You need to be a Prime member, but they're still offering free trials if you haven't used it previously. Usually $289, this Kindle has not been discounted often, and this looks to be the best price yet. Comes with more storage, auto adjustable lighting, and wireless charging compared to the standard Paperwhite.
[Prime] Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (32GB) $202 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 11/07/2022 - 13:44 by 1 other user

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I managed to get the 8GB Paperwhite price-matched at JB Hi-Fi for C&C at $167, if anyone was interested. Just use the live chat function on the JB website and give them the link that kapone has put up.
Never get the price tag for this signature version. Didn’t add much comparing to normal PW. I would get oasis which is 279 now
Review showed PW CPU was faster than KO. Also PW has USB-C and nearly all useful feature as PO
The only difference is the auto adjusting backlight and wireless charging isn't it? I couldn't justify the extra 40 for wireless charging and the auto adjusting back light is meh for my use.
And also 32GB instead of 8GB.
Although 8GB is plenty for hundreds of books, those that are into audio books (or just like to collect books) might find the extra storage useful.
On ALL the Kindles:
This device does not support the playback of Audible audiobooks.
@lasterato: Must be an America vs Australia thing because the Kindle does have Bluetooth support for headphones but might be disabled in Australia region.
Can anyone convince me it's worth upgrading from my 2015 3rd Gen 4GB Paperwhite 3 to the new 8GB Paperwhite?
My current Paperwhite is a couple of years older than that and the only reason I'm upgrading is the battery has degraded a load in the last 6 months. I'm looking forward to the warm light but I definitely wouldn't be upgrading if I wasn't having issues with my current one.
Get ya. The only reason to replace would be the battery, but then got no problems at the moment on the current one and it's relatively cheap and easy as well to just replace the battery in my existing one :P
I have the kindle 10th Gen, 2 years since I got it now. I really want the warm light because I do most of my reading in bed at night and also the higher resolution would be nice. But I definitely can't justify the price as I don't read enough and realistically the normal Kindle is perfectly fine for consuming my books.
Wish there was a way to mod in warm light LEDs, I'm surprised the kindle modding community isn't very existent. I've got a lot of ideas for some cool features.
You could also buy one of those ambar book light attachment then attach it to your kindle, amazon has some neck lights as well if you don't want to attach to the kindle
usb-c is about it.
the normal paperwhite has usb-c
He was asking about upgrading from a 2015 model to a paperwhite, not specifically the signature edition
I'm still on my 3rd Gen from 2017. Absolutely love it, it's still going great. Although, admittedly, I'm finding it harder to squeeze in some quality reading nowadays.
I had a 2nd gen which I gave to my son, which he unfortunately lost.
If it still works, save your money for a future version when your current reader finally gives up the ghost. I'm still using my Kobo Glo from 2012.
For once some non-enabler answers with sensible reasons NOT to upgrade. Thanks all :)
I have the original Kobo H2o and 5 years later I bought the Kobo Libra H2o thinking there would be an appreciable improvement after 5 years.But apart from smaller bezels and thinner body the reading experience and quality of the screen seems to be the exact same.
If you are satisfied with your present device,Dont waste your money.
Remember its not a smartphone.All it does is display black text. Unless there is a huge leap in display technology, its the same experience.
Ohh boy a 7th Gen Kindle Voyage… Love downgrading back to micro-usb and a 6" screen.
it's got the same innards and better screen than current gen Paperwhite (non-signature). also, quite a bit more compact, fits easily in jeans pocket
I downgraded happily
I'll buy your Paperwhite for that Voyage price from you then.
Charges twice as fast with usb-c (not that relevant), 8gb and a 6.8" screen. I don't think the voyage is waterproof either? Though all my kindles worked fine in a steamy bathroom lol
At the end of the day, you're paying $50 more, for a better, newer machine with the Paperwhite, and while it doesn't fit in my jeans, fits in my oodie 😅
@TogTogTogTog: paid $113 with delivery for mine, that's about as much as I think kindles should cost.
who complained 6" was too small? nobody is who. yeah, they can roll out Kindle DX all over again, I don't care. screen on voyage is still better anyway. and storage? I have a year worth of reading loaded on mine, takes up about 400mb of space.
@shabaka: You can pay whatever you want for a product if you think it's worth it. I had a kindle 2 and then a 5 for years, only updated to a Paperwhite 11 recently and it's leagues ahead.
I think 6" is too small, personally I read landscape so the taller a screen the better for me.
Anyway, I was just correcting your statements on how a voyage has better tech for cheaper. It's frankly misleading, that and a single refurb usually isn't a deal others can utilise.
Like the Oasis is 2+yrs old, and even it isn't as good as the new usb-c Paperwhites lol.
@TogTogTogTog: compared in store, voyage has clearer screen. reason? it's covered by glass, not plastic. that's a fact. how is this misleading?
eBook reader is screen and CPU essentially. the CPU that goes into voyage is the same CPU that went into almost all kindles between 2013 and 2019. the only reason why kindles released in 2021 got a different CPU is because the previous CPU isn't produced anymore, and they had to find the replacement. it's not like with the release of new one the old one suddenly became inadequate for reading books.
the only thing new Kindles have going for them is larger screen and usb-C port. is it worth paying $100 more? everyone decides for themselves.
I say voyage is perfectly fine, if not even better, because all I want for an eBook reader is a clear screen to prevent eye strain, and voyage excels in that. why would I pay more? that's the whole point of OzBargain. if you disagree, well, it's your choice. just don't think there's something misleading here.
Holding out for some increased cashback!! Hopefully higher than Cashrewards' $20, as it is an Amazon device
I miss my kindle. I never use it now because I like narration so need to use my phone.
Shit just bought paperwhite for $169 at JB and saw this….
Buy this and return this one to jb
Too late. Already opened and set it up before reading this….
Buy this one and return it to JB Hi Fi instead :-)
Grabbed the 8gb version for 167. Used the difference to buy a case.
Interested in this. I have the PW 4 which usually would mean that I don't need an upgrade, but the larger screen and larger capacity have me interested, as I read manga on my Kindle which I know is quite a niche use-case. I could use an iPad but I find e-ink displays much more manga-friendly than glossy displays.
In the exact same boat here lol. I want to read some more manga but my 6'' paperwhite is a pain in the ass even after scaling it with KCC. 8gb also isn't enough. Considering the kobo libra 2 myself but I don't know if that will be any better. I know a tablet with tachiyomi will just be 100x better but my eyes are too used to ereaders + I still want to read more books than manga so getting a tablet just for manga seems like a waste.
I pulled the trigger when the $20 cashback offer came along. It just seemed too good to pass up.
I’m very tempted. I’m still using my first gen PW from 2012. The battery doesn’t last as long as it used to, the warm light, higher DPI and water resistance would all be nice but this thing still works fine.
I’ve got the basic model and it’s slow and laggy as and pixelly. Anyone know if the new paperwhite is going to be a lot faster?
The listing does say 20% faster page turns which I assume is benchmarked against the previous kindle Paperwhite. It's probably safe to assume it's faster and less laggy, but don't expect it to be like a tablet or phone.
As for the "pixelly", the paper white models have a significantly higher pixel density of 300ppi instead of 167ppi like on the basic model so it would be noticeably sharper. If you don't like the way e-ink screens work (the frame by frame changing) then the paperwhite is probably not worth the upgrade.Thanks!
I have a kindle paperwhite from 2017 (it says 7th Gen), Whats the difference from that and the new Paperwhites? Besides i presume the warm light and the USB-C charging and the wireless charging on the higher models. Is there anything else I am missing? like better e-ink / or other technologies?
These prices are great and if it's something you want grab one. But if you enjoy reading on your phone, and don't get fatigue, it's always a 100% saving (since everyone needs a phone these days).
Ereaders last a long time and do not get obsolete quickly.
You could spend $202 on this and keep it for 8 years.
$25 per year not to torture yourself reading books on the phone or tablet. Cheap as chips.That's only true if you find reading on a phone to be torture. Also doubt your battery will last 8 years.
The battery gets charged once a week or fortnight. So even in 8 years its less than 500 cycles. A smartphone will do that in one year.
So then it comes down to calendar age.
My original Kobo H2o bought 6 years ago still has decent battery life.
And reading a few webpages is fine on a phone or tablet but reading a 1000 page novel………Sheer Torture.
This vs the Kobo Libra 2 eReader?
Hard to say they're both very similar in specs but do have differences.
They both have the same screen technology but the Kobo has a bit bigger if a screen 7" vs 6.8". The Kobo has the different design with physical buttons for page turns. The Kobo supports audiobooks and this Kindle won't in Australia. Kobo's, in general, support the EPUB eBook format which Kindles do not. This is a feature that Amazon chooses to ommit for no good reason other than having their own format (mobi), epub is probably the best eBook format but it's pretty easy to convert between them all anyway. Kobo's, also in general, give more stats on reading like total book reading time for each book and insights on how much reading you've done each day, week etc. Kindles can collect this information but the only way to get (some of it) is by enabling a feature only available in America. Kobo's also make ebook borrowing from libraries easier than Kindles in Australia.The Kindle paperwhite SE has the wireless charging. It's very well integrated with the Amazon book store if you've got a lot of stuff on that. You also get a [insert_something] email that when you send supported format books to it they automatically upload to your Amazon account and auto sync to your devices. I love this feature, I just get an eBook on my phone and then email it to the kindle and boom it's there. Works for pdfs or whatever you want too, just not epub. Kobo has equivalent-ish things you can setup however, but I'd say the Kindle way is a bit more convenient for me.
It's a tough decision, I personally much prefer the design etc of the Kindle, but the Kobo has a lot more features enabled software side, nothing that Amazon couldn't also implement but they simply won't.
You can always jailbreak your Kindle and install KO Reader which supports epub and has way way more settings.
Amazon are changing the send to email to do EPUB conversions. Literally just this year too… Still don't allow EPUB, but they'll convert it at least.…
Aye thanks for this! I found an article saying they were accepting authors to upload EPUB but wasn't sure if they would convert email sent stuff too. That's honestly super handy.
Does anyone know if you can put kindle books into Kobo and vice versa? Cheers
Not directly no.
It is possible and fairly easy to convert ebooks from azw3 (kindle format) to epub (format used by kobo) using Calibre (a ebook management software) with deDRM plugins however.
Just ordered one…..14 Sept delivery :(
Just arrived if anyone else ordered one, two weeks earlier than expected.
Also on sale
8GB Paperwhite is $167
Regular old Kindle is $79