Problems Booking with Rex Airlines

I've just tried to book a return flight from Melbourne to Sydney with Rex. I went through the process and completed the payment. I can see through my bank that my card has been charged, but instead of getting a booking confirmation I got the following error:

"We were unable to Ticket your booking as we couldn't determine a successful Authorisation of Funds. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Naturally I went to call their help line but there seems to be a huge backlog of issues. I'm not sure how far back I am in the queue but I get a sense that it's pretty far back.

Just want to check if anyone else has had issues booking with Rex Airlines before? Also, if worst comes to worst and I need to contact my bank to do a charge-back, how long after the payment can I do this?


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  • +4

    Nice attempted diversion, Alan.

    (Sorry OP, I can't offer any actual help.)

  • I'd usually just wait about 2-7 business days for the funds to bounce back - or rex to issue your booking - depending on the banks/merchants involved.

  • In case anyone else was interested, managed to sort it out.

    Basically called their hotline about 9 times - I got redirected to another call centre a few times, or it went dead, or I got a voice telling me it was engaged. I kept calling until I got their main hotline and got through to someone pretty quick. Told them the situation, apparently the payment was unnaproved for some reason but they took payment over the phone which worked. The original payment will be refunded.

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