This was posted 2 years 7 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Apple Airpods 2nd Gen $159, Google Nest Hub 2nd Gen $69 Posted @ MyDeal (20% $40 Cap Cashrewards Cashback, 22% with Max)

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As part of MyDeal’s 11th birthday, some good deals have their prices slashed. Apply "BDAY10" at checkout for an additional $10 off $75 spend with free delivery.

Google Nest Hub 2nd Gen (Pre-Sale)

AirPods 2nd Gen

Finish Quantum Ultimate x350 - $69 + delivery

Stack with 13 20% (15 22% with Max) uncapped $40 cap cashback from Cashrewards - credit to @joaawh


(expires: 16th 17th July)

Special Terms

  • Cashback is ineligible on all Apple branded products.
  • Cashback is ineligible if using codes not listed on Cashrewards.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Looks like the Hub Max is also $259 after discount;

    • Why are some of the Google Nest Hub Maxs priced at $292?

      • Good question, wonder which ones, if any are the grey imports?

  • +2

    FYI the apple airpods are a grey import

    • +1

      I don't think it really matters as you'd still be covered under 1 year international warranty.

      • +4

        Australian versions? come with 2 years warranty even though Apple doesn't like advertising it. I got mine replaced when it died after 1 1/2 years. Took it back to Officeworks where we argued until I got them to ring up Apple and the told me to bring it in. Next day after inspection, it was replaced with a new pair.

        • +3

          yup. My Airpods Pro had issues and I booked an apptmt and it was slightly past 24 months, they were nice enough to replace it and give me another 24 months

    • Regarding cashrewards it says that apple is not included in cashback for MyDeal. Shopback also unfortunately.

  • +3

    …and I think the Finish Powerballs aren't free delivery? FWIW The Devanti airfryer seems a decent deal (…) at $88 delivered after the coupon.

    • Yeah, just noticed the same on the Powerball tablets. Not great with nearly $20 postage to Canberra.

    • Yep ! Seems like a good price. Not sure about the air fryer reviews.

      • Our Philips one is starting to have issues (the clip holding the basket into the pan is loose & can't be tightened so the very hot pan has dropped onto the floor a few times now). It's pretty old, so will give this a try as it's probably cheaper than getting spare parts even if they were still available. The kids mainly use it to heat up snacks etc, but it does get used a bit - much more than I ever thought it would. Even made donuts in it yesterday. The reviews for the Devanti seem ok - I suspect it won't be as solid as the Philips (the similar but slightly smaller "Philips Essential XL" is more than double the price) but will see.

  • +1

    Unfortunately not getting free shipping to Canberra on the Powerball tablets even though the cart is over $75 and the coupon is being used.

  • Would OW or JB HIFI pricematch these?

    • Don't know, ask them?

    • They won’t match for grey import. YMMV.

    • +1

      I called JB Hifi once and they said they don't price match marketplace, and that MyDeal is marketplace.

    • Both price match policy's exclude anything that requires a promotion code

    • Better give it a try using JB online chat. Higher chance than calling or visiting a store.

  • I just bought the Google Nest Hub last week for $95 from myDeal… Should I return it and buy another?

    • It was AU stock and not a grey import?

    • Email mydeal and ask if they will refund the diff.

  • +7

    Stack with 13% cashrewards. BDAY10 is included in the promo codes allowed.

    OP added it to main post.

    • +1

      Gave you the credit for finding it :)

  • 78.95 for dishwashing tablets delivered for me. Good deal?

    Thanks OP! $69.54 after cashback

  • Are codes stackable? I.e. b'day code + new account code (min $100 spend)

    • +3

      Nope, I’ve tried both the BDAY10 and SHOPAPP. Once you have entered a code, it won’t allow you to enter a second one (i.e the code section becomes locked, only way is to reset it)

  • Bit slow but nice for kids, speaking of whom, they dropped and whacked the screen. Any idea how to repair it? still under warranty. Can get aftermarket screens from Aliexpress

    • Might not be saving a lot of money however there are demo units floating around ebay.
      They are not usable as they stuck in demo mode and unable to change to customer mode - quite a bit of effort to disassemble and assemble I guess.

  • +2

    Very tempted but I cant see the use. Already got home mini (free w/ ebay plus) and a tablet.

    • yes, we have a home mini (our son bought it a few years ago for us, but we don't really use it) Not sure what the point is of these things when we have a desktop, tablet, mobiles etc

      • I use mine for home control, ambient music around the house, kitchen timers, kids ask it to play fart noises, etc.

    • Have 3 Gen 1 Nest Hubs and some (free) Nest Minis. The Nest Hubs screens are really only used as clocks so without that function could really get away just using the Minis.

      1. Use it to stream music via Bluetooth to Edifier R1280DBs
      2. Smart Home voice integration
      3. Timers
      4. To put things on my Bring shopping list
      5. Asking about weather
      6. Asking random questions "When did X die?"

      Want to try and pump some Home Assistant Lovelace control screens to them but'll probably never get round to it, but they still make good clocks :)

  • This one or echo show 8?

    • depends on the ecosystem you are invested in

    • +7

      Decide if you want to go down the Amazon or Google route first. You can of course have both, but I - as a random internet person so must be trusted - would recommend just using the one. Personally, I have thrown my allegiance to the Google overlords, and a number of other random people on the internet believe that things like search results from Google are generally faster and more accurate, but then again there are many out there who swear that people like myself will be the first against the wall once the Dark Lord Jeff reigns supreme. So, up to you really. :-)

    • I have both, and it's like having two wives. For Alexa - I have fireTV and Amazon Prime. It's better integrated with Alexa since it will notify me about delivery, or I can control my TV (connected to FireTV) better like turning on and off. For Google - I have Youtube Premium/Music, it doesnt work with my Alexa so I rely on Google Home.

      • But doesn’t the echo show 8 have better specs? Like 8 vs 7 and 1200x800 vs 1024x600?
        The nest hub seems to be quite overpriced compared to the echo show

      • +2

        which one is better in the bedroom?

        • Depends on the intended use ;)
          No experience with Alexa but have a Home Max in my bedroom, the sunrise alarm (screen brightens over 15mins + plays bird noise prior to your alarm) is great IMO. Did also intend to use the sleep tracking on it but found it very hit and miss, and needing to have the screen fully facing the bed to use it isn't ideal (too bright even though it dims the screen, so have to tell it to turn the screen off every night).

    • Echo show 8 plays YouTube on a browser!
      There is no watch face!

  • Does anyone have experience ordering from Mydeal? What are my chances of receiving within 4 business days (in Sydney)?

    • +2

      I've ordered a few things from them, and they've always arrived within a reasonable amount of time. No idea if they'd get your specific order to you in 4 business days though. Last order with them was pre covid madness so who knows. If you absolutely need it in 4 days then you may be better off picking it up in person from a bricks and mortar.

  • +1

    Thanks great deal on the nest hub. Works out to be $61 after cashback.

    • I forgot cashback. I need to hand in my ozbargain card.

  • This one doesn't have a camera, does it?
    So it's just the Google Home app on a dedicated screen?

    • No camera on the non-max hub.

  • I find that the Google Nest Hubs make the best bang for buck digital photo frames. Google Photos FTW

  • Did anyone else get this message after checking out? Looks like a new cashback business and works out to be $44 after the cashback. If you wait 10 seconds they increase the cashback to $20 on your first purchase.

    Thank you for your purchase: You've earned $15 cash back on today's order just for trying SmartyPlus. Click claim $15 cash back for details! Terms & Conditions

    • +1

      Looks very scammy to me - it's a paid service, but from looking at the FAQ it tells you to go to sign up to see the current monthly fee, when you go to the sign up link it wants your details before sharing the cost info…But google shows it costs $3 for their 7 day trial, then $19/month. No doubt you have to wait longer than the 7 day trial to get your first cash back, so you get $15-$20 cash back but it'll likely cost ya $22.

  • Is CR down for people? "We’re having trouble connecting. Please try again later."

  • Can't decide between this or amazon echo 8. I have zero amazon device, use android phone. But 8" vs 7" is considerably bigger.

  • Google Nest Hubs Out of Stock :(

  • +1

    Nest Hubs are back.

  • i’ve been waiting for airpods to drop to or below 150 before i splurge on them - is this deal worth it? or should i wait for australian stock ?

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