Handmade Skinner Knife Damascus Steel Full Tang Blade Resign Handle, Genuine Leather Case $45 Delivered @ PEPNIMBLE
Delivered Australia-wide from Brisbane.
More details, dimensions, weight etc. on our website.
Handmade Skinner Knife Damascus Steel Full Tang Blade Resign Handle, Genuine Leather Case $45 Delivered @ PEPNIMBLE
Delivered Australia-wide from Brisbane.
More details, dimensions, weight etc. on our website.
Is it legal to carry a pocket knife in Australia?
In most states – including New South Wales, Victoria, Northern Territory, and South Australia – it is illegal to carry a weapon, even for self-defense. This includes knives, which states consider dangerous articles or prohibited weapons.
Maybe there is an exemption for 'everyday companions' ?
I think you are only allowed to carry it when you are going fishing or hunting correct me if I'm wrong?
But its very common to have a pocket knife as an EDC in the USA, so seller might be thinking Australia is like them hillbillies.
No, it really only applies to anyone stupid enough to call their tool, a weapon.
Everyday carry, suggests something you use everyday. And if you can prove that, thats fine.
My Swiss+Tech Utili-Key goes with me no matter what state im in.
what if you're in a mentally stressed state?
@xoom: Aren't Goblins the smaller sized ones and Orcs are the larger ones?
I don't ever seeing a 10ft Goblin in my hunting trips.
@SpeedRunnerLink: They are the other way around in my mentally stressed state. So there. Or I'm just imagining things. Who knows really.
target market is jack the ripper
Can be this used for human? Asking for a friend i wana peel later
Better off with a filleting knife.
Interested in the skin for crackling if you dont want.
Ideal for zombies
Note to self. Buy one to prep for zombie apocalypse.
Production of Damascus steel gradually declined, ceasing by around 1900, with the last account being from 1903 and then the technique was lost. So "Genuine Damascus Steel Full Tang Blade" seems less than correct.
You wouldn't want it anyway (unless it was for historical curiosity) We have far superior alloys, and forging techniques nowadays.
These days, the term now typically means using a similar process, but with modern metals.
The pattern, and the 'layering' technique has become colloquial, like 'bandaid' or 'sellotape'.
Ive learned a lot since installing a small forge in my back yard. I recommend it to anyone who likes working with steel.
The more I come to this site the more interesting it becomes.
It's a marketing gimmick even in expensive knives imo.
Almost as effective as the concept "every day carry".
How is this even a bargain?
$45 for a handmade Damascus steel, full-tang knife with genuine leather handmade sheath and including shipping cost AU wide from Brisbane is surely a nice bargain.
Check the previous deals, lots not very positive comments.
Wouldn't buy one mate, it looks not so well priced either
But will it kill?
Did you mean keel?
Be good for opening Amazon boxes or are there better ones? Recommendations? Preferably a folding one?
120 bucks for a sharp implement just to open parcels.
….scratches chin……..
Why not? At least it get used regularly and the satisfaction of flipping open it worth every dollar. Plus it’s last forever, not a recurring expenses.
nice…i've been looking for a decent buttonlock folder to replace my aging boker magnum 117
Huh ?????