium feel, but I prefer the 4x separate buttons of the original - since I configure every button.
I wish they'd come up with variants on the switch panel, perhaps with more buttons and an easy way to label each button
Thanks, bought 1
Why didn't you wait for the 14% cashback ?
"impatient is the root of all evil :p "
I remember buying it for $19.40 from amazon. They have changed the product URL to get rid of the history.
Having said that, I don't have a time machine, so just ordered it :)
Are you thinking of the old model v1? I don't think I've seen this version, the newer model v2, that low.
Just confirmed, it was v1. Apologies for the false alarm.
Ahhh yes, that tactic is utilised by many Amazon storefronts unfortunately 😒
Also price matched by JB if you want to walk in and get one. Ditto for the motion sensor @ $51.
where do you see the motion sensor for $51?
edit: nvm it's on sale at JB, not on amazon for that price…
although now showing OOS, so JB if you want it straight away.
Are you sure its v2? Picture is v3
The first version has on/off as the top/bottom buttons, second version had I/O, this third version has power symbol/hue. I guess the first two versions are both considered v1
I see what you mean. Dug a bit further and discovered that the ON/OFF and I/O (a variant) are identical. With the I/O designated for international markets.
All things considered, splitting hairs here – I'm sticking by my v2 comment.
that the ON/OFF and I/O (a variant) are identical.
The I/O one is the International version.
Just wait for the v8…
Now that the 14% cashback is over, I wonder whether Bunnings would price beat this?
Now that Ikea no longer sell the TRÅDFRI wireless dimmer is this the cheapest option for controlling Hue lights?
That has been replaced by the STYRBAR. You can control it via HA I guess, but you would need to jump through fewer hoops with the Philips dimmer switch.
With the Styrbar at $25 vs the Hue Switch at $27.90 jumping through fewer hoops sounds like the better option.
I wish I had grabbed the Tradfri at $10 though.
Are these available in any of the starter packs?